lol@ 2010
that was me
dont be surprised when he comes back to SC n quit ST again, n viceversa its just a whiney bitch loop
I’m that one guy who almost always plays until the other guy quits. It’s more of me trying to exercise my endurance, but I guess it’s a bit of a courtesy as well.
What the hell, they had that epic battle w/ me vs frijoles!
Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition is out!
[S]NOTICE: Stop the harassment.[/S]
[S]Challenging other players repeatedly will result in a ban until the next server restart.[/S]
[S]Repeated violations of this rule or any other player harassment will result in a permenant ban.[/S]
(LOL, yall spelled permanent wrong ya dumbasses.)
[S]In summary, play nicely. Thank you.[/S]
[S]Help keep running strong:[/S]
[S]Need help configuring ST on ggpo? visit[/S]
[S]Thanks papasi.[/S]
<roybisel> i love facing players who are better than me
<roybisel> i dont like ppl telling me their connection is good when its not
<roybisel> i gave him a shot, same old shit
<orf> i didnt say it was good?
<roybisel> <orf> im wired up at the moment, its been better
<roybisel> better = better than before
<roybisel> = good
<orf> ?
<roybisel> ??
<roybisel> dont sit here and talk shit about beating my ass in a set
<roybisel> in an online game
<orf> losing 2 arms = better than death
<orf> = good
<orf> its better yeah, still not great
<roybisel> its been better = better than before right?
<roybisel> its awful dude
<roybisel> ill stop playing you
<roybisel> ure above average player whos lag really helps
<wolmar> sigh
<roybisel> i gave you a 10th chance
<roybisel> shit is terrible dude
<wolmar> yep balcork et un salé
<orf> ok man, chill
<orf> lets just say im better online then
<orf> haha
<roybisel> wow dude talking shit about online games, grats
<roybisel> ok lets ft10 to end the debate
<orf> and offline its more li
<wolmar> haha ft10 that shit !
<wolmar> oui 10/5
<roybisel> you win, i stop talking
<orf> its too laggy for me, and perfect for you
<wolmar> that’s fair
<roybisel> show me that you’re better online
<roybisel> that’s a fucking lie
<roybisel> since you’re teleporting all over the place
<orf> ok
<roybisel> and i challenged you, it was even worse
<wolmar> recording
<roybisel> so lol!
<roybisel> lol at dodging
<orf> not interested roy, youre a dickhead
<roybisel> nigga gets challenged and str8 ducks
<Balcork> comment vous recordez les games
<roybisel> lmao
<roybisel> what a baby
<orf> yep
<roybisel> calling me a dickhead because i tell the truth
<roybisel> fucking faggot
<roybisel> wouldnt say shit in person type bitch
<orf> haha
<orf> youre an online hero
<roybisel> hey bro you just told me you’re better
<orf> i am
<orf> clearly
<roybisel> so im challenging you to shut me up
<roybisel> now all the sudden you chicken ?
<roybisel> lmao at clearly
<orf> i know its funny
<roybisel> wow you won a few games today when i CLEARLY beat your fucking ass 90% of the time
<orf> but yeah i guess fei vs rog is easy for fei
<orf> no… wait…
<roybisel> lmao at clearly
<roybisel> no wait, lets see when your rolling back every 2 seconds
<roybisel> lets see when your teleporting all over the screen every 4 seconds
<roybisel> wolmar tell your euro boyfriend to stop ducking
<wolmar> did he win more than you
<roybisel> yes, of course today he won more than i did balrog vs feilong on a horrendous connection
<wolmar> maybe calling ppl faggots and stuff after games is not a good manner to play them afterwhile
<roybisel> maybe calling me a scrub first isnt a good thing
<roybisel> maybe he needs to fucking check himself
<wolmar> i tell you straight
<roybisel> do you realize that i beat the shit out of him 90% of the time?
<wolmar> you’re a talented player, but you just bitch too much dude
<roybisel> now all of the sudden he wins a few games and hes clearly better
<roybisel> so what? you can ignore me
<roybisel> you can block me
<wolmar> dont have to
<roybisel> just like orf
<roybisel> he can not play me
<roybisel> right?
<roybisel> you have a choice
<roybisel> just like i have a choice, i gave him a chance to see how his connection was, and it was still garbage
<neanderthal> dipende dal router e se prima c’era un’altra macchina connessa
<roybisel> im not the only person who says this
<madafaka> fucking spectator
<roybisel> just like i said ‘lets end the debate with a ft10’ who backed up?
<roybisel> out*
<roybisel> he did, its obvious he knows in a serious set hes going to get his shit shoved down his throat
<orf> crashed
<orf> ggs
<neanderthal> in uscita no, piu’ di uno da una porta non ci passano da quello che ho capito
<roybisel> look now it crashed
<roybisel> lmao
<roybisel> what a joke
<orf> yeh that never happens on ggpo
<roybisel> why dont you show me that you’re clearly better sir
<roybisel> since you value online wins so much
<orf> i dont lol
<roybisel> obviously you do
<orf> online is the only time we will ever play, so why go on about offline
<roybisel> you never know sir
<orf> yeh i do
<roybisel> i will be in london for the olympics
<roybisel> so you tell me
<orf> WOW
<orf> im gonna travel down just to see you
<orf> coz you are so cool
<roybisel> idk where you live dude
<roybisel> im just saying, you never know where you might find me
<orf> up some guys asshole most likely
<roybisel> so you can talk that shit
<roybisel> you might find me at xmania
<roybisel> maybe ill go to cannes
<orf> oh you must be one of the us guests coming down
<roybisel> u never know bro, so that’s why you should always act like you do in person online
<orf> roy i just dont like you, lets leave it at that
<roybisel> dont sit here and talk shit to me and call me scrub and shit when you would never say things in person
<madafaka> fuck off spectator
<orf> you deserve that for saying offline i wouldnt win one game
<orf> thats clearly rage bullshit
<roybisel> rage bullshit? id be willing to bet you ft10 rog vs fei long or old sagat vs ryu you win 0 games
<orf> ok
<orf> you keep telling yourself that
<roybisel> i even told you right here you could shut me up by playing a ft10
<orf> might help you sleep at night
<roybisel> but you chicken out
<roybisel> telling myself that?
<roybisel> LOL
<roybisel> you are delusional dude
<orf> lol
<roybisel> its hard to believe that someone like you that plays offline supposedly
<roybisel> allegedly plays offline
<grapefruit> e’ un forum?
<orf> lol
<orf> why?
<roybisel> would be so ignorant as to what is good offline and what is good online
<orf> im fine with people who deserve it
<roybisel> what works and what doesnt
<roybisel> so do you think that because i say’ nice lag mash out’ i deserve to be called a scrub
<roybisel> when that’s exactly what happened
<roybisel> because you’re fucking mashing the fuck out of strong
<orf> no but to say i wouldnt win one game offline is pretty scrubby
<orf> i dont mash
<roybisel> its not scrubby
<roybisel> its a challenge
<PerfectionistNominee> _______________________________gay turko mad lmao
<roybisel> its me saying to you, you’re garbage offline and only win via lag
<roybisel> me saying to you, you’re wins are invalid
<jc992> anyone want games?
<roybisel> but ive given you the opportunity to show me that you’re clearly better
<orf> but you just said online is invalid
<orf> make up your mind
<roybisel> and according to you we will never play in person
<roybisel> so for right now discussion this is what we have to work with, right?
<orf> yeah and weve already played
<orf> thanks, gs
<heiden> boo, dont ragequit against someone as bad as old boxer
<orf> ggs
<roybisel> of course, take your online wins and run little bitch
<roybisel> but online wins don’t matter to you
<roybisel> right?
<orf> nope
<roybisel> so why would you run away
<orf> i just dont want to play you again simply because you are a twat
<orf> no other reason
<roybisel> you already know im going to fuck your face
<roybisel> for free
<heiden> orf you wanna play?
<orf> sure dude
<roybisel> value those wins bro
<roybisel> its all you ave
<roybisel> have
<roybisel> games>?
<Pasky> i havent played in a while
<Pasky> been playing vampire savior
<roybisel> thats very popular around here
<Pasky> its hella fun
<Pasky> starting to learn it
<roybisel> local arcade gets 20-25 consistent every week
<Pasky> ST kinda bores me
<O*> teach me pasky
<roybisel> on thurs
<roybisel> have their own stream for it now too
<roybisel> u wanna play VS instead pasky?
<Pasky> did you get the latest overlay roy?
<Pasky> i added projectiles
<Pasky> sure
<roybisel> yea, tight
<Pasky> i’ll play VS
<Pasky> but im not that greatyet
<roybisel> go over to VS
<Pasky> kk
well clearly, I know what the fuck I’M talkin bout. Need I always prove my irrefutable facts so perfect?
Holy shit, so much anger
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. As if anyone would be scared by that weak ass fool in the real…LOL. Seriously. Who the fuck is scared of Roybisel in person? LOLOLOL. Clearly not I…CLEARLY!
Cutwest, This is why 90% of the ST Community thinks you’re retarded.
Only posted half the conversation and cut alot of it out but it’s cool, We know you are a pathological liar.
Of course someone of the likes of you would throw around some bullshit on the slick. The only thing I cut was the foreign language mumbo jumbo (For obvious reasons). Everything else thats in English and pertains to the conversation is still intact and unaltered. I should have been smart about it and took a screencap of the text in its entirety on GGPO itself to shut down any and all desperate white knighting slick undah cuttah wannas such as yourself to render useless in the mouth forever.
No matter, the text i have presented reveals roybisel himself submitting on more than one occasion to what the whole conversation / argument was about in the first place and thats all that matters. Besides, you weren’t even there. Why do you even give a damn? Let alone what makes you think you even have any right to speak upon shit in the matter that says otherwise when you don’t even have your own evidence to countah back your bullshit out up with ya bitchass?
Seriously, use your brain and think about it. If by me posting the “half-truth” not significant enough for you or anyone else to accept, than by all means, Roybisel himself would have since been said something to rectify the situation. But by only giving “HIS” full side of the story in order to do so? (Either way, it STILL would have been half the story. i.e. biased / one sided much?).
Which is why he didn’t say anything at all. Since you and everyone else can clearly see he has dropped by and seen what I have written, as he then proceeds to like BOTH of my post as a way to let everyone know that he has owned up to his raging bitchotery well. I at least commend him for having the balls to do that.
So therefore, by him owning up to MY posts that owned and exposed HIS ASS by liking them BOTH and not saying a FUCKIN word about either one of them there after, thats clearly all the evidence you need to accept the fact that what i have displayed is 100% accurate and you just need to accept that and leave it the fuck alone now.
Oh, and btw. Of the 90% of the people who you say think I am “retarded”, tell me, who are the other 10% that DON’T think i am retarded? ROFL! I’d like to know.
And since when is me revealing the turth / exposing lames lying? Tell me the fuck! When have i ever lied about anything? Not my fault the truth I speak upon about whores in the communities and how i present it on a daily is too much for frail weak minded house tools to handle.
LOL. You mad I got mind control over these bitches huh? I alone single highhandedly made Cigarbob’s fat lonely man TV dinner eatin ass fool quit dis shit AGAIN nigga! I set the stage and make you clowns dance for my amusement. I straight gank snatch them strings up out your vortical auras and make you foos dance like some puppets when i want that shit COMMENCED!
TL;DR version: I’m right, and have proved I am right, with irrefutable facts. You’re wrong, and have proved you’re wrong, with irrefutable facts.
Might as well write an article if you got this much free time.
You haven’t shown anything but what a complete jackass you are, Go cry to people who give a shit.
HAHAHA! Yeah thats what I thought, just sit there and shut your mouth. Figured you wouldn’t have the ability nor the knowledge to refute the impossible and you have just proved that well. You’re clearly way outta your league when you had the nerve to dare step at my front door knockin’ with the big dawgs with that bullshit.
Now look at you, back peddling with the quickness looking for a way out cuz you KNOW you got NOTHING against my argument(s).I’m happy I was the one to gladly straight put you where you clearly belong in your place and your place has beknownst well with perfection.
Keep on character assassinating with the Ad hominems, It makes me look extremely good in the matter whilst makes you look like a straight back peddling idiot trip slippin on your own shit!
Don’t even dare reply back nor continue this discussion cuz you had your chance to prove your worth and FAILED! I’m no longer going to waste anymore of my life owning your coward ass made. You’ve clearly admitted defeat and Ive already declared victory. No need to continue this. My job is done here. Take my advice and just stick to suckin Cigarbob’s and Roybisel’s Viagra achieved middle aged boners, at least thats something you’re ACTUALLY good at doing in life, cuz ST clearly isn’t one of them, Ive already proved that. NEXT!?
The only one i’m “guilty” of.
Like when i first started playing Marvel 3 for example. After playing MVC2 for over 10 years and being a respectable mid-tier level player able to hold his own with the majority, i felt like i should be doing better. My ego was getting bruised after being destroyed so much in Vanilla and at the beginning of Ultimate.
So yeah after about 5 frustrating back-to-back losses and i finally score a win? I take a deep breath, exit the match and resolve to come back better later after i’ve calmed down. Shouldn’t be difficult to understand that mindset.
Congratulations, you replied to a post over a year old and is only being necromanced to troll in.
If you really think I give a shit about anything you posted, you’re wrong. If you think that by me NOT posting in response to your 1/2 conversation post is a sign of weakness, you’re wrong. The sad thing is that you came in on an unknown name, then capped 1/2 of a conversation of me responding to a guy talking mad shit to me. But I’m glad you exposed me. Everyone already knows I talk hella shit to everyone, including you. So what you just posted is shit everyone has already seen 1000x over. Me responding to a hater. Congrats.
I find it extremely ironic how NOW all of a sudden you have the courage to speak up AFTER i pointed that out.
Moreover, its nice to also know how your balls got big as hell AFTER you noticed that slut Cigargirl backing you up on this. So ill just leave it at that.
Secondly. regardless if its half the convo or not. People pretty much get the gist of what it was all about so that clearly saves them time on reading all that shit anyway. But to give those an even shorty summary;
Orf owned your ass, online, you raged, He X’s out to leave you to marinate in that state, you remain pissy about it still to this day. End of this.
YOU challenged orf. You wanted HIS time. So you have no one but YOURSELF to blame.
But about me. The only reason i posted that convo is to not only show how much of a in denial hypocrite you are to the people who are AND aren’t in the know. But to also give this thread the proper content it deserves to expose the crybaby fragile ego’d, such as yourself. And also to further prove my point on how you old ass cane walkin “OGs” take this ST shit to the extreme. I mean hell i don’t blame you, its the ONLY thing you guys are talented at HAHAHA.
That was my WHOLE POINT! that you and that crack whore failed to see. So, once again, my job has been completed. I Couldn’t careless if you cared about my post or not. You acknowledged what helped further prove my stance on the matter well and thats all i cared about. I clearly got what i came for. So as of right now, however you take it afterwards is clearly not my problem and you can do, say, act however the FUCK you want too and i wouldn’t give two shit covered cents.
I said everything I needed to say, The evidence is posted, people can make their own judgments. Other than me answering minor questions or concerns, I’m am no longer needed in the matter. My main agenda is complete. And I’m more than happy about the outcome I was aiming for… NEXT!?
there is a reason why the term “roybitchel” is used since a few months back.
willy left an open spot n guess who took it lol
btw, if u r bitching against Orf, then u r in deep n abundant shit, Orf is cool with majority of players