Are peoples ego's really this fragile?

A majority of the players don’t know who orf is or give a shit, don’t speak on the behalf of ggpo. Orf sucks I’ll say it to his face to him I don’t care he’s awful at the game and walks around talking shit to OG’s and Good Players like RoyBisel and expects him not to say anything back? Wrong, The bastard you’re considered one of the Biggest GGPO Trolls next to WillyD so I don’t know why you’re acting like you’re above anyone. You sit there and spam chat all day long. Keep ducking BoB in tournament Sesshomaru :). Keep spamming ggpo chat LastScene Junior.

Notice how when someone proves you wrong you start using insults the same thing you’re trying to expose roy of? How can you be such a contradiction to yourself? That’s sad.

u mean BloB?, cuz ur peanut size brain hasnt free space, the last time he showed up around a tournament happened this:

U r just upset against me since I exposed how ugly u r in RL :wink:


great, now i’m horny.

You post fake pictures of people all day in ggpo.
As for BoB Playing there you beat him once? On charlock tournament? With a character he doesn’t play as often as he does sim and feilong? Cool, You’re just mad cause I exposed you using turbos on ggpo and have been upset ever since. Note you’ve been ducking him since then to bad he retired we could see if you could backup the shit you always spew about.

Hold that.

Orf is probably the nicest guy on GGPO.
Roy not so much.

On another note i also find it funny how people always seem to think insulting someone is a good way to get a rematch.

Also why is anyone taking anything Cigargirl/utilitygirl? says seriously and considering it response worthy after her/his last thread ?

Edit: No wait Milanea is nicer than Orf but he loses cool points for getting rid of his cool Vega hair.

Do I know you scrub? Or are you some nameless forum troll that somehow thinks they’re good with vega? Stick to talking on forums instead of playing bullshit is what you’re best at you and cutwest both.

You cry about shit you do yourselves orf talked shit to Roy, Roy responded back.

LOL, it was Roybitchel the one who actually talked shit to Orf.

If you weren’t there you shouldn’t talk. Orf started some shit with me so I called him out. I do not just randomly attack people for no reason. Get your facts straight.

Lord… really ya’ll??

This is nothing new , if roy wins is all good, sometimes get cooky, but if he loses we already know rage and excuses are comming…

Yo, Roybisel X-mania Europe 2 is coming up, you should come down and back up your shit talking, I’m pretty sure Orf would destroy you offline :slight_smile: