HDR on PSP or DS would be kinda cool.
If it also had wifi online beyond ad-hoc even cooler.
HDR on PSP or DS would be kinda cool.
If it also had wifi online beyond ad-hoc even cooler.
Chances are that they will move forward with HDR because it is the new standard of gameplay deemed to be “balanced” and is the newest thing out. It has also garnered a good player base since it is so readily accessible.
EVO will just probably stay with its new marketing buddy - Street Fighter 4, if there is no love for HD Remix.
Might as well just look ahead in terms of fighting games because it is just the way it is. I bet there were people who stuck to World Warrior when championship edition came out, and then there were people who stuck to Championship when Hyperfighting came out. But eventually, everyone moves forward with the current game because the older trailing game gets phased out over time. OG or no OG, the older game will disappear.
RIP - World Warrior, Championship, Hyperfighting, Rainbow, Super Street Fighter 2. Guess what trailing series will slowly disappear if HDR is the newest? I don’t have to say it.
Overall, I do personally prefer HDR over ST. It does feel more refined, and I like the accessibility it has to newcomers. I like the reinvention of most of the move inputs. I think overall, the art is better (I loathe Boxer’s stage for looking off and out of proportion and Bison’s portrait for his weird visor, though).
ST had some weird art with crazy frowns on Ryu and T.Hawk (possibly others), and funky eyebrows and stuff.
I hate the fact that it’s apparent the netcode will never be completely fixed to prevent rooms from breaking, and that they will never fix the ranking system in regards to droppers/rage-quitters. You’d think with CvS2 EO in 2003 having the same exact problem, that they would’ve fixed this by now.
Overall HDR wins me over for being more accessible to new players, so that there’s more people to play with, and for being somewhat easier on the eyes. Playerbase will determine if I play HDR on PS3 more or ST on GGPO. I was never heavily into ST. Earlier SFIIs got more play from me back then, and Super SF2 was overshadowed by MK2 where I grew up.
I agree with you, the music and graphics are top notch. By Remixing the series like this, Capcom pumped new blood into this 20+ year old series and can keep it alive, whether or not the changes are to everyone’s liking.
I do prefer the original graphics and music. Nostalgia is certainly a part in that, but it’s not the only thing. There are a few things about the graphics that don’t sit well with me. The shading depth is pretty low, which isn’t a problem in and of itself, but it sometimes makes the characters look more bland than the backgrounds. Look at Zangief on T. Hawk’s background, for example, and he looks like a cardboard cutout, very flat compared to the rest of it.
Add to this that having sharp artwork with SF2’s relatively simplistic animation can be a bit jarring. Most of the character artwork looks pretty darn good in stills, but seeing some of it animated is a lot more awkward than with the older sprites. This is more noticeable with the larger characters for me, since their animations tend to cover a larger area.
And then there are just some characters who don’t look good, sometimes even in just specific frames. Sagat’s standing animation is a good example. With the added muscle, his standing image, especially when animated, looks too bulky to move the way that it does (especially with his head buried in his neck the way it is. Something about the way he walks too, reminds me of Soda Popinski from Punch Out on the NES walking to the middle of the ring before the fight. There’s also little things like changing Dee Jay’s jolly grin into a more sinister-looking expression, which is just comical.
The new music is a mixed bag for me. I really like the title-screen remix of Ken’s theme. The first time I started up HDR, that absolutely made me smile. The individual stages are less ear-pleasing, though only a few really catch me off-guard as being especially worse than the originals.
Obviously none of this is game-breaking. Most of the characters look good enough in the new graphics, and some look very, very good. Since I normally play with friends who are less fond of the older graphics than I am, I usually play with the new settings, in widescreen, though there are times I put it back to the older visuals. One thing for sure: if I play with classic graphics, I cannot have it in widescreen. That looks terrible. I have to set it back to original proportions with that.
i still prefer old spries old music. claws new theme is probably the best and is perfect for him. his old theme is really good too but this one is just a lot better to me.
Arcade ST vs HDR…the animation is smoother in the original and very sluggish in the Remix !
Just put Ryu’s standing animation in Vanilla and HDR next to each and see how animation frames are magically gone, and take a look at parallax in ST and compare it to HDR…not to mention some stages miss some animated details like Cammy’s stage for example !
I still prefer the “non remixed” remix version of it.
Mainly because the rap is fucking awesome :woot:
Vega’s remixed music definitely fits the character better, but I think the original music fits the stage better. I love the cage dropping and then that music starting up in ST. The Remixed music has a very Castlevania: Symphony of the Night flair to it though.
Is that where the new theme came from?
that is just…ABSURD! but funny…
it makes me remember how much i hate lyrics and blabbing in video games. i have a hard time playing SFIII and IV because the talking and lyrics annoy the hell out of me. “ive been waiting fo dis”, “which one of these two will walk away a champion.” “IN-DE-STRUCTABLE” and so on…all of this makes me cringe!
was the dorky announcer that blabs through-out every match of SFIV an attemp to capture the excitement of a tournament setting?! i wish i could turn it off.
The purpose of this thread is to prevent other threads from getting derailed. This is a hot topic, and it keeps coming up in all the wrong places.
Chun Li’s cross-up D/F+RH is not random. (Scroll down to “D/F+Roundhouse Shenanigans”.) It is one of the most misunderstood moves in ST.
Yes, yes, yes, 100%. I agree with every word, and i double agree with the “nostalgia getting the better of some people”. It’s the best of both worlds-Classic, unbeatable 2D gaming at it’s best, with new, up to date, intricately drawn graphics.My personal preference is for the old music, but i can’t fault what they did with the new soundtrack, and involving the community by getting OC Remix in to do it was just a really nice nod to the fanbase.:tup:
If it wasn’t for the sucky controls and D-pad on the PSP. I loved the Alpha 3 max port on PSP but i had to eventually trade it cause trying to pull off moves with precision was just so frustrating i got sick of it.
Yep, just want to agree with this.For all of capcom’s hailing street fighter 4 as the return of the beat 'em up, HDR means far more to me than the likes of Street fighter 4 ever will with it’s wonky inputs and clunky controls. HDR has put so much new blood back onto the “real” OG street fighter scene on consoles in the last 6-8 months that it’s always possible to get a good game online, any hour of the day or night. If, like me you come from a part of the world where the only fighting game scene available is the online one, that’s a godsend.
Still not seeing this Fei is worse thing. I fear him a lot more than I did in ST.
How many non-throw moves are actually random in ST/HDR anyway (not referring to inputs)? Hitboxes always interact consistently from the same positions based off what I’ve seen and read so I can’t think of any. I’ve seen nh2’s Blanka roll beat lariat 5 times in a row before so even something as probability-seeming as that can be broken down with timing. I guess the reversal that makes noise but doesn’t come out is still a mystery though.
Does lariat hit all the time tho? I thought it only hit once per arm rotation, something like the hit box is on one arm and not the other.
The thing about that Neckbreaker shenanigans section is that it doesn’t explain a few things in detail:
It doesn’t explain HOW the move hits low. I know how it hits low NOW, but I thought that the way you hit low with it was how you crossed up with it. Which brings me to my second point,
It doesn’t explain under which circumstances the move crosses up/can cross up. To this day, I’ve never known how, but I also never had any trouble with blocking it in ST. So, when this move came into any discussion I had, I felt weird knowing that I could be crossing people up but I couldn’t explain to them how they could tell. So how does it cross up?
The list of characters Chun can cross up is a little confusing. Obviously, there’s not much to read into when it says “no”, but what about “yes?” Does that mean “Yes, it can cross them up, but they’ll have to guess which way to block”? Or does it mean, “Yes, it will always cross them up, and they should always block it as if it were a cross up?”
A big part of why this move is misunderstood is that there’s no detailed documentation on it anywhere, as far as I know. I feel really embarrassed about it, being that I main Chun-Li. How ridiculous is it that I don’t know and can’t figure out how one of her moves works?
Well, if you’re the one dishing it out more than you are receiving it, it’s possible not to know unless you have someone to sit down one on one with and find out these things. When I play chun-li I just kind of do it… because it’s good.
Also being able to just walk up and do lightning legs out of NOTHING is very good considering it’s such a high priority move plus easy to do on a pad.
I’ve been playing with the original versions forever now and love it.
As for the graphics:
There’s a shitton of discrepancies with the art. It’s actually really bad. Seriously looks like a fucking amateur effort.
The music is alright but the remixes kind of feel like they miss the point of the original songs.
Also: HDR does a few things right, and a lot of things wrong. It’d be great if we could go back and change a few of the broke-ass things to put it back together in a better place. Otherwise, I really think ST is just better altogether despite the more difficult motions and other such things.
In some cases some characters just needed moves to be more accessible / easy to do, instead of getting buffed or changed in weird ways (Fei Long). Other characters needed move dynamics changed in ways that they weren’t and things were decided in another way instead (Blanka, Akuma). Other characters needed changes, but not the ones implemented (Honda, Ken). Others are just a mixed bag (Sagat, Guile). Some characters’ changes are actually not bad at all because they either improve the character or level out the playing field in some way that’s actually interesting (Dee Jay, Ryu, Vega). And some just leave you wondering WTF (Dhalsim).
Here’s an example. M. Bison was always considered a gambler’s character. The idea behind playing M. Bison is that he tries to get in your head, then inside and pressure you into submission or into landing his big fucking combo that rapes your soul.
In ST, while he had the tools to do that, he had no way to contend with having the pressure being put on him instead. What that means is that you had to take the initiative quickly, then keep the momentum going in your favor. He was a bit of a ‘swing’ character: when you won, you raped, and when you lost, you got raped. He had good enough mixup with what few tools he had even that if you executed properly and put people in a tough enough spot, you could get away with victories.
In HDR, just to start, Bison now has a way to escape pressure outside of his super with a reversal DR, and three new offensive tools (fake slide, jump straight up MP, better Devil’s Reverse overall because of the invincibility). Cool, so he needed a reversal. However, now that he has a way to escape pressure, he doesn’t particularly need to have such a strong offensive game.
What is that, you say? We should IMPROVE his offense? WELL CERTAINLY WHY DON’T WE JUST GO AHEAD THEN
And that’s just one of the problems!
All in all, ST is more solid overall, but there are a LOT of GREAT ideas in HDR. If we could release a version 1.5 of HDR where we undo a lot of the silly bullshit and keep a lot of the great ideas, then that would be the perfect game. But HDR as it stands is pretty much a joke.
A really popular, well-selling joke, anyways.
ALSO: “Who’s NKI, some dude who needs cross up knee flip and ungodly super damage to win?” --damdai