actually, in regards to st vs hdremix.
for better or worse, remix will eventually remain and win out. i mean, we can look at other examples.
example 1: me personally, i preferred alpha2 the most in that series, but even today alpha 3 gets more play and it was the nail in the coffin for alpha 2
example 2: soul calibur was 1 of the better 3d games out there and it got very little play compared to the rest of the games that followed it. i remember when part 2 came out, people liked the fact that a sequel was made, but all the old school sc1 players agreed almost unanimously that sc1 was better (and gameplay/balance wise - maybe the best), but there was no looking back. i myself stopped playing sc1 for sc2, for the simple reason that the competition had moved there.
example 3: tekken tag was tekken 3 and then some, but with the tag aspect. to be sure there was a lot of bad matchups and whatnot, but nobody went back to tekken 3 after that. then after tekken tag, there was tekken 4, almost universally agreed as the worst of the series by most, but even a mediocre game such as 4, killed tekken tag, a far better game in the eyes of most fans. i remember some who just totally quit when tekken 4 came out, and some continued to play tekken tag regardless of t4’s popularity at the time. for the tag players, there was less comp to be sure, but the little there was were pretty dedicated. tekken tag had alot of great players, those that did go on to tekken4, some made a name fro themselves, but a new breed of players emerged
now hd remix. it comes to personal taste. obviously, i think a good amount of your personal feelings will be related to “how good your characters are now”. i don’t play thawk, fei, chun, and a few others etc. so obviously i won’t automatically feel as bitter as people who play them and feel they got screwed by sirlin etc etc. many of us also, from the start, will try to use “tried and true” tactics that we’ve mastered or are familiar with, hoping they still work and hoping that we dont have to invest more time relearning things. if relearning things isnt a problem for you, and you enjoy it, then obviously hdr will be much more enjoyable, and you probably play alot of other games as well. hdr, in it’s essence is close enough to st. to say that it isn’t st… i mean, come on, the difference isn’t as big as say alpha 2 and alpha 3 or cvs1 and cvs2. those are totally different games. there is a difference to be sure, but it isn’t as huge as the others. actually, the difference isnt even as big as ssf2 to st. it will take time, but there’s no denying hdr will surpass st at least here in america. st wasn’t gaining a revival or anything. people were playing it but these were the hardcore dedicated. and if people started playing it, most of those hardcore didnt like them anyway since the new blood were most likely beginners etc. on hdr, half of the people complain about “weak competition”. well there’s a reason for that, especially if alot of new people are just being introduced to the game. i dunno the numbers, but im sure there’s a good amount who are only being introduced to sf, and this might be there 1st go at it.
now st, there is a mode to play classic. every now and then i check it and there is NOBODY playing. if people do play, they must play at some very obscure time, but the fact that very little play classic mode when they can freely choose - it tells me that hdr is the main stay in the long run.
will it split the community in half?if it does, the other half that only likes st - well, they probably dont want to relearn things, and if that’s the case - their run is over. but if they really, truely like competition, they will adjust to it. otherwise they have ggpo and a small (but dedicated) circle to battle with. we can complain about bs in st vs bs in hdr, but for each point, there’s a counter point. eventually, it comes down to what people are playing (at least the majority). and that right now is hdr