Arcade ST for sure.
There’s tons of changes in HDR where it feels horribly unbalanced and not ST feeling, I wish I could expand on this more, but it’s a feeling you get when you go playing ST for an hour straight then HDR for 15 minutes. HDR would have been really great if they kept the “dice-based” factors in the game (such as dizzies, damage, etc.) The changes look great on paper, but when you’re actually playing, none of the balances “fix” ST (notice how I put quotation marks on fix.)
For example, O.Hawk vs Guile, this is one of my most hated matchups in vanilla ST. Guile has so many tools versus O.Hawk to keep him out EASILY, but if Guile messes up and eats a dive, it helps “reset” the match, partially in Hawk’s favor due to the knockdown, but when we are in HDR, the same matchup, there is no knockdown on dive to help “reset” the match like in ST, and Guile will forever be in the lead in that matchup (because he’s standing and can fb/aa easily.) On top of that Guile has “rainbow” style flash kick where if Hawk even thinks about jumping he gets kicked in the face (and knocked down.)
But of course, there are some characters who were treated very nicely, such as Ken, having O.Ken’s fireball, and DP invincibility, while keeping the things N.Ken had, and adding reversal super helps his matchups a lot, this is a buff that’s actually sensible, and good, but while Bison (who’s already extremely good in Vanilla ST) gets these random buffs that he doesn’t really need (come on fake slide/better st.jab, etc) It’s hard to do a comparison with this because I hardly know anything about ST that isn’t O.Hawk.
HD Remix sounded good (I was totally hyped up about this game for the longest time, now not so much anymore), but in reality it’s just good on paper, and nothing else. I just wish I knew more frame data/how the game works to make a better write up for this. Personally, I think I could even make a better “remix” of ST, and I’ve only been playing ST for 2-3 years. Hawk/Fei/Cammy/Blanka still suck in top play, and characters who didn’t need extreme nerfs got nerfed hard as fuck, while character who don’t really need extreme buffs got buffed for no good reason at all.