Arcade ST vs. Remix

Overall, HDR > Classic, all the way.

Ryu: Fake hadouken is his only change, John Choi needed it to keep Jason Cole’s Dhalsim from drilling over his fireballs on reaction. Fine. Ryu doesn’t actually yell “ha” or “hadou” (which would have made the move more dangerous), so it’s not that big a deal.

Ken: Keeps his jab DP spam, so he’s still the no. 1 scrub pick. That’s all that matters.

Chun-Li: Sorry haters, the new SBK is more fun and more useful. :pray: The old one was good for one thing: dodging specials on wake-up. The new one can’t be reliably used for that, but it’s way better than the old one for dodging projectiles (up + short, thank you very much), plus it’s useful for hitting air fireball happy Akumas, SBK-into-super fakes, forward movement over projectiles, cross-up shenanigans, correcting bad jump timing (oh no I’m gonna land on a special, wait I’ll just toward + short, whew OK all good now, hey why not go ahead and tack on the rest of the super motion while I’m at it), and just demoralizing her opponent in general (parabolic SBK into tenshoukyaku juggle, oh look I did a ton of damage and knocked you to the other side of the screen, AND you are knocked down, time for shenanigans, wheeeee). Plus, you can sometimes get the accidental “breakdance” SBK, and that’s always a BLAST (especially against Fei Long, f*ck your chicken wing and rekka shenanigans).

Honda: Still annihilates non-projectile characters, still gets smoked by anyone who throws sh!t. All his little changes are just there to give nerds something to argue about, he’s still the same. Yes, he needs an ochio whiff. And I still think that strong and fierce hands should block projectiles (i.e. one pixel of damage without stunning Honda) during the brief forward movement part of the attack.

Guile: Even more turtle friendly now. Yay RH flash kick. :coffee::coffee::coffee::sleep::sleep::sleep:

Blanka: For those Honda and Boxer players who like being able to perform safe-on-block surprise dash attacks, I give you Sirlin Blanka. Now you can ball to your heart’s content, as long as the other guy doesn’t throw sh!t or possess yomi powers. Also, when you get tired of the hard work of spamming ball attacks, there’s always the trusty jumping kick -> jab -> bite, second only to Ken’s jab DP as the scrub’s favorite move. What’s not to like?

Zangief: As long as I can still beat him with Chun-Li standing roundhouse and kikkokens, I don’t give a f*ck what’s done to him. Seems like the invulnerability on the clothesline is kinda stupid (as in, too good), is that right? Whatever, he’s still a punching bag as long as I don’t get bored (which happens a little too often) or I’m not playing a Japanese player.

Dhalsim: Finally, no overlapping yoga fire and yoga flame. That sh!t was stupid, changing the yoga flame to a backward motion was a no-brainer. Good thing the teleport still sucks, anyone who gets in on Dhalsim deserves to take off big chunks of his KO bar.

Dee Jay: People complain about the fireball-eating MGU being useless. That comes as no surprise, given how incredibly uncreative most players are (especially players who play defensive characters – like Dee Jay). He’s still a scrub-friendly n!gger turtle, but at least his slide isn’t as safe vs. jump-ins anymore, that’s a nice plus. Can’t just have Ken, Guile, and Claw, gotta give the chicken-sh!t players out there some variety, I guess.

Fei Long: If I had to complain about one character, it would be this piece of sh!t. The short chicken wing is just retarded. Re. Tard. Ed. Scrubby garbage. Bad Sirlin, bad Sirlin.

Cammy: Don’t get me started on how much better and more fun she is to play. Where to begin? No more incredibly stupid backfist/hooligan roll overlap, I can do hooligans worry-free (with respect to execution, that is), cannon drill pressure, backfist fireball dodging… options, options, options. Best of all, despite all this, she’s still easily the worst character in the game, so I can still piss all over cheap-ass no-good uncreative chicken-sh!t turtle motherf*cking Sagats, Dee Jays, Guiles, RyuKens, Chun-Lis, etc. by beating them rush-down style with the most rock bottom sh!t character available.

T.Hawk: He’s a contender, now. How can that be anything but awesome?

Claw: No more repeated [media=youtube]P-PmNGOjGTw#t=0m11s[/media], that’s all I care about.

Boxer: F*ck that guy, forever. And that’s as it should be. He’s a cheap-ass rush-down bastard, but he gets the blood flowing and Sirlin hasn’t taken that away from us. Plus he does take skill to play well. Bring the pain.

Sagat: The tiger knee juggles are, of course, blindingly moronic. But hey, even that isn’t enough to nullify that positive effect of toned down tiger spamming.

Dictator: Sirlin’s favorite character (until he fell in love with his new Fei Long), so his being overpowered was a foregone conclusion. For that reason, I forgive Dave for what he did to Dictator. Hey, the guy is only human; if I had been in charge of this game, you’d all be whining about Cammy being top tier, believe me.

Akuma: Who cares? He’s supposed to be broken. Sirlin should have let players throw the CPU double air hadouken, and left his non-dizzy in there, and given him Ryu’s full-screen fireball super from the Marvel games for good measure. That way, his inevitable super-scrubbiness would be unquestionable. As it is, we have some scrubs managing to eke out wins with him and claim that they’re as good at the game as DGV or Jodim. Now I gotta suffer these fools. F that.

I rue the day that I have to go back to classic ST because all the competition in HDR has died. I probably won’t even bother playing Cammy anymore at that point, maybe I’ll pick up Fei Long or some sh!t. Or maybe I’ll just quit ST altogether, and play that crap SF4 (gasp).

Id love to hear peoples reasons for t.hawk all of a sudden being a contender. He gained nothing but walk up 720. This just in: Hes ** always ** been a (mid tier) contender

A-friggin’-greed! Cammy is the type of character where she has some tools to win in matches, but she can also lose in a split-second. Ah well, for the thrill of it all…

Tomahawk buster (DP) always knocks down.

Easier to tick into the typhoon thanks to the easier motion, and doing it is no longer more difficult than doing Zangief’s SPD (no more accidental jumps). Same goes for his super. I see a LOT more people getting off and ticking into typhoons and supers, now. That is significant.

He got some of the Old T.Hawk normals back, that makes him a more formidable poker. He needed this.

Now, if the opponent doesn’t hit the dive, T.Hawk can start guessing games as a reward. Free hit after a blocked dive was stupid; T.Hawk already paid in advance (stopping the dive is pretty easy and you can see it coming about a mile away), why was he punished again for getting blocked?

Milo bringing the ST knowledge as always.

yes fierce punch and mp dp can be used more reliably in combos now but that isnt a huge game breaker. jab dp always knocked down. fierce and mp dp dont have use outside of combos.

comboing into typhoon? yes its easier to do stormhammer but this is moot since if you were serious about playing hawk you could wake up 360 anyways.

If you played N.Hawk over O.Hawk, that was your own fault. I love the super but its really not worth it.

Everyone here pretty much knows my stance on the new dive so yeah. I think the best way to break it down is Old Dive is High Risk/High Reward (yeah it could be punished by ** some** but its reward was really great. New Dive is Medium Risk / Low Reward. Its not low risk by ANY means since it can still be telegraphed and beat out by a number of normals but it cant be punished on block. There isnt much you gain on hit or block from the new dive. If its an opponent who knows what hawk can do, you arent gaining anything since if you try walk up 360, you’re going to get dp’ed or shoved out. Walk up dp only works from near point blank. If you’re playing against someone who is fairly unfamiliar with hawk, you’re going to get away with a lot which will make the new dive look better.

Poor choice of words, meant to say that it’s easier to tick into it. I’ll edit my post.

I hope i am not the only one that has to laugh at the irony of a Cammy player complaining about safe attacks.

I understand the arguments about Dictator being top tier in HDR, and it seems very reasonable to me. But can someone explain me why is it such an issue? Why is it somehow worse than the top tier chars we have in ST?

Just want to know why is that such a hot point in the debate, I’m not arguing against any side.

people hate change end of story.

Sirlin is a hack.

It seems like he’s top tier based on who’s using him though. Sure his TODs are scary, but if you take away his momentum, he’s like sim, he needs a throw reset to reestablish neutral, so he can get something going, or he needs to sacrifice health in order to build super.


I’m sure there are other players who think that the drill is as safe as Sirlin Blanka’s rolling attack, or Boxer’s dash, or Honda’s headbutt.

Though most of them probably got a clue after picking up Cammy and having their asses handed to them.

I thought the lk drill was safe just not the other two. Its like lk drill > thrust kick, and she is generally safe. Lk drill is suppose to be.

Yeah, its safe but only if you’re the right distance away. You REALLY need to know your reach and spacing with Cammy, since her Hooligan and lk Drills depend on it completely.

Exactly. It’s not like playing Sirlin Blanka or Boxer or Honda, where you can just dash pell-mell from any distance with no regard for consequences if your opponent blocks.

People who get beat by her but haven’t used her think it’s all sunshine and roses for us Cammy players. These punks need to try playing her a while before they bring the attitude downtown. She’s the worst character in the game for a reason.

Even more irony.

How is short drill -> front kick “generally safe”?

Seriously, a lot of people here seem to know an awful lot about Cammy – which doesn’t jibe with the fact that there are like four good Cammys playing this game. People who genuinely want to learn how to use her have to sift through a ton of b.s. from ill-informed scrubs who say crazy sh!t like “it’s ironic that a Cammy player complains about safe dashes.”

I want an answer. Tell me exactly how short drill -> front kick is safe, cuz I’ve been punished for doing it, and I have punished other Cammys for doing it.

The irony is that you complain about people making assumptions about How safe Drill is because they do not play the character.

And at the same time you say honda, blanka and boxer has no thought process or any consequences for their attacks.

Which kinda shows that you yourself don’t seem to play the characters.

Boxer perhaps arguably but Honda ? Blanka ?


It was in sirlin’s articles,

I didn’t say universally safe, just generally safe. I have to say this because its what sirlin claims from testing. Also, i have noticed playing cammy’s that even cannon spike can be very hard to punish if it hits shallow and not deep.

Also, boxer, honda, and blanka aren’t as brain dead as you claim. Honda, and blanka can’t get away with spam cuz you can just jab with most of the cast. Boxer requires a bit more knowledge about your pokes as in what you should use, that and his rushes having different purposes doesn’t help that. Blanka safe roll, only matters if you aren’t threatening him with jabs, same with honda.

Oh and after playing Syxx, I can say that cammy may be bad, but I seriously doubt she’s the worst character in the game. I wouldn’t argue she’s still probably low tier, but there are other candidates for worst.

I looked under his name, seems he doesn’t like charge characters as much.