It’s amazing…
a lot of these sentiments sound eerily similar to posts made back in '04 after Evo had opted to use console-many ST players were spouting the ST on cab or nothing rhetoric. Now, we fast-foward to present day, and here we are, with yet another controversy brewing around ST. Anyway, moving along…
Sabin, Shockwave, and XFrisco, you guys had the best posts thus far. It’s astounding just how SPOILED**** the ST community is. Why? You were given a second chance with Remix and what does your community do? Dismisses the game. I realize that Remix isn’t 100% ST. Rather it’s more like 90-95% ST. Guess what? That’s plenty fine…and the fact that this scene doesn’t see that is comical. When ST originally launched, NO ONE played it. Heck, ST has never really gotten any play at all in this country (I’m talking about real numbers, not a small pocket of hotspots in the US). Sure, some will argue that GGPO brought about a revival of ST. Let’s be real, it did not. All GGPO did was give other SRKers who played other games the opportunity to experience ST. That’s it. STILL, only a handful of new players. And just when it looks like it’s going to stay that way indefinitely, you guys get the opportunity of a lifetime by the announcement of Remix. Say what you will want about Sirlin, but he seriously did the ST scene a huge favor. Because of Remix, for the first time ever, casual gamers actually CARE**** (YES, CARE) about your game. And what do you guys want to do, dismiss them just as quickly as it took you to decipher that Remix wasn’t 100% ST.
Now personally, I don’t really care if you guys want to continue playing Arcade ST (correction, emulation/DC ST, right?). That’s fine. Heck, there is nothing wrong with wanting to play your personal fav games exclusively (hell, I still mess around with NHL 2000 on the PC). My problem is that the ST scene is willing to drag down SF2 with it. If the ST scene is content with just hosting some side events and random “invitationals,” that’s fine…it’s certainly their perogative to do so. Just do the honorable thing and don’t take down SF2 with you guys. Whether it’s Remix or even another SF2 game (perhaps HF, that’s for you Decoy!), some SF2 at Evo is better than no SF2.
Just out of curiousity, would the ST hardliners even be remotely interested in playing on Classic mode through HDR? Or, is that yet another compromise you guys wouldn’t want to make, especially since it would have to be 16:9? And if you guys are willing to do so, why aren’t any of you actually ON HDR on classic mode? If a lot more people played on that mode, you just might be able to convince some of the newer players who play the remix mode exclusively, to give it a chance. If you guys seriously cannot tolerate the changes Sirlin made, then you should be doing everything in your power to convert the newer remix players to play on classic mode…and then, just maybe, you might be able to convince the Evo Staff to actually choose the Classic mode.
To answer the original question posed by NKI, I’d say I see both games as being equal. HDR definitely has some flaws (no O. chars, Hawk issues, etc) whereas Arcade ST has it’s fair share of BS (Rog’s Super, Claw shenanigans, Game Genie Chun, etc).
Heh, I guess ST mode on AE isn’t looking too bad right about now ,’)