Aquapazza: Queen of Hearts returns (sort of), coming to PS3!

Yeah, well, the thing about AP is that it has only been released in Japan/Asia right now. You can get it on PlayAsia for $75 with free shipping:

Looks in thread.

Sees that there hasn’t been a post from me since July.

WTF’s at that and then drops that good.

It’s gotta be at least 80 or more vids since then. So enjoy that.


Network patch is taking so long to come out…

No patch yet, and I don’t think EXAMU has said a word about it. Oh EXAMU.

Good shit, Norcal Dogfight, for running an event featuring Aquapazza.

Does anyone not in Japan still play this game???


Is the netcode bad?

We were told a fix will be coming eventually, but still no signs.

At this point i think that it will never come out :confused:

I’ve been thinking the same thing.

This begs another question, did the game sell less than expected that Aquaplus doesn’t want to bother on correcting the netcode??

Hell, they don’t have anything else better to do other than make more visual novel eroge (or clean versions) and more To Heart anime titles. Honestly, this is very disappointing to fans of their works, if you ask me.

Isn’t it EXAMU doing the development and not Aquaplus?


In other news… Patch confirmed for 10/23/2014.

Pretty sure Aquaplus is only involved in that their IPs are being used.
I’ll hold out faith.
I’ll take a PSN release of SAH2 instead though, Examu.

In other news, come out to NEC shitheads, play this game.

I wish I could make it to NEC but it looks like a no go, people need to come to SCR though.

The development of the arcade version was done by EXAMU, but the port and all the other shit was done by Aquaplus, Aquaplus is also the owner of the Ip, so any decision regarding AP and the characters is done by them.
Also for what it seems based on the track record of EXAMU, one can assume that
A) They don’t really care much about the console market considering that every port of their games is done by a third party
B) They fucking hate making money, because outside the AH3 release, every other port has been poor and/or japan only, and that without mentioning that they keep treating like shit Daemon Bride, which after trying their games, imo is possibly their most fun game :slight_smile:

New patch is up.
I don’t know if this is our “final” patch or not, but the game feels significantly less laggy.
Character Select doesn’t lag any more!
I played a few sets with Nadakaineko, it still has a noticeable lag, but its much better after this patch.

Woah, seriously? I’ll have to test that.

Yeah, version 1.01, 16mb patch.