Aquapazza: Queen of Hearts returns (sort of), coming to PS3!

making a patch and making a good patch are two different things.

True, but at least it’s a step in the right direction!

Maybe they’ll fix Chizuru’s dumb ass while they’re at it.

@Patch : I had hope and it paid off. Now to see if it actually works! Ahaha.
@Maho : Your information is amazing. Well done.

Would be nice if they sneak some stuff into the online patch too

I don’t know about this. I rather like my current Chizuru at the moment. O_o

At any rate, hopefully this netplay patch will fix everything wrong with online play so we can actually get some matches in without worry but then I still have those thoughts from the past about Examu’s “FUCK YOU” with not wanting to apologize about their fuck up with Sugoi! Arcana Heart 2 and so I’m not going to be expecting a lot out of Examu at the moment. I’m going to stay neutral on this.

The AH2 port was made by Ecole, this port is done by Aquaplus, just saying.

Your Chizuru is a by product of the ‘new character we didn’t entirely think through well enough but shoved in there anyway because HAY NEW CHARACTER’. She’s classic Examu bullshit, it’s like they stuck an AH character in CvS2.

Ah…didn’t realize that part. Thanks for the info.

The Sugoi! Ah2 port was handled by Ecole.
Chibi, quit exaggerating every single fucking thing that you don’t like. That hyperbole is completely off.
Chizuru is good, but she doesn’t absolutely ruin the rest of the cast like you seem to want to say.

Try playing either zoner in this game against someone who knows what they’re doing with that dumb bitch.

I didn’t say she breaks the game, just that she’s pretty god damn dumb.

Arawan is good.

Chizuru is dumb.

But Arawn does pretty good against Chizuru. Try playing any character against anyone who knows what they’re doing with any character. If you dunno what you’re doing, you’ll get killed.
Doubtful they’ll do any balance stuff for a while though. It’ll probably be in arcade first.

You really have bad luck, before the patches Riannon was a hella dumb character, along with Tamaki and Hakuro (I am not ure of this one) iirc.
You would have loved playing her zoning/keep away game.
Plus it wouldn’t be an examu game without a dumb character :wink:

I only brought Arawn as a comparison for ‘good’, not for how he does against Chizuru.

Chizuru is dumb.

Oh I know Riannon was as dumb as Chizuru is now, and that she’s butt cheeks tier now.

Fuck even I think Manaka is pretty lol dumb in some aspects but not in the way Chizuru is where I’m trying to pull out the hair I don’t have on my head while asking ‘WHY’.


But isn’t he one of the zoning characters? I mean, he doesn’t struggle nearly as much as Riannon.

also, three more custom themes!

GGs to everyone @ San Mateo on Saturday

Tamaki is derp

excuse my laziness, but how on earth do you get this game? I looked on amazon and new copys were over $100. Is that really what I got to pay?

You can always pray to the flying spaghetti monster in the sky for a PSN release, like in AH3.

Thats more or less what you have to pay for it …
The cheapiest I found was $75-80 on ebay including shipping (asian version). But you might have to pay customs and import taxes.
But if you’re lucky it might slip through customs and you only have to pay $75.