Anyone remember Killer Instinct?

I mained Orchid and Spinal.

Spinal was really good, but he was one of the hardest and misused characters.

A lot of crappy players would just shield charge, teleport, or slide and then get their ass handed to them (ie, they would use him like he was cinder or something).

In reality you needed to link into those using his slash/reverse slash and other pokes to open.

His sword gave him reach and he could counter a lot as anti-air with just a simple swipe.

Against Eyedol, Spinal was also Top Tier since he could use all of his heavy damage combos against him and they will not break.

I’ve always thought this game was a ripoff of Mortal Kombat lol but its made by the same company I heard lol :slight_smile: Even though I myself never played it but I like the name Killer Instinct.

in ki1 i mained fulgore and saberwulf, in ki2 i mained fulgore, saberwulf and tusk

Not just Midway. It was a collaboration between Midway , Rare, and Nintendo.:tup:

The urban tone of KI1 was much more appealing then the time lost stuff they tried in KI2. Although they barely really added anything in KI2 other then more color and updated character designs which actually were very good.

Orchid in KI2 actually looked like a woman rather then a stick and Saberwulf finally got pants and his metal arms were cool. Pretty much the only downgrade in character updated look was probably TJ Combo with the eye patch and the tight army pants. Still I liked KI2 but it didn’t feel like they put that much effort into it.

Everyone knocks on the SNES version, but just the fact that it was even possible to port the game to the SNES and keep what they did was just another RARE miracle. Sure I would’ve loved a 1:1 copy on my N64 (which apparently was never possible), but goddamn did me and my friends spend countless hours combo breaking back in the day!

The arcade KI1 still looks fucking excellent to me. TEEJAAAY COMBO!

Man, I hope KI3 is a rumor. I’m not trying to buy a 360:bluu:

I DID like the parry type of deals in KI2 though.

The REAL question though is who would win between TJ and Rog. I personally think that TJ would get in dat ass.

We will Know in a few days.


head aspload

There is a rumor (it’s in a link I posted maybe a page or two back that) that rare says that they will announce 2 new games at the end of this month. One being and adventure game and the other “would mark the return of a legendary fighting game franchise”. Take this with a grain of salt, maybe a packet. But its something for now.

To hear ULLLLTTTTRRRRAAAA COMBOOOO and CCCCCCOMBO BREAKER!! again would be fucking amazing. I remember owning the shitty GB version and the (at-the-time) near arcade replica SNES version. Sadly, I only got a chance to play KI2 maybe a total of 12 times. I still remember everyone making a HUUUGEEE deal out of Orchid flashing people for one of her moves despite not getting to see anything, haha. I mained Cinder, Sabrewulf, and Glacius.

I gotta go Combo because I know that nigga aint afraid to show Rog DAT BURNER and splay his ass.

But if we talking just strictly throwing hands then that is something I can’t answer. I’ll have to say draw on that shit.

I go with Combo to, because he will use his knees whether the ref is looking or not. Wait… There is no ref.
Rog is done.

Request- Could someone who has this on emulator and is good make an Orchid Play-through for KI2? The one they had has been taken off of youtube. Can’t find it.


Edit Never mind Didn’t see the date . I apologize. Google did say 2009 though. Oh well.


My wife loves KI. We had to get a N64 off of eBay just so she could play KI Gold again. I’ve yet to play it, though. Might have to bust it out sometime :smiley:

Today is the LAST day of the month. Rare… be good to us or:



Inspired by the AMAZING GRAPHICS in SF4, it’s KI3 – Viva Pinata style:

I’m going to main this Lama-dog thing:

The Jackass is top tier I heard though:

RARE is the lvl up!

:mad: it Shouldn’t end this way

KI was the first IMAX sound ad seriously. Shit blew your fuckin ears off playing it.

I despised this game. I think I tried it once and went immediately back to SFII.