I remember seeing the advert years ago. Looked like the sickest shit ever.
At the time though, my mum didn’t allow me to get it.
Had to play it at my friends house.
I remember seeing the advert years ago. Looked like the sickest shit ever.
At the time though, my mum didn’t allow me to get it.
Had to play it at my friends house.
I much prefer the graphics of KI2 better. Colors were way more vibrant. Anyway because of this thread I did a google search for any info on KI3. I found something interesting. There was an article that said that RARE would announce that they will unveil 2 new games. One is an adventure game, the other is “A sequel to a legendary fighting game franchise”. Take this with a grain of salt. Rare is getting a bad rep for dicking around the fans. I’ll post a link later. This will happen around the end of this month the article says.
I remember KI… it was hella fun. It’s my favorite non-competitive fighting game. I wish Rare would balls up and make KI3 already (and not be gay and make it 360 exclusive).
how could they NOT make it 360 exclusive? rare is owned by microsoft. rofl
I can already tell both are going to suck big time. So I’ll say it beforehand:
Thanks RARE for ruining my childhood you motherfucks!:mad:
PS. I seriously wonder what happened to them. What would make them become so terrible at making games, when they used to be so good? Is it too hard to ask for ONE good game?:shake:
Weapon Lord was better.
Coming soon for Nintendo Ultra 64.
The funny thing is that it came out for the SNES instead. WTF?
The sequel came out for N64 but the graphics were still not as good as the arcade games.
For it’s time, Killer Instinct had the best graphics (Arcade Version).
Glaucioius was bad ass.
I thought KI2 looked much better than KI1 too. I remember loving how Tusk looked and drooling over Orchid on the selection screen. The character renders seemed to be a lot more detailed with better textures. Plus the backgrounds were better and had more special effects.
Orchid was hot in KI2. All the other chicks looked like shit.
The renders for Glacius and Fulgore were cool…yeah, KI2 looked better than KI1.
Killer Instinct was an instant hit in Belgium/Europe, thanks to it’s (for the time) amazing graphics and even more amazing sound. The machine was always LOUD. I can still hear all those screams in my head To me it felt like a cross between MK (graphics and violence) and SF (controls, gameplay, char diversity). To be honest, it was better than any MK imho, but worse than SF due to its strange combo system. Still, great times to be had if you werent that demanding. Most people werent in my surrounding.
It’s as if Nintendo/Rare took a checklist:
It was both attractive and corwd-pleasing to the on-looker, and instantly playable for the fighting veteran. Then adding some as 2 rounds in 1, easier combos, danger zones etc. Even though it might have been somewhat broken, it was a real accomplishment between all those other rip-offs.
I say A. And A+ for the sounds, which imo, still rank among the top for atmosphere.
The best I’m hoping for is for it to be as good as MK:Deception. Realistically I know that it will only be as good as MK:Armageddon. But I’ll buy it for nostalgia.
true, even when i enjoyed both of them, i felt that rare put more effort in the characters in ki1, talking about the proportions of course
same here, but i belive that at least they would try to do a descent game at least unlike midway
Killer Instinct is/was the shit!
KI2 > KI
I think some of their staff left after they were finished with the N64.
^^That’s what I was thinking as well. It can be no coincidence that they got worse AFTER the move to MS. The staff probably split due to its opposition to the move.
The thing that kills me is that as bad is it’s going to get, I’m going to get it for the same reason anyway. (At least it’ll hopefully have KI 1&2 on the disc)
Ya know one thing about the KIs was that even though there was a mid level learning curve, once ya got good there was a chasm between skilled and scrub.
I liked KI over KI2. KI’s sound track is the shit. Have yet to play an actual human though… Anyone up for some games?
Fawnk yo Robots!!!
Rare got “worse” quite gradually. People had left long before they became completely Microsoft owned. This is all public knowledge stuff, you can look it up.
They’ve put out some good games though, quite recently. No classics but Viva Pinata and Nuts and Bolts are good games.
Thanks for the info.
The problem I have is that I just don’t see them doing a something amazing anytime soon.