He was so damn cool, he turned into you to beat the shit out of you in mid combo, that’s SO AWESOME~
He was so damn cool, he turned into you to beat the shit out of you in mid combo, that’s SO AWESOME~
spinal was decent. but he relied too much on his teleport game, which was easy to stop once you figured it out. Plus, IMO, his best normal to score damage off of(other than overhead) was c,fierce. but the move is so hideously slow, that you are fucked, if blocked.
fun to use, but really limited
KI did the smartest thing ever in a fighter…something so simple yet so effective that companies never mimic…
The charger character (combo) could charge back OR forward it was so epic
well, only some moves could be charged with forward. other than ultra and air combo(which didnt really need much of a charge, if any), only forward charge move Combo had was his combo linker(f,b+jab).
other characters had the same feature, limited to specific moves
Sabre, if KI doesn’t make an appearance in the Mystery Tourney at MWC this year, we may have to exchange blows.
Not saying he isn’t awesome, cause he is, but he just wasn’t as good as other characters like Cinder.
I did love this game back in the day. Ironically, despite loving and the SNES version being my first game I bought with my own money, I lost the CD packed in after only a month and when I let a friend borrow the game, nigga stole it.
Still, loved that game and even really liked KI2/Gold despite not liking that it felt like KI 1.5 without Cinder, Raptor and Chief Thunder. Seriously they could have done a lot better, but I guess that Donkey Kong Country money was going to their heads.
luigi-bo: sure thing dude!
i really liked it in the arcade for a reason i still dont understand to this day. other than its looks the game had very little to offer. i still remember teaching those lutra combos to people in the cades who used to look when i played.
It was always big in the Arcades by me, but I think that was mostly because they had the volume turned up high due to the music, and it had a real show off mentality imo.
You could hear the machine outside the arcade when it shouted ULTRA and peeps would turn and look, so those that could do the combos would play the game just because it was very OTT and got people looking compared to the other games at the time, which meant more competition, as people who hadnt played it had a go, then just got combo’d for most of their game.
Chances are it would have looked like shit on N64 as well. Look at how KIG looks compared to KI2. It’s just like comparing how SNES KI1 looks compared to KI1 arcade. The Ultra 64 hardware was marketed by Nintendo to be the basis of the N64, and the N64 turned out to be much less powerful and capable for those games. Other “Ultra 64” games like Cruisn’ USA didn’t even run on the same hardware as the KI games, so I don’t know what the hell Nintendo was trying to pull claiming they were.
Hell, look at some other arcade games that got ported to N64, like MACE, War Gods, Bio FREAKS, ect. Those games look horrible on N64 compared to their arcade counterparts.
I don’t think Rare has any intention of doing anything, with anything. Between their last N64 game which was Conker’s BFD, and PDZ, I can’t think of anything that they’ve released in between, or after. The only way we would have had a KI3 by now is if Rare was still partnered with Nintendo for a few years after KI2, and only because Nintendo would have pushed for it.
I’ve been hearing for years that the reason they haven’t ported them since KIG is because Nintendo owns the trademark on the KI name. I don’t know if that’s true or not.
No it’s not.
Arcade KI and KI2 used similar (the same?) technology. Putting virtually the same game on a 16-bit console versus a 64-bit console wouldn’t result in a similar downgrade for each, even with the memory limitations for both.
True, KI Gold looked like crap compared to KI2, but SNES KI1 was still markedly worse than arcade KI. Frames of animation, quality of sprites, severe environment downgrades, horrible particle effects, etc. Other than losing animation frames (still not as bad as SNES), KI Gold biggest mistake was using N64-style particles and poorly-textured polygonal backgrounds, neither of which meshed with the KI “look.” But that was still better than how the SNES KI turned out with its parallax workarounds.
Some Venezuelan finals tourney action:
(MKK Round 2 tournament)
Yeah KI was originally supposed to be a showcase for Ultra 64 technology at the time so people could see what it would be like a year (turned out to be 2 years) before it came out. Obviously this is complete bullshit because Killer Instinct didn’t even come out for the N64 and Gold fell well short of the arcade version. Crusin USA was also part of the same marketing campaign and it didn’t even run on the same hardware as KI. Gotta love Nintendo.
Maybe I am just blinded by nostalgia, but I always thought KI looked way better than KI2.
The novelty of those Rare/Donkey Kong type graphics had worn off by the time 2 came out imo. When one came out they made you say “Holy shit”.
i thought KI 1 looked way better than ki2. ki2 had better backgrounds tho in some cases
Loved KI back in the day. Played alot of it on Xband along with MK2 and SSF2. Once in a while we’ll boot it up on the mame machine here at work… and I freaking suck now.
xband KI was the hotness. extended the games life for much longer than it originally shoulda been
xband 4L!
I thought KI1 looked better. The characters looked malformed in KI2.