I have to agree here. Forget the sequel and just put KI 1&2 on XBLA and that’s the end of the franchise. (If they want to get fancy they’ll add GGPO and remixed graphics)
KI3 would end up being in fully 3D, with craptastic new characters, bad balancing, horribly broken, and a button masher.
In actual KI play, there is no question of not being good with them. If you couldn’t do this you simply weren’t playing Killer Instinct. So his comment was warranted.
I still find it hard to believe that Nintendo of all people made this game (Rare w/e they were part of Nintendo). Just shows how everyone wanted a piece of the Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat pie back in the day.
What was so bad about KI2 and KI Gold? I really admired the arcade KIs (didn’t bother with the SNES version), but they were before I really started to understand fighting systems. I understood KI Gold’s system but don’t know anything about tiers or glitches
long story short, ki2 was very homogenous. it basically became mk-esque. every character played exactly the same damn near. every character’s combos and auto double flowcharts were 100% exactly the same. no individuality. every move has instant recovery so it became a back and forth block fest. and combo breakers became stupid easy, plus they could break manual combos now(wasnt possible in ki 1). Manual combos in ki2 make no sense. The combo system recognizes if the you did an auto combo, or a manual combo. But why? since you can break either combo now, theres no point in telling us. lol
i could write a novel on why ki2 is so god awful. But ive done it too many times in the past on srk. My hate with the game runs deep
When doing the fireball juggle on Fulgore’s ultra in KI1, was it possible to get all three of the hits? I could never ever get the first fireball to connect, so I always just went for the middle fireball for the 2-hit juggle.
Never did get the hang of the SNES version, when I played it a while back. Haven’t played the arcade games or the N64 version, but I might try the latter on a whim sometime.
azreal: you had to be powered up(end of life bar will be flashing) via a combo breaker in order to do the 3 hit version(in arcade, the fireballs will be red)