Anyone remember Killer Instinct?

Primal Rage.

Game was awesome.

:u: yeah sorry. that’s what I was thinking of. Ok I remember this game. You could like play as different gods of war and it was in 3D and stuff, man that game was shitty. And Killer Instinct isn’t that good of a name considering the game, they should have just called it War Gods or something. simple and straight to the point.

That’s not Killer Instinct either.

oh yeah my bad, it turns out that game was actually called War Gods. OK I now remember Killer Instinct. It was a fighting game that like used claymation and shit for the characters. Man that game was shitty and Killer Instinct wasn’t a very good name for it considering the game. They should called it Clayfighter or something. simple and straight to the point.

I see wat you did thar

Yo, clearly you DON’T remember this game. man your memory is shitty.

KI Tier List

1 KI arcade
2 KI2 arcade


Fun game, yes, of course. But isnt a top tier fighter.

Word has it that the powers that be want KI on XBL before Xmas.

Clearly sarcasm escapes more then one of us in this thread.

Good lord, he was making fun of KI by comparing it to War Gods and Clay Fighter.

KI had issues, but War Gods and Clay Fighter were 10 times worse.

Shitty but funny game at the same time. Competitive level of KI1/2 is a brokenfest but its just pure entertainment to play it alone sometimes.

I fortunately have the SNES and N64 games. Of the two, KIG is my fav. IMO Killer Instinct is one of the better non-japanese fighting games made. Take it with a gran of salt if you may.

I liked KIG/2 since it felt closer to other 2D fighters than the first game.

Whenever I get myself a supergun, KI1 and KI2 are some games I’ll be seeking out.

i’ll have to disagree. ki2 and kig should be at the bottom of the heap. what a joke of a sequel. ki arcade is more fun, but ki snes was more playable head 2 head.

ki was awesomely bad. even I knew it was a bad game later on, but it was still really fun. KI2 is just all sorts of crappy. KI3, if it ever happens, would be atrocious. and considering rare’s track record post n64 era, it would be guaranteed crap.

just port the first 2 and call it a day

Remember the Mike Z/NKI videos? Gah damn that game is broken. :rofl:

[media=youtube]jlnMUx7hxFs[/media] - part 1
[media=youtube]l9TSWbdEo_s[/media] - part 2

I used to play this in the arcade every weekend when it was new, and I got pretty good at it as well, although I never really thought it was a game that required much skill to win with. It had some SF basics implemented, but most of the combos (not all) were just dial-a-combo 15-35+ hits that unless your opponent was good with breakers, you could just close your eyes and finish the rest of the combo out without really having to pay attention. And sure, it looks bad by today’s standards but actully was one of the sharpest looking games of it’s era.

There really wasn’t much to choose from either when it hit the arcades: Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Mortal Kombat 2, Samurai Showdown and Killer Instinct.

Pretty sure he wasn’t, and was talking about this:[media=youtube]Wnfj0Y5W6Wg[/media]

doing 15-35 hit dial a combos got you killed in high level play.

I used to play this on the SNES too. The game had ridiculous combos. I got blisters on my thumbs for trying to do the 100 hit combos. Those were the days.

Wow killer instinct. That takes me back.

Not saying it was a great fighter or anything, just the last release of the KI games(KIGold N64) was also around the same time when both Nintendo & Rare collectively lost their balls.

Both KI games were highly entertaining at least.

i remember playing as cinder all you had to do for an 8 hit combo was tap forward and y, and if you were close to a level with a ledge it would knock the opponent off. good times.

nice AV. you get that from the game artisans sculpt comp? There were some really good SF sculpts done for that comp.

On topic, I’d love to see another KI. I have many memories of that game and the road trips I’d take with friends to play it and others.

Which is why I specifically had this right afterwards?

nah they dont really need to be good with them. i think sabre covered this in an earlier KI thread that there are some option selects you can do with them.