Anyone Else Waiting to purchase a used copy?

his animations looks like theyre copied from Seth

not liking this game is not the same as not liking fighting games, but liking things is a really subjective issue. I’m glad you are enjoying your game

But they share no moves, so he has new animations.

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again.

have any of you people who’ve returned/sold/chosen not to buy the game make your decisions because you thought the game wasn’t fun or did you make your decisions because of the DLC BS.

That’s all fine, but it would all be exactly as true if the DLC wasn’t on the disc. The only thing putting it on the disc did is let you know about it.

I chose not to buy it because of DLC shenanigans, gems, and $20 for all of the on-disc characters. The game itself is fun, but not for $80.

I would respect you more if you didn’t mask your true intentions with a supposed “noble cause” and just admitted that you are a cheap bastard.

its not $80, its 60, the rest is an optional purchase, on disc or not.

Take it to the ranting thread plz.