Lmfao! If I was drinking milk that stuff would’ve shot out my nose when I read that
Snake make sure you use the six action buttons in conjunction with the joystick - Colonel Roy Campbell
I have the same problem with the psn europe version of CvS2 with all arcade sticks (madcatz and qanba). can we ask sony to fix this bug? Is it possible to recencer players having the same problem?
We explored the options, and only a few arcade stick PCBs seem to work( its mentioned before in this thread already) Some older model Hori (2008 and back), Sega VSGH ,Toodle PCBs )in (VSHG mode) and the Sony Six Axis and Dual Shock 3 are the only ones found to work.
Prior to the 4.50 firmware update the PS3 already had major issues with Sticks on PS2 titles, both with Disk and PSN (Download) games. It boils down to how the PS3 emulates PS2 controllers, as the PS2 games are not design to use USB or Bluetooth connectivity for games. Yes that is right, your PS3 is emulating a PS2 for most PS2 titles, that includes backwards compatible models.
With the PS4 now out, I highly doubt that fixing 3rd party controller issues in the PS2 emulation on the PS3 is a priority for Sony.
People please, read the thread before posting, work arounds are already given. We got that CVS2 and other PS2 titles are having major issues with 3rd party controllers.
What I don’t get is what was fixed/updated with the last update? I never read the fine print cause I have to dl it if I wanna play. It just seems stupid that nobody was having an issue until the update. I’m just curious about that
Actually there was already a large list of controllers that didn’t work before hand. The Update made it worst.
That is great except I don’t understand french.
I don’t know how this affects the game but I have NO PROBLEMS playing SF Alpha Anthology (PS2) on a 60GB PS3 model with an HRAP V3-SA joystick… that’s a mid/late 2010 joystick used on a system I bought in late 2007.
NONE of the old-style HRAP 3’s produced for the PS3 should be a problem – that includes the black HRAP 3, the white Amazon.jp HRAP 3 exclusive (which I own), the HRAP 3 SE (again, another I have), or at least the early HRAP 3-SA (again, another Hori have). I can’t recall any personal issues with the pre-HRAP V3 models. They should have the same PCB, too. PCB’s are an area where the Hori line has generally been much better than its competition; Hori is also Sony’s preferred third-party vendor where it comes to technical support and firmware fixes. Sorry, but you’re SOL with the earlier Mad Catz TE’s and Qanba’s.
I honestly have no idea why CFE is such a huge problem now… and I have ALL the PSN/Firmware, etc., etc. updates on my system. I rarely have played PS2 disc games on the system and when I have it’s basically been like playing with the PS2. Go figure!
I’ve got Capcom Fighting Evolution on disc – don’t know why I kept it when it’s as bad as SF: The Movie arcade/console game was(!) – so maybe I’ll spin it this weekend and check it out.
I’ve heard of some issues that the newer “cheese-grater” slim-line design PS3’s have with some joysticks…
And yeah, I think Sony’s more focused on PS4 at this point in time, like it or not.
I daresay that MS is any less focused on their new console, either…
honestly, this way i’m not going to buy a ps4 anytime soon. I spent a lot of money on these games and I can’t even enjoy them the way that I could when I bought them. Why reward sony for incompetence?
Get a PS2, it is still the best way to play PS2 titles, unless you really enjoy online play.
CVS2 is still pretty much a PS2 game, even on the PS3, and PS2 emulation on newer model consoles are a bit rough.
The PS2 emulation have issues carrying over all but certain PCBs over via USB connection.
Why reward ANY company for incompetence?
It’s not even that… they really don’t care. There are enough videogamers who are addicts who will continue to buy replacement console after console to get their game fix. It’s now not that unusual for some people to go through 3-4 copies of a console in a production cycle! That’s not even within 10 years in many cases(!). As long as people slavishly buy product and don’t raise that much of a fuss, the companies will keep producing defective product. They’ll keep rushing product out to market that hasn’t been properly tested or that they know has defective parts/heating issues, etc.
As long as the system fanboys are willing to support their favorite companies and take it in the rear, there’s no incentive for Sony OR Microsoft to do better.
As the game industry has made more and more money over time, the major companies (with the exception of Nintendo and Sega which isn’t even a factor now) have really slacked on the durability and overall quality of their console product. It didn’t used to be like this… The quality in consoles really started slacking off after the introduction of the PlayStation in 1994. Since then, first generation consoles have always had their heating issues. NOT to be outdone by Sony, MS has been the same with the XBox consoles and recently earned for the title for the least reliable console – in all of videogame industry history!
The MS XBox 360 is the all-time champion for reliability issues. Nothing, and I mean nothing, approaches that console for the heating/RROD issues. It’s at least a 30% defect rate for the first four years of production models! Not even the original PS1 and earliest production batches of PS2’s match that!
Will Toodles VLX Kitty PCB work? Really want to play SF Alpha Anthology now…
Anyone figure out how the guy in the French video above got his Qanba to work?
Good question, but I don’t have a 360-modded VLX so I wouldn’t be able to say.
All you can do is try… The worst thing that will happen is that it just won’t work. I don’t think you’re going to fry the joystick or console.
Never had a 360 or 360-only joystick… no point in ever investing in an add-on PCB for me!
It’s probably a safe bet that most people who bought a 360 VLX did so well after the backwards-compatible PS3’s were out-of-production. There were only 3 or 4 main PS3 models (20-, 60-, and early 4-port USB 80-GB) that had PS2 circuitry in them and they were all out of production (to my knowledge) by the end of 2008/early 2009. That’s going to be well under 25% of total PS3 production to date; I doubt that’s more than 10-12 million consoles, tops. Considering the HRAP VLX didn’t show up until at least 2010, backwards compatibility is probably the last thing anyone was thinking of with add-on PCB’s. Most add-on PCB’s have been dual-compatibility (PS3/360), only… There wasn’t even thought about using the joysticks with backwards-compatible PS3’s.
Still, there is a chance that the Kitty will work on a PS2-compatible PS3 model. Toodles did base the Cthulu design off the earlier Hori HRAP (3?) PCB – what he could figure of it anyway. It was always my impression that the Kitty was basically a reconfigured MC Cthulu made to make modding life easier for Mad Catz TE owners who own older consoles in addition to 360 and PS3. It’s funny that the 360 VLX version is always the one you get questions about on Tech Talk.
Well the real issue with CVS2 on the PS3 and other PS2 titles is how the PS2 emulation is handled.
On backwards compatible models and Disk PS2 games, those model PS3 units have additional PS2 hardware inside to run a low level hardware emulation.
The backwards compatible 80 gb console dropped the PS2 GPU but keep the cell processor and had more issues with PS2 titles than the older 60gb and 20gb consoles.
Non-backwards compatible PS3 units including the slim console can only use PS2 games that are downloaded from PSN, this is either a port or a software emulation.
Its the software emulation where things break down. Mostly how the PS2 game responds with (or rather do not respond with) USB controllers.
You can also blame Sony increasing security settings to prevent jail breaking devices that work via USB. Alot of arduino based/like PCBs like the Cerberus got effected.
this had the unfortunate side effect of knocking out alot of legit PCBs from working, Including Post 2008 Hori sticks.
@GeorgeC Hori did you a small number of "old-new stock for PCBs in later model Hrap 3 sticks. As the PCB had to be pre 2008 not necessarily the stick itself.
There are plenty of Hrap 3 sticks that plain don’t work. How did the newer UMvC3 (from that vid) stick works is news to me, as it was in the group I expected to have issues.
Well, I picked up CvS2 because I earned $10 of PSN credit during their promotion, and my fiance hand-painted me a mug with akuma and iori on it (pics coming later in the week as I don’t get the mug until xmas) and I was mildly upset that my madcatz pro wasn’t working.
I tested my Hori FSM3 and it worked and since I’m playing it super casually that’s pretty ok despite the throw being awkard and I prefer JLFs over it.
Maybe come feb I’ll mod the PCB into another case.
I’ll dig up more information about my FSM3 by the end of today and share what I find.
Dude, that mug sounds awesome to drink coffee with alittle whiskey from! Can’t wait to see pics
you can watch the video and understand what the guy is showing you; french not necessary. i’m using a sf IV hori SE and i had the same problem after the update, but i watched the video once, just did this trick now and it worked just fine. this fix reminds me of the old days when you had to change to analog video channels in order to play your NES games on tv’s.
1.) start the game and using your dualshock controller.
2.) go to practice mode and hit the PS button. (it may not have to be practice mode, this is just following in-step with the video)
3.) go to “controller settings” (the second option down) and select “reassign the controller”. then select “2 / 2-A”, which is the next option down.
4.) you will get a prompt saying that the game cannot read a controller. unplug the dualshock then plug-in your stick into whichever slot the dualshock controller was plugged into. the stick will now work just fine.
i’m assuming that, with the new firmware update, sony changed the way analog and digital inputs are read by the system for ps2 (and possibly ps1) games. this would mean that the 1 / A-1 default controller settings are set for digital inputs. when it receives an analog input, it just reads the input as 1 input, as if you only pushed the button for a second and it cannot read that you are holding it. by switching to 2 / 2-A, you are switching to analog input (which is why the dualshock controller suddenly becomes disconnected). however, your analog inputs will be read just fine when done through a stick.
First off fix your post, you are typing all that info in the quote area.
Without knowing French I had no idea what the context of the video about. I can see its some gaming video, but what is going on was not clear.
At this part I stopped watching the first time, too many rick roll videos for me to care about a video if I can’t gather whats the subject of said video in only a few seconds. -
Since it is in I had no idea that was practice mode, or if the game set for two players. Or would it even matter what mode the game is in.
On the video Step 3 and 4 was clearly resigning the controller but again I don’t have the context why he changing controllers. I also don’t have a clear view of what he doing with the Dual Shock and his qanba stick.
I don’t like assuming things with technical videos. That is how dumb stuff happens.
That’s cool, but do all psn games have that option?
First off fix your post, you are typing all that info in the quote area.
Without knowing French I had no idea what the context of the video about. I can see its some gaming video, but what is going on was not clear.
At this part I stopped watching the first time, too many rick roll videos for me to care about a video if I can’t gather whats the subject of said video in only a few seconds.Since it is in I had no idea that was practice mode, or if the game set for two players. Or would it even matter what mode the game is in.
On the video Step 3 and 4 was clearly resigning the controller but again I don’t have the context why he changing controllers. I also don’t have a clear view of what he doing with the Dual Shock and his qanba stick.
I don’t like assuming things with technical videos. That is how dumb stuff happens.
i don’t really see the purpose of this post as you have the explanation already. this is like a step-by-step process on excuse-making :).
DEZALB: to be honest, i have no idea. i’m assuming that it will work on any psn-downloaded ps2 (and possibly ps1) games considering that this is a case of “controllers talking to the console” and it shouldn’t have anything to do with the game itself. you’ll basically just have to try it yourself and see if it works. what i can say is that this worked for my hori with cvs2, so it shows some promise.