Anybody good at playing a k-groove rock?

oh okay thanks for the opinion.

one more thing(just to confirm so i dont’ stay clueless forever). the rock trap is basically, them in the corner, you do something like xx double reppuken(charge down), after double reppuken, do rising tackle if you see them move slightly?(or just do it anyways?) and it’s the lp not hp version of rising tackle?

This is kind of off-topic but I’ll explain it anyway. I was looking through my replay folder and found a 13.2 MB file named ‘le.’ I believe I got this replay off of a Japanese website. I have no idea how and when I got this. I believe it shows many clips of Otaku (K-Kyo/Rock/Hibiki), and he has one hell of a crazy Rock. This vid is really helpful with advance rock tactics. Probably the best Rock I have ever seen. If anyone wants to see it you can IM me at misterbean97, I’ll be more than glad to send it to you.