Anybody good at playing a k-groove rock?

I have played Rock for a while now and don’t run to any other Rock players?
though I was just wondering if anybody knew a good strategy to use with a k-groove Rock? and some damging combos too?

Check the other Rock threads here first.

I have but have had no luck

well i’m guessing you have the bnb’s besides that there’s not much else of great importance in terms of combos. there are some good tactics and throw mix-ups in buktooth’s sbo log iirc, don’t remember the page though so do a search and good luck

i play rock… i’ll be at the UCB weekly tomorrow… go and I’ll show you how to use him

I’m sorry UCRollerBlader I missed your message but I don’t even know what UCB stands for?
If you are any where in fresno, you usually can catch me at nickel arcade with the other players…so if you want you can join us where there every friday thru sunday.

UCB = University of Berkeley, I reckon.

talk 2 skipp

he’s from fresno and he’s real good. mfire

University of California Berkeley has weekly tournaments every thursday… last week was probably the last one imma go to though… uh, if you ever get bored and feel like driving into civilization from fresno, i live in tracy and i’m down to play

I play a decent K Rock. I like the abuse the fact that idiots still jump when I’m raged. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I amost never use his Deadly Rave Neo. I think It’s a waste. It doesnt a littie more, but the other 2 Supers have better priority.

well gamma ray I think that your right. but the deadly rave neo at times does help and is worth it. I just think that all moves are useful at a moment, it just all depends on the player.

i would suggest only using the deadly rave neo when you combo into it, rather than to outprioritize an attack. this super is by no means a waste when comboed into, and with the different ending possibilities you may be able to get your opponent close to being stunned, though i don’t know of any full stun combos such as geese’s.

if your opponent knows they are about to be stunned they then tend to turtle which in turn opens up throw opportunities. ofcourse this is assuming your opponent has a fair understanding of the game.

Rock Combos

For anyone who cares for some Rock Combos, here they are:

Regular Combos:

C.LPx2, C.MK, FP Hard Edge 2900

C.LP, S.FK or FP, FP Hard Edge 3000

C-groove Combos:

Opponent in corner:

HCB+FK, Evac Toss, PPP (Rakasa blue palm thing) do the Rakasa
slighty early, S.FK, level 2 raising storm, then a level 1 Raising S…

( DMG 8511 )

Jump in FK, C.LPx2, C.MK, level 2 shining knuckle. level 1 Shine K…

( DMG 9194 )

This one works in S-groove or N-groove on a full bar,
this combo is dame good if you get it off, I made it up,
but im sure someone else has probally already done this:

J.FK, S.FK, NDR (deadly R.), stop right before the HCB+FP, then C.LP, S.FK, level 1 shining knuckle…

(DMG 10230 ) (Damage is based on N-groove due to power increase after capsule break)

This combo above kills if you can land it and if you cant do the C.LP, S.FK,into the super, than just skip the C.LP, cause youll still get 9930 (in N-groove):eek:

You can also do an evac toss cancel into level 3 shining knuckle
from anywhere on screen resulting in a 10 hit combo = 5440 in
DMG, I suggest only doing this combo if your opponent will be
killed or almost killed by it, none the less it looks nice…

Hopes this helps, just keep posting in this thread if you have any questions, im not a master or anything i just know pretty good combos and info regarding certain characters… :slight_smile:

Later…:slight_smile: :smiley: :slight_smile:

lot’s of thanks neo odin. I really appreciate the help and the fact that you even put in the data on the combos. I will leave this post here so if you or anyone else ever has something new they figured out or a strategy on playing rock, I would like to hear. thanks.

more rock stuff

By the way A-groove rock is pretty dame good, and hes prettty
verstitile, because after a evac toss he can go into a custom,
and after a LP R.Tackle connects ect…

His customs do more than joes thats why I think im going to
switch over to rock…

Anyway you can gain meter by doing the high counter over and
over presuming that you are a safe distance away from the opponent…

This works really well when you want meter especially in A-groove…

I think rock is best used in A-N-and C

But if you like K thats cool too cause the rage mode is pretty decent, but he does his most damaging combos in C and N,
so that might be something to think about…

I think with rock you have to keep the pressure on with him…

His main anti-airs seem to be S.FK, C.MP, and occasionaly C.FP,
so rock can easily kick fools out of the air…

If your in a groove were you can run, the RUN TYPE moves rock
posseses might fool you opponent more often…

EXAMPLE: lets say your rushing them down with a poke string
of C.LP, C.LK, C.LP, C.MK…

After about two times they may start to suspect it again if you run at them, so then you could use RAGE RUN TYPE DUNK or SHIFT

Thus playing mind games with them, you can also do the run move (the HCB+MK) to escape jump in’s, I know it sounds useless but maybe I’ll be able to find a use for this, then again you could always do the Run move and then throw them…

I’ll experiment more, but if you time the distance of the Hard Edge
assuming there in the corner you can land right in front of them without hitting them, after, you can HK throw them, mash
before they get up, then when they almost recover you can do a:

HCB+FK, Evac Toss, PPP (Rakasa blue palm thing) do the Rakasa
slighty early, S.FK, level 2 raising storm, then a level 1 Raising S…

Hope this helps a little, I’ll post whatever I find usefull… :slight_smile:

PS: mix Crouching strings up with the dunk, it works wonders…

odin… thanks for helping the kid out… but a few of the things you are saying either don’t work or aren’t practical…

Dunk is one of the worst moves in the game… easy to block, and if they do, you die… You are better off with low jump rh or fierce since they are both faster, unpunishable, and can combo into shine knuckle… as far as the c. jab, c. jab, c. forward, hard edge combo… it’s no good… 8/10 times the hard edge will miss because you are too far away… and the c. jab to c. forward link is really hard… i think it’s probably one of the hardest links in cvs2 and it’s really not worth it… actually… if you’re going to take the time to learn c. jab c. forward… just learn c. jab c. roundhouse link… it’s much more useful since a lot of rock’s game revolves around knocking the opponent down… rocks worst groove is A… why? because he loses air defense, low jump, and run for a custom that doesn’t do much damage and doesn’t have any special useful setups

I wouldn’t say it his worst… His common CC do atleast 7-8k dmg There this one setup it does close to 9k(Initial combos of course, you know what I mean?) this isn’t too bad. I agree that it isn’t his best either. Like you mentioned his game revolves around knocking down just like Terry. He does lack lot of setups for CC compared to M.Bison or Hibiki. I say K and A both have their up’s and downs…I dunno i’ll try to post more it’s 230am and im already tired:o

But ya K is his best groove no arguing about that, just saying A isn’t his worst.:slight_smile:

heh I just want to say I appreciate you guys putting in your opinons and support

Posted by UCRollerBlader

odin… thanks for helping the kid out… but a few of the things you are saying either don’t work or aren’t practical…

Dunk is one of the worst moves in the game… easy to block, and if they do, you die… You are better off with low jump rh or fierce since they are both faster, unpunishable, and can combo into shine knuckle… as far as the c. jab, c. jab, c. forward, hard edge combo… it’s no good… 8/10 times the hard edge will miss because you are too far away… and the c. jab to c. forward link is really hard… i think it’s probably one of the hardest links in cvs2 and it’s really not worth it… actually… if you’re going to take the time to learn c. jab c. forward… just learn c. jab c. roundhouse link… it’s much more useful since a lot of rock’s game revolves around knocking the opponent down… rocks worst groove is A… why? because he loses air defense, low jump, and run for a custom that doesn’t do much damage and doesn’t have any special useful setups

Actually the C.Lp, C.Lp, C.Mk, FP Hard Edge is very easy to connect and is not at all, one of the hardest links in CVS2.
Obviously you have to be close to the opponent to connect
2 C.LP’s. So the FP Hard Edge is always gauranteed to connect.
So if you happen to be insecure with the combo than C.LP, S.FK
FP Hard Edge is always gauranteed to connect and does good damage. The dunk, I will agree with you doesnt have very good priority but in a run groove it is hard to determine whether he
is running normally or using his Run Type moves…

C.LP,C.FK is okay I guess, but the other combo with the forward is a much better and it knocks down the timing is not hard at all
and with slight practice becomes effortless(I can do it all the time:) ) . Or you can do the other one I posted with the C.LP, S.FK, FP hard edge, this also is a knock down…

C.Lpx3,, Lp Hard E. is also a good string and will break the gaurd in no time… It also leaves you safe from Counter Attack.

Well i like A groove and it suits me fine, yeah it isnt his best I know, however he gains meter pretty fast in A, and he has plenty
of setups…

He can Activate CC and then go into his trip, hard egde, rising tackle custom… (7500+,namonaki’s) mine=7600+

He can custom after a blocked blanka ball…
(not sure about the damage but its good)

He can custom after a LP rising tackle connects,
(mine does about 7100+ for now but only because with him and
terry the damage you do is considerably lessened after connecting with a regular rising tackle and then going into custom,
and I dont know why??) He can also custom after a canceled or
broken 360 grab any where on the screen…

And in the corner he can Run Type shift, 360+PPP, Blue laser thing
(Rasaka) and then custom after that, as a side note in any groove
after the Rasaka is timed correctly he can FP Rising Tackle also
almost does 4000 in damage.

And finally he has anti-air customs for those insisting on jumping in, so he might not need to jump so often, in other words he has a custom for almost every situation, mind you hes no Bison but he is still a effective A-Groove character none the less.

He also has a dash that hops over grounded opponents which will provide rock with even more mixups that he needs…

In my opinion he can get across the screen without running,
by doing LP, and MP Hard E’s, technically the best time to do this is when you knock your opponent down or with a combo knock down ect…( If they decide to safe fall after the knock down the elbow you used to get near them will hit them…

This is all I have to say for now, but saying A-groove is his worst groove, is a opinion that is not well thought out so give some grooves a chance before you judge, because where you loose
abilities in some grooves, you also tend to gain others in other grooves…(Im cool with you though roller, but I just had to give you my point of view on A Rock…:slight_smile:
PS: well sorry about the last post but dont use QCB+MK please.
