True, but if you’re playing K groove Rock, you can mix up with his other Run moves and/or your regular Run (like Odin had said).
I believe it does come out faster than his overhead move though which is a Pro, but the frame advantage when blocked is worse (Con) (and I use the overhead sparingly but not rarely)
His Stop (QCB+MK, the Rage Run move where he just stops in front of your) has no point in the game, even for mind games to mix up with his RR:Shift.
Being a Rock player, is there a point in the Stop move? The dunk is better than this move.
Ok let me say this again… dunk serves no purpose… plain and simple, don’t do it… the move comes out so slow that anyone even decent can react when they see it… it’s not worth the risk. how much damage does it do to make it worth it? not much, and if they block it, which is easy, they get free super or free combo, both of which will hurt you more than dunk is going to do… even if i knew dunk would hit 50 percent of the time, it’s still not worth it… if you really want an overhead for some reason, just use low jump rh. his command overhead sucks too… just because a move is in the game doesn’t mean you have to use it.
as far as rock having no bread and butter, i’m gonna stick by my guns… from the tip of crouching forward, hard edge won’t connect… most of the time it’s not going to connect and it leaves you wide open if you fuck up… The c. jab, c. forward link actually is hard and it’s not worth it because of how little guaranteed damage you get… will post more later peace
Hmm, I have some questions about Rock: I need some tips on comboing with crouching mk. For example, I try to connect crouching MK into hard edge, but sometimes a MK rage run comes out. Please help. Thanks.
PS: Any tips on comboing crouching MK into Shining Knuckle? Thank you, kind people.
Yep, or just hold on to MK for the whole (c.MKXXQCB+P) input.
The reason why you’re getting the Rage Run is because something called Negative Edge, a topic whihc I’m not completely learned in.
Also, is there a point for His Rage Run:Stop??? (I know I asked this already but noone replied)
I actually I use it SOMETIMES. I use it especially against my friends because they know that I will shift. Pretty much I use this and the dunk to mix things up. Run up to their face, they’ll be like “wtf?”, and then you do a 360 grab. Especially since people are used to Rock players shifting. It’s also not bad if it is RCed.
Yes, but overall, Rock has better mixups such as his dunk. Besides, if your running K or N, you can use the normal run to fool people into thinking your shifting.
P.S. RealKyo: Rock is definetly a control character. It requires a great deal of wit to overcome people with Rock so try to practice with a lot of people and get a feel for every characters strategy (I had to learn that the hard way (damn Bison :mad: )).
the only one you should do is the roundhouse version, and only start it when you are right next to the opponent, if you blindly use it from anywhere except point blank range you’re gonna get hit…
I’m not arguing with it, and I already know it, but tell me why K-groove Rock players (good ones, such as Omar to name a person) uses the shift when they’re not even in throwing range of the person.
Also, this is a thread asking for K groove help so any other groove tips are out of the picture.
What I have to say here is IMO, and I know you’re gonna say don’t do this, don’t do that, but hear me out, at least let me say what I have to say.
Noone in the world is psychic, some may claim to be, but they are not, so why are there things like Psychic DPs? Go to the Domination 101 forum and come back to me cuz if you are going to say that “If noone is psychic why are there psychic DPs” You dont belong here.
So on to my point, since noone is psychic, why not MIX UP your rage run Shift (since this is the one you say to ONLY use) with a regular run? It will confuse the opponent becasue they cannot tell from 1/4 screen away if you are RR or regular running, , and RR:Shift is useful (I agree with that) because you can command throw, break Shine Knuckle or HP Hard Edge after them, and Regular runs are a way to mix up the opponent, to confuse them to deceive them. Many characters rely on Mixups (after a knockdown, namely Hibiki, Kyo, and Ken) to deal some big damage.
a dragon punch is completely different than a rage-run so u cant compare “psychic dp” with a rage-run.
i dont really use mk ragerun and the dunk has some exceptions (mostly for novelty and egoism) but its not logical or partical, the shift is some thing to really be careful of as well, so… anyway, the only reason i can find to use the mk rage run is to run under sagats high tiger shot ON REACTION AND ANTICIPATED AND AT A PROPER DISTANCE or to run under a cross up on reaction but… there is NO use for it in k, n, s, grooves. ucrollerblader is one of the best rock players ive seen but me and him play differently (ill run up after a knock down and double repukken and ill use the “rock corner trap” which i wont get into so dont ask) and i consider my self very good as well so what ever works for you do it, but short jump rh is soooooooo much better than the dunk, u cant deceive anything with the dunk and the mk rage-run NOT under high level play, trust me its like fierce dp to stop possible jump ins and doing it early.
dont argue with it, THINK for god’s sake! what would u do?
Well the only reason I suggested the dunk was because someone else suggested the run save :rolleyes:. The dunk can sometimes fool more passive players. Of course, people on higher levels can most likely see this move coming and it’s not a perfect mixup (but it is one). BTW, I hope this thread doesn’t turn out to be a huge discussion over Rock’s run, because it’s obvious that his shift is the best, no doubt about it.
I wasn’t comparing Psychic DPs with RRs, I was saying, since noone is psychic, you can mix up your RRs with regular runs, since noone knows what you will do next, they can guess, but theyll never know for sure.
it doesn’t have anything to do with being psychic… people don’t need to be psychic to punish a rage run, it’s a really slow move and you shouldn’t be using it unless you are shifting through someone at point blank range. If you really want to shift from a long distance, you’d be better off manually running up to the opponent and doing the shift command when you get next to them, at least this way you can mix up between short and shift.
as far as the other 2 runs… they are totally useless, why?
because any opponent at a decent level of play can react to and punish it… it’s not a mixup, it’s too slow and too punishable
So if you do a shift at point blank, They wont react to it as fast, They will react but not as fast, but how will Rock get in? He’s not a rushdown type character, he can get in, but its hard for him to get in and keep the pressure on, so if you did want to do Shift from lets say a sweeps distance (stationary, not like Bison’s, Vega’s or Rolento’s to name a few) and you want to Rage Run shift, you can do that, but you can also do a regular run to make them think you are shifting.
Also, since you talk about shifting point blank, after a while, the opponent would anticipate the move (esp if they are JWong, Arturo, Ricky, etc) and then punish you during the recovery frames of Shift.
you don’t know the proper way to use the shift… shifting from sweep range is too easy to see coming…
you should use it from point blank after a knockdown, thats how it’s supposed to work. I’ve hit ricky and arturo with it multiple times because it’s so fast and makes a lot of moves whiff from that distance. when used as a knockdown mixup it’s a very effective mood, thats about it. they will only hit you if you’re predictable with it
You can also use it without knockdown (but it will be much less effective) to set up the 360 throw breaked into HP Hard edge or Shine knuckle, and by what you are saying, after knockdown, you shift to set this up also.
After re-watching one of Ino’s old vids (the one SRK has where he plays w/Rock) the opponent Ino plays does a c.lp (blocked) into The Shift, which caught him off guard, So by c.lp blocked range, is that what you meant by point blank? cuz I was thining of point blank as basically rubbing up against the guy.
okay, for the K-rock users:
what do you think it more important to use? more annoying? more effective?
rock’s corner trap or rock’s knock down mixups?
i’m not really sure what the rock corner trap is but from memory i think it has something to do with reppukens and rising tackel…anyways i’ll look it up, but in the mean time…i like to hear some opinions about which one you’d rather use and why.
Rock has mixups after knockdown in K??? The only moves I can think of to mix up on wakeup are, Shift, maybe Small Jump HK (dunno if it’ll cross-up) and maybe tick 360 throw.
now i’m confused, i thought rock’s strong point was knocking them down with c.rh and doing mixups from there or something? i haven’t been keeping up with the rock threads so i’ll probably be saying something that doesn’t make any sense so i dont’ mind if you guys correct me.
anyway, about the shift… the way i use sometimes is by jumping in on a knockdown w/ rh but purposely doing it early or to late, so they block, or whatever, IF i land… heheh, i shift… i rc it sometimes… i always seem to get it too… and the rest are pretty obvious… or are they? hmmm… i always do it at point-blank range… ohh shit i forgot… actually after a knockdown, as they get up, u stand right next to the 'em and s.fierce (the kidney punch) if they block or get hit u have just enough time to shift and 360, u can use that as part of you mix up too
oh yea and i like the trap, i use it once in a while and it always takes out the guy, unless theyhave played u before,the rising tackle always hits but quit while your ahead trust me… its like winning 60 on a scratchers and then playing again, no… no… dont…no dont doit… no… alright