Wesker (OTG shot)/Wolverine (Berserker Barrage)/Magneto (Disruptor) here
Wesker on point:
-Mag assist lends additional coverage for your approach and (according to people I’ve played) makes your position after teleport hard to see. Also, after a magic series -> s -> b b c s, you can do OTG shot, call mag assist at the same time and mash A teleport. Disruptor will tag them and put them in perfect position after your teleport to eat another launcher -> b b c s. Only works from a short magic series (no butterfly combo), but does goofy damage for an extremely easy, versatile, and meterless combo.
-Wolverine assist puts Wesker’s meterless damage and meter generation through the roof. It’s so fast, it allows you to combo after nearly any OTG shot. You can do; magic series -> butterfly -> c teleport -> j.S -> land -> cr.C -> S -> b c s -> OTG shot + wolverine assist -> a teleport (or not if they’re in the corner, which is highly likely) -> S -> b c s -> OTG shot (around 520,000 damage),OR cr. a -> cr.b -> cr. c -> cobra strike -> dash - OTG shot -> cr. b -> st. C -> butterfly -> a teleport -> S -> b c s -> OTG shot + wolv assist (in corner) -> S -> c s (around 590,000 for no meter), or just loop it from OTG shot -> Magneto assist. All great meter generation options, which set up for OTG afterwards. Furthermore, Wolve’s assist forces a tech afterwards, so instead of finishing the combo after wolverine assist -> a teleport, you can; jump straight up and come down with j.s on top of them to reset into ground combo with some of the most ambiguous cross up shenanigans I’ve ever seen, wait a second and snag them with mustang kick, etc. Easy to be creative with this one.
Wolverine on point:
-Wesker assist sets up unblockables with Wolv’s j.S. j.S can also cross up pretty easily, so it gets to a point where, even if you botch the timing and it is technically blockable, it’s not reasonably possible to do so.
-Magneto assist covers sniktbub’s approach fairly well and, although I haven’t gotten the timing right, should allow you to combo after berserker slash with no meter.
Magneto on point:
-Wesker sets up unblockables, again. Particularly useful with fly - unfly. Mag’s sick nasty reset game means that once you land a hit, and if you’ve got the execution and creativity, it’s practically impossible to leave this hurricane of bullshit alive. Also allows you to OTG after a full combo into Hyper Grav. for Rocks/a few more hits/resets. Very strong synergy once Mag gets started, but doesn’t help him engage at all.
-Wolverine assist can punish predictable push blocks and makes for instant crossup shenanigans. Decent for getting shit started.