How would a Wesker/Vergil/Dormmamu team fare? or Wesker/Vergil/Ironman or Wesker/Vergil/Hawkeye?
i’m trying to run a team i’m happy with i really like spencer & wesker i just don’t know who i should start on point would wolverine spencer & wesker work out as a good team or no??? & any suggestions for having a point character to go with spencer & wesker???
Go with Spencer first, as long has wolvie has the assist to help mixup with spencer’s grapple arm, then you’re all set with a team.
And you’re stuck with those characters one a team, then just go to lab and try their combos and whichever you can do better then go with that character.
Hey guys, I run a team consisting of Wesker (Samurai Edge) / Spencer (Diagonal Grapple) / Sentinel (Drones), they are the 3 characters I feel like fit the most of whom I can play decently (since I don’t practice this as much as AE), Spencer’s assist is there for a follow-up after Wesker’s gun to continue the combo, Drones help both of them to get in and create mix-ups and they all have some nice DHC’s. What do you think about it? any changes I should make?
Spencer’s a better anchor than Sentinel, I would swap them around. Otherwise you’re looking pretty good. You should also look into using Spencer’s grapple assist for reset opportunities as well as combo extensions.
I’ll try it out, sounds legit, thanks man.
I’ll also add, having Spencer second and if Wesker’s died, you also have access to an effective THC which is generally safe on block (drones cover the recovery of arm and push the opponent back unless in the corner), and leads to further extensions to your combos.
Hey guys, I’m going back to Wesker, and really wanna run Wesker (Gunshot)/???/Super-Skrull (Stone Smite) ala Hi I’m Nasty. Love playing both the characters, I’m just asking for some thoughts on who to stick in the middle of that? I’d like to avoid using Dr. Doom if I can - have him on a couple of other teams already. Currently Captain America is filling in the middle with Charging Star to help Wesker get through projectiles (as if he needs it with the teleports, bwahaha) and it’s working relatively well, but THC with the two is really hit-and-miss as Hyper Charging Star likes to just knock people down while Wesker’s still zipping around.
So I was thinking Wesker/Doom/Akuma would be a pretty good team, but you guys recommend plasma assist on doom instead of missles? I used to think missles was just the no brainer you always pick but most people in this thread are suggesting beam on doom if he’s with wesker.
You’ll want a beam assist or something horizontal/something high priority to help mixups. A couple of suggestions would be Mags, Task, Hawkeye, Akuma and Frank, who all have somewhat decent THC capability - Akuma’s THC is best corner only though if you use Tatsu.
Definitely beam over missiles. You have Akuma already for the mixups (assuming you use tatsu), you can use Doom’s plasma beam as a combo extender.
Does Wesker on point get good usage out of Frank’s shopping cart? I’m considering Wesker (OTG Shot) / Frank (Shopping Cart) / Vergil (Rapid Slash).
I want to use a good assist to cover Wesker teleports but I don’t like Magneto or Doom much. I currently use Dante with weasel shot but Frank interests me lately.
Yep you can get some decent mileage off Shopping Cart. It has decent priority against other assists and you can combo off it pretty well if you get a hit.
Frank himself has a great super for THC’s with Wesker, and leveling up Frank should be okay with a mix of TAC’s and Wesker assist to extend your combos.
Hi guys I’m new and I wanted to know if Wesker/Strange/Ammy was good. If it is good, what assists should I use on Strange? I’m guessing his Bolts allow for teleport mixups, but can’t Cold Star already be used for that? Should I use Strange’s Daggers to hit people who superjump above Wesker? Thanks for the help!
Haven’t really played Wesker since vanilla (where he was on my main team) I want to put him on point with my Dorm/Doom shell. I know what to do if I pick plasma beam. Does Wesker get any milage out of hidden missiles though?
The team I am trying out is Wesker (gunshot)/ Vergil(rapido slash)/ Nova(Centurian Rush). I love the unblockable situations that the Nova assist can cause with the 2 characters. I dont need to burn meter with Wesker and give it all to Vergil and Nova. Also, Nova XF3 is amazing!
Do any of you guys use Ammy with Wesker? He’s got a lot of shenanigans with Cold Star; aside from the mixups, he can push the opponent just out of Cold Star’s blockstun and go for a command grab mixup. Trying Wesker b/Doom a/Ammy b now.
I’m running Nemesis-B/Sentinel-A/Wesker-B and i’d like to know what more wesker can do than be level 3 x-factor and an OTG assist, any help you guys?
Running Wesker(SE)/Hawkeye(Greyhound)/Strider(Vajra).
Is there anyway to extend combos with Hawkeye or Strider? Hawkeye’s arrows are too fast for me to relaunch with Wesker. Any tips/suggestions? Thanks.
You can easily relaunch with greyhound assist. For the most part you only have to press gunshot+greyhound at the same time.
With glasses or without, if you want something simple you can simply cr.LMHS, air MMHS, dash, gunshot+greyhound assist, S, MMHS
Without glasses, you could use the same combo as above, but do :qcf:+:m: and get a wallbounce right after hawkeye’s arrows hit after the first air series, but if you want the most optimal combo, the best combo I remember off the top of my head is:
cr. :l:, cr., cr.:h:, :qcf:+:l: xx :l:, :df:+:h:, cr., :qcf:+:l: xx :l:, :df:+:h:, cr.+:a1:, cr.:h:, :s:, :qcf::uf:+:m:, (dash), :s:, air , , :h:, :s:
You got any Wesker combos with Arthur?