Anti-Akuma Stratagies

Steve, we need you back on ST where you are serving a purpose. You’re a great player and you can make a difference to the scene. Right now, you’re not helping anything. SF2 is dying on both fronts. You attacking HDR isn’t helping anything. Both games are fun, both games are different. Any draw we can get from either sides is a bonus at this point. If you really hate HDR as much as you say you do, you need to be on the ST forum talking about how great ST is and not spending any time here. Especially not wasting time trolling new players with a broken tier akuma that everyone agrees is bad for our cause. Breeding hate for HDR does not equal attraction for ST.

I already know the “why” for Akuma’s modifications in HDR.

This still has nothing to do with the fact that I could pick Akuma in ST and sho****w you how shitty the game is, going by your initial logic.

I suppose that if you’re here to “convert” HDR members, you’d have more success if you weren’t trolling them. RIght now you’re coming off as overly dogmatic towards ST. Why would I listen to someone like that?

I think you are missing my point. Let me try one last time. It is universally known that the ST Akuma code is not a standard character and if you pick him and smoke people you are not proving anything. In HDR people think “oh they fixed him” and he is on the character select screen so its ok to use him. So, unless you are willing to message every Akuma player and kindly explain to them why you refuse to play them you are hurting the HDR community. Maybe my logic is flawed. Reno, I still do play HDR on occasion and don’t hate on it as much as people would think. In fact I enjoy playing your Dictator. Ironically, my handle is “TeamCapcom”, we have played a few times.

LoL, I just got scolded by my mom. I better head back to the ST room, :frowning:

I’m pretty sure that the scrubs whom play akuma in ranked are aware of that they’re playing a broken character.
Also…He IS hidden in HDR. If being “invisible” above Honda isn’t “hidden” … idk what “hidden” is. IDK how you pick akuma in ST , so i cant compare. My point still stands though. I’ve been there from the very beginning and never have i heard somebody saying “oh lol Akuma isn’t broken anymore”

This is for the guy who made this thread :

listen bruh… I dont know why you feel forced to deal with akumaplayers in ranked. Even if you did manage to beat them after your hard work , chances are they will ragequit on you anyways. It’s just a lose-lose situation playing akumaplayers in ranked. By just leaving when the game starts you show peoples that “I’m not gonna play a player who is playing with a broken character , and i’m not gonna play a person who is most likely to RQ on me”.

(My experience tells me that about akumaplayers - they’re RQ:ers)

Why can’t people realize that ST and HDR are almost the exact same game? Yeah, wow, balance differences; so what? Same engine, same mechanics. No, let’s instead argue over which version sucks and which is better. HDR sucks more because its easier to select Akuma, yeah. That didn’t stop the player from using him against Zangief in the video I posted above. This is fucking stupid, seriously.

EDIT: Seems like a good time to promote this video before Youtube is completely neutered by U.S. Congress.


sorry, that was kind of preachy. must be this new puppy i’m taking care of. its got me in parent mode. you guys can go back to arguing about akuma.

SO steve you going to pick akuma in st to show how shitty st is or what.

Picking akuma is even better in st, you have to have good execution, none of that hdr pussy shit

Uh, you’re late to the party, I’m out of this thread for now.

I believe Sirlin issued a mia culpa (and offered to fix him if Capcom would allow him to work on the patch) after Damdai showed everyone how ridiculous nerfed-Akuma’s potential was a month or two after HDR came out. Remember, everyone initially thought Akuma was the weakest of the shotos due to the nerf bat. The dudes at Capcom who worked on (what turned out to be) the one and only patch for HDR purposely decided not to alter Akuma to give him more time to be looked at (at that point HDR wasn’t out in many tourneys yet, obviously pre-Evo).

This makes a lot of sense now! I was totally wondering who the “TeamCapcom” guy in my friends list was and why his Ryu I was playing a month or so back was so damn good lol.

personally, I enjoy the challenge, regardless of the opponents skill level. I choose to view it as somewhat of a masochistic training session. but with the foolishness in general that is the xbl SF scene, I’m think I’m beginning to see the light of GGPO.

The only problem about learning this match up is that its a complete waste of time if you ever want to go to a tourny. Akuma’s not allowed so you could be using that time to learn other match ups.

Just pick pink T.Hawk. Troll Hawk is in a tier all of his own.

I don’t think that the people that play Akuma in ranked are generally very good, I manage to beat most of them with sim. I think the people that choose him think that its just an instant win when they pick him, and of course bad players try to scrub every win that they can. Perhaps it would be more beneficail to the HDR community to destroy them instead of quitting? That way new players may choose a different character instead.
(Of course this cannot be said for people that know how to use him well).

Also I never realised that people take ranked matches seriously. Afterall anyone could just rage quit at any moment and not recieve a loss. o_O
Hardly ever see Akuma in player matches because pretty much everyone accepts that he is an arse. Furthermore he is banned in tornaments so what is the problem?

I’m XSPR on Xbox LIVE and this week I decided to punish myself by seeing how far I can get in ranked matches (remix, but classic too if I could ever find anyone playing). I even stayed up one night looking for matches, and lost about 10 games to el patriarca 2, though other days was able to edge him out. (The lag is anywhere from 230ms to 300+). There are other akuma players, but this one shouts/messages you obscenities after matches. (btw I use the Player Feedback/File Complaint option… it only takes like 10 to 20 seconds). I am not really convinced that akuma players like him understand that they are playing a “cheap” character, ie they subscribe to the “Play to Win” mindset. I have an idea. Instead of waiting for something that’s not likely to happen (i.e. banning HDR akuma in ranked matches for Remix, as he is banned for Classic ranked), I’m for the idea to convey to akuma players how cheap he is. If 10 to 20 of us all message him on the same day

“Akuma is cheap”

(exactly that, all the same message from each one of us) then at least he’ll get the message that we’re not impressed as he may think we are. Of course, he may not even care and he just likes to vent but if you’re willing to give this a try, reply here and let’s try to organize a day to do this.

Hey XSPR (mrdhalsim), what’s up buddy, I don’t think that any kind of organized clue delivery is going to be effective, because we probably aren’t dealing with someone who’s interested in fair play of any kind, or even an objective assessment of what he’s doing. The fact that he’s playing Akuma is itself a signal that he wants to win no matter the cost (because he sucks at the game).

This actually gets back to the e-mail discussion that we’re currently having with zaspacer, Kuroppi, Camouflage, et al. about Brazzers being compatible with the fighting game community because the FGC is sufficiently peopled with scumbags (my argument, not yours, for the record). el patriarca 2 is clearly una cucaracha – he beat me a few times and talked sh!t and sent me some foul and irate messages after each of those matches (usually to say something ugly about my two little girls), but when I bested him a few times afterward, he was completely silent. Later, he won a couple more matches, and fell right back into his douchebaggery.

There are actually multiple Akuma scum rubbing their pungent, buttery buttocks all over HDR, these days; he’s just the worst offender. (A couple of them have tried to play that perennial favorite of scrubs the world over, Ken, but that’s apparently just a little too much work.) I really like Papercut’s suggestion of simply immediately quitting when it’s revealed that the other guy is playing Akuma. (Note that this should apply only to ranked matches, right? I think you can ban Akuma in the queued rooms.) Denying them the chance to play at all (or at least minimizing it) is an excellent way to handle them.

Note that I would not be for Papercut’s suggestion if the Akuma players were generally a bunch of cool people. I don’t have a problem fighting Akuma per se (though he’s definitely illegitimate for serious play), but I do have a problem with Akuma players being cocksure assholes, almost to a man.

I’ll fight an Akuma player if he’s not an asshole. Its good practice to face a character who owns the whole cast to varying degrees.

Patriarca sends hate mail whether he wins or loses. I think he’s on the uppers.

I just quit on them any more, unless the room is really good otherwise. Life is too short.

ok so much for that idea then. And your argument that the FGC is peopled with unas cucarachas is valid, and I guess I can’t muster up much of a community to distinguish them from ourselves. (Anyone for 20 messages of just “cucaracha”?)

For ranked matches btw, there are other problems- for one, quitting ranked usually (should?) gives you a loss right? I’ve noticed some strange stuff/tampering possibly, if not just bugs with the system. The current highest ranked this week is some gamertag something like MyRealGamerAccount and after winning 5 games, I noticed it awarded him the wins on the leaderboard, not me, so maybe he has some consistent way to “ragequit” successfully manipulating the board but most of the time, I thought that gives the person a loss (and may not give the other person a win). Well except for the last game- that gave us both losses (in that game I won 3 rounds straight). Also in Classic ranked last week, JayIsLegit or something like that didn’t move the whole game, but after winning he got the win and it recorded it as a loss for me. Anyway, I still somehow wound up at or near the top.

Yeah, if you care about your ranking (I don’t), then simply quitting might be problematic.


This was awhile ago. But it’s still fun 2 watch i guess… He even commented the video himself and i had to google translate something mean to strike back with. :slight_smile: