Anti-Akuma Stratagies

Personally, I wish this character was disabled/banned from ranked matches(Not that ranked really matters) considering he is banned in almost every major tournament.

Regardless of the fact, there must be solutions to his dumb air fireball shananigans. I’m not sure if Capcom fixed the Forced block air fireball -> super lock but even without it, Akuma is a pretty lame character in HDR and is clearly superior to 90% of the cast.

I’ll have to deal with him one way or another, so is there anything that a Ryu player can do against this online onslaught pressure?

Not if the akuma player knows how to play akuma properly. No!
If you run into Akuma players in ranked , just do yourself a favor and LEAVE as soon as the game starts.

Quitting is usually the best thing to do cuz Akuma is insanely strong and nobody should be using him. But if you’re a sucker for punishment, then there are some Ryu strats that can help:

The most dangerous mixup is the crossup Air Hadoken, cr Forward, Tatsu. The best way to block this is to hold back (which becomes forward once Akuma has crossed over), and then switch to back once the Hadoken is blocked. Sometimes the Hadoken hits after Akuma’s cr Forward, which makes it tough to block. But usually it doesn’t.

Instead of blocking, you can beat this crossup by doing the reverse Shoryuken motion (F,DF,D,DB Punch). Sometimes the Shoryu will go the wrong way, but it’s still to your benefit as the Akuma player may not be fast enough to punish the DP.

To beat Akuma’s neutral jump, Air Hadoken spam, a jumping High Air Tatsu works best from about 1/2 screen to 3/4 screen distance. If you’re too close, the air fireball will beat the air hurricane.

And if you’re throwing Hadokens vs his Air Hadokens, try to time your fireballs to go OVER his Air Hadokens, so that Akuma has to deal with it by jumping again or blocking. If you let your Hadokens hit his Air Hadokens, he has the recovery advantage and can hit you with a sweep or a Tatsu or something else.

If he Teleports a lot, neutral Fierce works pretty well, it will hit him even if he’s slightly behind you. The Teleport is only invincible during startup and recovery, but while it’s travelling it can be hit almost any attack that isn’t low and isn’t a fireball. If he Teleports just outside neutral Fierce range, you can still recover fast enough to not be punished. Or you can just jump away instead of dealing with it, but usually Akuma can hit you with a Roundhouse.

If you see a Raging Demon, get the hell out of there ASAP! Best bet is to jump away, just hold UF or UB and usually Akuma cannot hit you. Raging Demon is also vulnerable during recovery, but it’s not worth punishing it unless he’s out of throwing range.

I’m usually ok with playing vs Akuma in ranked, but nowadays there’s a group of dedicated Akuma players whose skills have improved recently (meaning they went from below average to average, but since they’re using Akuma who is overpowering, they are almost impossible to beat now). So I just ragequit cuz it’s not worth the aggravation. And even if you manage to beat them, sometimes they’ll just quit on you anways, so f*** that. Hopefully if enough people do it, they’ll get the message to stop using Akuma (not likely).

This has become a stealth admitting to rage-quitting thread.

just spam the dude with hate mail about how pussy he is for using this char with so many lame( but effective) tactics

Thanks for the replies but I don’t think there is any excuse for rage quitting.

I’ll have to try some of those Ryu strats Blitzfu.

There should be a community wide ban on akuma players. Everyone should just leave as soon as the other player picks akuma. The HDR offline scene is already dead because the drop from majors as a tournament game. These akuma players are effectively killing the online scene as well. New players coming in will just get turned off by all the akuma players in ranked.

You guys as a community need to ban akuma by not playing against them because capcom isn’t going to spend any more money to fix this. Eventually, those akuma players will get the point that they will simply not get games if they keep playing akuma.

If I run into Akumas that know what they’re doing I usually take the time to message them asking why they are making a concentrated effort to learn and use a universally hated/banned character. A few message me back with “HDR isn’t used in tourneys anymore so who gives a shit”. A part of me understands that, but using Akuma still wrecks the fairness factor of Ranked matches.

Beating strong Kumas with Honda though is extremely satisfying for some reason though :smiley:

I pick Akuma online just so people will realize what a shitty game HDR is. If Capcom had any sense they should just block him off the character select screen in all online modes. Its a 2 second code patch. Obviously Capcom has moved on beyond HDR and doesn’t care about broken shit.

FYI: He’s even more broken in ST. #Justsayin

Another ST-purist? Awesome!

You might want to stick to ST steve, you might accidentally fall in love with this game.

Hai guyz, Akuma no broken ST. Haz fair matchupz!!!

Shitty Akuma player Vs Jodim? LOL. If you play Akuma properly Gief can’t touch him not matter how good you are.

sweep XX red fireball= auto win

That was my point. Akuma in ST is broken as fuck, more so than his HDR version.

Oddly enough I never see an Akuma player in ranked. It is usually only against players whom I’ve beaten dominantly multiple times. They believe air fireball will lead them to victory

If I do see an Akuma player in ranked I assume they suck ass and that’s usually the case

Akuma is even more broken in ST, so if I pick him in ST will that help you realize what a shitty game ST is?

Akuma code in ST has been banned from the beginning and no argued that point. HDR Akuma is right on the character select screen and Sirlin argued he was balanced even though we all knew he wasn’t. To be honest I think HDR Akuma is more broken than ST Akuma. His x-up Fireball / Super / Air block fireball makes him insanely good in HDR.

I don’t really see how Sirlin arguing for HDR Akuma has any bearing on my post, or the fact that Akuma is banned in tournaments, considering we’re talking about an online, informal matchup.

Certainly with a vanilla ST setup via kaillera or GGPO, one could simply pick Akuma and show you how shitty the game is, by your own reasoning for picking Akuma in HDR.

Nope, Akuma was added/modified to the HDR roster with the intentions of being a balanced playable character. That is not so for the “hidden” ST Akuma. I’m sure if HDR wasn’t dead already Gief would prolly get banned eventually also.