Another fan art thread

been a while. just a simple drawing

wouldve liked her in mvc3

you havent done any m.bison art have you?

kind of. ive only got this pic of a midnight bliss’d version i drew up a long time ago

a commissioned drawing of jun kagami from kof ex2

another sporadic update to my fan art thread, this time of laura

Woah, Would you mind if I used this for artwork on my stick? :slight_smile:

that be kinda cool to see. send me some pics of the end result =)

I shall do when I get it done :slight_smile:

Oh man that Laura looks beautiful!

cheers man. here comes a few warm ups

do over. i think the original version of this is in the mspaint thread

Like i said on your DA, your work is amazing!

cheers man. anyway, made this realisation the other day. couldve been birdie, but i felt like gief was the better fit.

another warm up drawing

been a while since i updated

coloured it too

outstanding work here………I can only dream of being able to draw this well…

thanks man.

magneto vs akuma a friend commissioned me for a while ago. theres a bunch id do differently now, even just months later but im happy enough with it.

im real bad at keeping this thread updated. did these marvel x sf mashups about half a year ago.