AMP Up Customs: Now taking orders. TE2, MCZ SE, FS Pro, and Hori FE

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Sorry FreedomGundam and megadarve. No international shipping as of right now. I will have a chance to quote soon but not right now. :frowning:

All PM’s have been answered and orders have been shipped.

Notice *** I’m going on family vacation from 6/26/2014-6/30/2014. ***
I will not be able to take or ship any order from now until July 1st.

Thanks for all your support.

  • Angel Perez, Jr.

Hey, I want to order a metal panel and matching plexi for a Madcatz V.S stick. Do u take order right now? If so can u provide me a template to create the panel ?

Any chance of you making full cases?

Are orders still being processed? I’m interested in a metal panel + plexi.

All PM’s have been answered and I’m graciously awaiting some reply’s. Thanks guys.

@El Greco. It’s in the works. :slight_smile:

I received my panel a couple of weeks back - I have to say that I’m very impressed with how it turned out.

My impressions:

The panel - Absolutely superb. Super smooth, the perfect level of thickness, and overall it feels even higher quality than the original Q4 metal panel. No gripes here at all. Just excellent work.

The plexi - Pretty good, but with a couple small issues. There was a small but wide scratch towards the left side that I’ll have to try to buff out, but it’s not a huge deal. Also the thickness of the plexi plus the metal panel makes it a tight squeeze to make it flush with the top, but I managed alright. The top of the plexi feels good and smooth, and pretty similar to that of the Q4RAF plexi replacement panel that you can buy for $15-20 online.

Overall - After installing the panel and plexi, my stick does have more of that metal feel I was hoping for, but it’s likely muffled a bit due to the plexi. Still, it feels better than both the original Q4RAF and the replacement Q4RAF plexi. And I’m glad I can finally play on the old HRAP1 (aka. Astro City P2) layout again. Overall I’m really satisfied with the final product. :slight_smile:

Here are a couple of shots I took of my new Q4RAF layout:

And here’s a shot of the metal panel, from the man himself:

(You can’t tell from the picture, but it’s reeeeally smooth)

Great job again. I definitely recommend AMP’s services and would buy from him again in a heartbeat.


no need for this any more. Thanks anyways!

Hey BBT, if you ever decide to do international shipping I’d be interested in a hitbox panel for qanba q4raf. Just throwing the interest out there.

Payment sent

Thanks Lidolinn. Pm’s have been responded.

International shipping is a very big process which include a lot of fees. I’m still not 100% on all the steps but I am still looking into it.

sethian0. I’ve been super busy. Sorry for not responding fast enough. If I’m correct, you were looking for Sega repro’s or a Namco. I don’t offer em at this time. I would need somebody to send me that panel to copy. Hope you were able to find what u were looking for.

I went a different route. Thanks for the response. No worries m8


PM Sent


Seriously though your work looks really good, I cant wait to get one when it is available :wink:
I like the metal finish, I would not put art on beautiful metal like that drool

Thanks Niku13. I wish shipping international was easy but I don’t want to deal with customs, docs, and fee’s. Please bare with me as I’m still considering it.

Lidolin. I can’t wait to see the final product. I love that arcade stick!

JLB251. I’ll have an update on your panel soon. Looking to ship out on Friday.

If you ever start doing Hori Fighting Edge panels + lexan I will jump on one pretty quick. Would love to switch to a proper 6 button Astro Layout.

PM Sent

Mine arrived today. Phenomenal quality, impeccably wrapped, the lexan layer matches perfectly. I can see why some people are tempted to forego the artwork and just play with the metal plate exposed – it’s a work of art, especially with the Amp Up logo he’s begun using. A note for consideration: The metal is noticeably thicker than the stock MadCatz TE layer, so it’s more sturdy but you’ll want to verify your pushbuttons are properly seated during assembly.

tl;dr - Quality is tops for the price. I wouldn’t hesitate to order another panel, and I might just do that anyway just in case he gets bored and stops making them.

Great work @B-boy Tekken!

Hi Angel, I’m very interested in a metal panel and matching lexan for the Tekken 5 stick, however I don’t have a Facebook. Can I work with you through PM or emails?