AMP Up Customs: Now taking orders. TE2, MCZ SE, FS Pro, and Hori FE

AMP Up Customs

Memorial Day Announcement

I would like to announce that we are now offering custom work for 2 more joysticks. These will blow your mind.

First is the Hori VLX. Panels will be completely custom to your needs. Any button layout. Any button placement. Includes universal mounting plate. I also was asked to create something for the home/guide slot in case anybody wanted to remove that part and replace it. That is a separate charge.

Replacement panels $60
Matching Lexan $40
Shipping $20
Home/guide slot - $20
Includes metal and lexan

Next we have Madctz VS joystick panels and matching lexan. I love this arcade stick. So many custom options. Other than the panels. I will also be offering a custom accessory bundle. Let’s put some use to all those screws.

Replacement panels $40
Matching lexan $30
Shipping $10

Accessory bundle pricing;
Plain powder coated. $40
Bundle with only font and
powder coated. $60
Bundle with custom images /stencil cut outs also powder coated with font. Fully
customized. $80

Shipping. $10

Powder coating colors will be available later this week. Expect the normal colors but with a few diff of course.

Thank you Mike “Halfro” for your help.

Happy Memorial day everybody.

Dope, man. Very nice.

I will definitely hitting you up in the near future for some VLX panels.

Are the TE panels any thicker than the stock ones? I’m considering buying one of the madcatz wii te-s sticks for cheap, but I want the vewlix layout like my other te.

And as far as the plexiglass, do you do the really thin impact modified stuff? And do you do etchings? If not, do the panels match exactly to the stock panels if I wanted to use plexi from a different supplier?

Question about the VLX, Do you have a Vector image of a template for art for the VLX? I am really interested in getting one.

Hey, Angel. Did you get a chance to write up a quote for those custom panels I need?

Dav3yb - I use 16ga Stainless steel material. I think its a hair thicker. As for my Lexan. I only offer 1/16" lexan. Nothing else. No etching at this time. Sorry. And Yes. My panels match exactly to stock panels. Good questions amigo.

Havitz - I can send you a layout so you can make art for it. No problem. Hope to hear from you soon.

iNENDOi - That file didn’t work. I replied to you on AMPs FB page. Did you see it? Eagerly awaiting your reply.

Dark Cat - hope so. Thanks.

So you’re finally offering VLX panels. I’m interested in this.

A question, though. It looks like the lexan you offer is completely to the edges of the top of the VLX. While this may be ideal for most people, is it at all physically possible to cut a lexan or plexi overlay that just covers the shape and area of the original VLX panel? I understand trying to match the thickness would likely be impossible.

Hi Chikalin. I’m not sure what the “original vlx panel” size is. I can cut the lexan the same size as the metal piece. If that’s what your asking. As far as my lexan thickness. I’m only offering 1/16" thick. Anything thinner warps out and I don’t want to go down that route with my customs. Hope that answers your question.

Emailed the file to you. Holla.

The original VLX top panel doesn’t extend to the edges of the top, basically. It’s beveled and centered with a bit of a border. Pic because easier to explain.

I can cut the lexan at either length. Matching the size of the metal panel or how I have it as posted in the pics above.

Hey Angel, just wondering when/if my panel will be done (the Qanba Q4 custom metal panel). It’s been a few weeks since you last replied to my messages so I figured I’d ask here.


Oh man. I’m soooo sorry. I see your last message. Check your PMS.

If you ever add SE panels to your repertoire let me know! I’m sure there are some SE, TvC, or WWE Brawl stick owners out there that may want a custom panel, right? right?! I sure hope so lol

Sounds like its time to bite the bullet and take on the challenge of the dreaded SE panel.

It’s too bad you don’t do international orders yet (I’m in Canada).
There’s a KI TE2 still just sitting there at a local store here that I’d snatch up in a heartbeat if you’d take Canadian orders.

Anyhow, keep up the great work, and I hope you open up to orders from north of the border soon! :slight_smile:

I’d also be super interested, with a couple of others down here (Australia). I was looking into getting TE, HRAP3 and HFSV3/X replacements.

I’m actually travelling to the US next month for Evo 2014 - but I’m guessing there’s no plans to distribute these at the event?

Anyway once again, I’m super keen, and will be keeping an eye out in the thread for international updates. :smiley:

Just thought I would share my NeoGeo arcade panel for one of my customers. 6 button noir layout. Universal joystick mount. I’m happy with the turn out. Hope he invites me to come out and throw down on some NeoGeo fun.
Show me some NeoGeo love.

That’s rad, dude! Good jarb!