Alpha 3: Q & A

hmmm, id like to know what geifs splash outprioritizes, and what beats it out cold… new thread YAYAY apoc…yayay:lol:

Whoa! um…with which characters? I’m sure I couldn’t think of em all and a lot depends on range. It’d be much easier to explain specific characters. Also, Aism and Vism splash act differently so it really depends. Any specific character you need counters for?


for the CC ender with dan you do (stand fierce, whiff fireball) until almost no meter then you do standing strong and jump up (shadow hits) then I usually do 3 jump fierces, one or two jump strongs, then land with low fierce>>spin kick (short or roundhouse)… after that you can do another low fierce>>spin kick depending on if or how they flip. 30-40% meter return which is crucial for Dan.

I’ve beaten Gief’s splash with Guy’s crouch strong deep. When I use Guy against Gief, my whole game is to get him to jump.
Sakura’s early jab DP works.
Can Karin’s stand fierce beat it clean without trading?

Err, if your whole game is to actively try to get Zangief to jump into an anti-air you’re asking to be VCd, or SPD for max range.

Yes, Karin’s FP can beat it, pretty well, too.

BTW, Dhalsim’s jab of doom clealy beats Zangief’s splash. His <near> SP can also beat Gief, but it has to be done a bit earlier than usual.

Lots of crouching SPs beat the splash (with proper timing, of course). Shotos (including Dan!), for instance. Rose’. Charlie’s. Honda’s headbutt beats it cold. DPs can beat it, but also requires some timing, as well as good choice between JP/SP/FP. Gen’s waterfall kick is one of the most reliable aganst the splash (annoyingly so). Against V-Gief the list expands to include the traditional anti-airs, such as crouching FP of most characters.

Any tips for X-Rolento?

ryu,charlie,and sak in v
and gen in a
v splash, i was thinking sak can b+hp,or b+hk?

i’m just wondering… how did this information come to arise anyway (was it published in a guide/article?)? it just doesn’t seem like something everyone just commonly notices.

what other seemingly unchanged normals have different properties in the different isms (eg Gief’s splash)? i mean priority range and speed in particular (as well as bufferability eg V-Rog’s c.FP).

In a rush…um…off the top of my head…

Ryu:far st. fierce when he jumps from low forward range and such. You wouldn’t believe how much this move can own Gief. Also, st.jab after walking into him. When gief jumps from a ways away he usually waits to hit the splash in order so that it stays out when it reaches you. Use this to your advantage and walk into the jump sometimes and hit jab before any move can come out from him. Of course juggle/airthrow or set up a nice crouch cancel following this as well as the usual walk under strongxxspinkick etc. Dps work as AA too:P VC. Don’t underestimate the power of the airthrow over the splash. st. strong-use like fierce but when you don’t have time to get the fierce out. st.forward at 45 degrees. And of course the million things you can do to him on the way up in his jump. AC etc

Charlie:far st. strong. Very early low fierce(nearly infallable when done early. If you trade, Charlie still has the momentum and the ability to juggle and all the million other yadda yadda. St.jab, much like Ryu’s but it just seems better with him to me. Deep RH flashkick. Neutral RH. Hopkick backward, jump back fierce, AC, backfist on the way up will trade at worst. Airthrow…he has tons of counters but these are the best so…

Sak, I don’t even touch this ho. um…st.jab, early back fierce(doubles as a poke that major counters), kk airthrow, vc if they have no meter, back+RH hella close, far RH on the way up or if they jump from far simply to cover distance. St.strong. I know at some ranges you can use low frc to major counter. Jump back forward hits it too I think…not really to sure. Temujin should know.

Gen can rush super through it, heheh. Air super or airthrow. Just fly away to the wall. Early waterfallkick, st. strong sometimes. Low RH in kkk style. st jab(in kick style preferably). Jumping RH in kkk. He has tons of tricks at certain ranges but I’m no Gen player:( I would use those if I were to touch him. Or just block and reversal 100hand slap. He can’t keep jumping on you or attack after the splash. Unless on a wake up but still. Reversal 100hands should set you back at the safe distance again while doing a tad of blocked and guard damage. Sorry, don’t know Gen well.



To the people asking how to play Gief: just jump at them and do Fierce splash over and over, or alternate between that, and jumping in with nothing, and then SPD/FAB their anti-air attempt. And of course, jump splash, crouching jab/short, SPD. And mash on Fierce when you’re on the ground, and do lariat for anti-air. That’s basically all you need to know to beat people who are as good/better than you, and don’t have enough anti-gief experience.

To add to Apoc’s list, Charlie’s level 1 flash kick super will outlast VC invincibility, so you can do it even vs V-Gief safely, IIRC. Ditto that with Gen’s waterfall kick, since you can hit kick again if he VCs through the first hit.

Apoc: is Rog’s “Final” turn punch practical to use, or is it out of the question because of how long it takes, and the startup time?

and for whoever asked, old A3 thread is at

Playing A3 on broken sticks sucks. But god damn it, I can’t stop…

I’m sorry I didn’t specify. I was reffering to A-Gief.

Actually, Gief can vc through the level1 and 360 the 2nd flashkick, heheh.

In X the final punch is worth it and the TAP is good in certain match-ups but for A-Rog I find that it’s not worth it since you can’t throw. ac, trip, airthrow, and of course you lose 3 buttons period. The charge time is too long to hold down 3 buttons while not using those techniques. Some matches? Sure. Overall? Nope.


Dammit, TS just gave away my whole strategy with Gief… :bluu:

About V-Nash’s crouch canceling,could it be that i cant do the crouch canceling on the saturn version of alpha 3. In el_diablo’s video,we see that you cant block after an air recovery. Does this only works on the arcade version,cause im not a retard,but it just wont work on the saturn version.

actually, it does work on the arcade version, on the dc version, but not on the sat(not that way) and not on the ps. on sat and ps, you gotta do it so the opponent can’t flip. or it won’t work. weird, but that’s the way it is.

I know, but I lose to Gief so easy…proof that having more moves doesn’t make you better, because Gief only does like 4 things (jump fierce/splash, empty jumpin, spd/super/vc, crouching fierce, lariat) and owns like 75% of the characters in the game. God damn him.

Apoc- thanks. How does Rog get around the standing jab issue vs shotos though? I wanna know what to look for vs a good Balrog in that match.

Im really trying to learn V-Karin. I know most of the otg combos and whatnot. The only thing im having trouble with is setting up for her infinite. Can anyone help me out?

Yo Apoc, im not gonna quote that whole post, but about the splash, i think thats gonna help mi ryu a lot. Thanks >)

Can u guys give me some Alpha3 match vids, combomovies, or sites pleez? Thanx in advance!!! :slight_smile:

Some vids of me attempting to use V-Gief (first time!) at a recent SVGL tourney:

EDIT - Oh yeah, for the record, I had gone all the way through the winners bracket with A-Gief, then lost to Kim (ohyeah1234)'s V-Sak. In the loser’s I stayed with A-Gief until I played Kim again, then from then on I used V-Gief vs. him, Alex Valle, and then John Choi (in that order).