Oh hey there Darlos. Fancy seeing you here. This is Arms, by the way.
That’s a pretty interesting idea. There’s nothing the opponent can do about it during the DHC, correct?
Oh hey there Darlos. Fancy seeing you here. This is Arms, by the way.
That’s a pretty interesting idea. There’s nothing the opponent can do about it during the DHC, correct?
Yeah I noticed the quote thing under your username and had a feeling you might read Homestuck. Combine that with your tendency to use avatars of destructive young ladies and I really should have known right away.
During the DHC switch, I’m not sure actually. I think there is a few frames there so I guess if they were neutral they could hold up and avoid the throw. That might be a problem.
It’s still a good reversal though, since Lenny seems to have startup invuln.
I’ve been working on various Peacock/Cere shenanigans all week. I’m finding Excellebella (anti-air throw) to be a really good assist, not only because it covers Peacock’s against jump-ins (they can block it but still) but also because Peacock can call the assist during a later air portion of one of her combos and then get a lot of time to land and set up other shit while Cere smacks them in the face repeatedly. The trick I’ve noticed is that while you can’t call assists after a super jump (which you do automatically if you jump after a launcher) you can call them during a normal jump. And peacock’s combos tend to involve hitting them with jHK, landing, and then immediately jumping again without a launcher to do another air string. So, she can call assists while air comboing pretty easily, and Excellebella is easy and good to combo into.
Something fun that might not really be Cerebella dependant: if you do sHK > Item Drop in the start of your combo (I know it’s bugged, but it won’t always be) you can call item drop again when Cere is doing Excellebella, hit them with Argus Agony when she’s done, and hit them with level 3 item drop after that. The level 3 item drop will trigger IPS, which at that point I feel is a good thing because really, I fucking DARE them to burst and then eat an unscaled Argus Agony. If you have less meter to work with, you can also just hit them with the level 2 item drop just as Excellebella finishes for the same effect. Yay for completely safe burst baiting.
Also: Lenny is terrible mid-to-late combo. He really gets hit hard with damage scaling and I’m not sure if there’s some better way for me to apply him combo-wise. I guess that’s more of a subject for the combo thread though. Though again, I figure Excellebella would help out a lot in trying to set him up, if you’re going to do that.
I’ve just been using Lennny as a safe way to DHC out. Nobody wants to get hit by him unscaled so people just back off. I’ve had people drop combos when they realize that if they keep going they’re going to get nailed by Lenny. :U
Yeah, I guess there’s the fact that if they attack you right after you drop him on top of them, they’re just shortening his fuse and inviting their own doom. Fear factor always helps.
Indeed, Although do they know that we get blown up too? I would personally keep the combo going and then let us both take the hit, The attacker would end up dealing more anyways
Lets be honest, The coolest thing about lenny is the fact that him and the george bomb reference ‘of mice and men’ which must have been the only book i could tolerate when we had to study it in high school (about 15y.o, not much could hold my interest back then XD)
Weren’t they originally gonna be Fat Man and Little Boy?
Yeah, Of Mice and Men was alright, if not simply for pop culture referential purposes. References that Looney Toons loved the shit out of for whatever reason (WHICH WAY DID HE GO GEORGE WHICH WAY DID HE GO). So the names are pretty appropriate for Peacock, really.
Our Lenny, like original Lenny, will kill a bitch by accident. Lenny is best partner.
Also every time I tag Peacock out or she leaves after assisting and she says “Hello my ho-WUGH” it makes me giggle uncontrollably. Peacock stop messing up my combos.
EDIT: I almost want to use Cere’s Devil Horns as an assist, just so I can call it out while doing Peacock’s cHK. You shred that banjo Peacock.
Correct, but then they found out the game was going to be released in Japan and they didn’t want to deal with that shit.
Yeah that’s what I thought. Like I said, I think George and Lenny works better for Peacock anyway, since it was always a think Looney Toons referenced.
She says “Hello my baby”.
what shit would that be? I clearly missed this train of thought XD
Having characters that happen to bombs named after the 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japan to end World War 2 probably would most likely cause an uproar. It would be like Japan putting a Pearl Harbour joke in a game.
Didn’t MGS2 have a character named after that bomb?
So sue me
Fat Man and Little Boy were the names of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan.
Yeah but he was a blatant asshole, so that’s okay I guess?
I just got an HD PVR and decided to test it out by quickly playing some matches online. Some of them were pretty laggy but for those who haven’t witnessed the Peacock/Double team… here you go.
Hey guys, remember how I was blathering about DHCing Lenny into Cere’s Showstopper? Looks like Peacock’s changes are making that even more awesome. First of all, you can’t DHC Lenny until after he actually drops, which actually makes it easy to DHC since you can just kinda churn out showstopper. Hopefully there isn’t something about that change that messes up this tactic that I’m overlooking, though.
Second of all, Lenny’s damage is getting buffed by 1500! Holy crap! And Showstopper causes no damage scaling whatsoever (unless they changed that too, but I don’t believe they did). So where this little trick is currently doing 7200, after the patch it’ll do 8700. Crazy.
God I can’t wait to blow people up with that. Literally.
Crazy corner mixup time.
For this mixup, you’ll need an assist that hits the opponent into the air but will not cause a knockdown (launchers, Fortune’s DP, Cerebella’s c.MK, Filia’s c.MP).
Basically, you do anything into s.LP, s.MP, s.HP (1-hit), assist, xx qcb+HP (hold). The opponent is now in the air about to recover and you have an item drop charging. From here, depending on the character you have several options.
The light attack varies by character:
It’s worthwhile to note that either by restanding or by faking out with a light attack the ground combo that follows is still stage 2.
I think what they actually changed about Lenny and DHCing is that you can still DHC early as crap, but the bomb will always come out. So you might need to watch out for DHCing too early maybe.
So, for anybody running Painwheel/Peacock, you need to check out Stinger M and Stinger H as assists.From Peacock’s optimal range, pairing Stinger M/H with cannon ball during zoning gives her access to full screen combos if the cannon ball hits. I’m going to work with the Stinger H, since I like the arc it travels in for aa purposes and for giving Peacock a way to cover both the air and ground without needing an item.
What’s the combo? Can you do like, s.HP, call Painwheel, teleport, s.LP?
Stinger M/H + Cannon ball xx H Item Drop, Cannon ball xx H Teleport, Poke on hit. You confirm using the Cannon ball xx H Item Drop.
More reliable with Stinger M, but should work 3/4 - full screen with Stinger H.