I’m going to second using Valentine’s savage bypass as a peacock assist. I currently use peacock/Valentine, and I’ve found SB(H) [yay acronyms] fairly useful, at least at the level i’m playing.
It comes out fast and covers a lot of distance, and if it hits, it usually ends up putting them directly into a chain of projectiles for me. And if it’s blocked, it’s still useful as it pushes the opponent back a good distance, giving peacock room to breath, and you can cover val from punishment with random projectiles.
I think it has something to do with Cerebella’s command grabs being quarter circles instead of 360s or half circles and because of the leniency that this game has on inputs (for the longest I thought Valentine’s slash was a dp move as when I was trying to figure out everyone’s moves on the first day it came out everytime as dp kick) makes dp and qcf inputs overlap somewhat. You have to do super precise to get it.
That could be it. I’ve developed a habit of ending shoryu motions with forward instead of downforward. But i still wonder, why I would be getting cerecopter with the same motion instead of Lock n’ Load?
Finally decided on my 3-man team of Peacock/Valentine/Parasoul. Though I dunno what assist would benefit Val from Peacock. I’m assuming George At the Air show. And I’m unsure of what Val can do that will help Peacock’s zoning outside of the meg projectile she has.
Is george at the air show peacocks best assist? Im playing a team of Peacock/Parasoul and of course Ive got Napalm Pillar, but what peacock assist would help Parasoul the most?
George at the air show seems good for protecting the space above Parasouls head pre-emptively, but maybe parasoul will get more mileage out of a horizontal projectile assist to make her zoning even better.
I haven’t gotten much time with the game, but right now it’s Peacock/Fillia. George’s Day Out for Peacock’s assist, and HP Updo for Fillia (for obvious reasons). Huge fan of George’s Day Out as an assist as it just struts on the screen for so long. Allows you to rush with Fillia against most, and even just keep them blocking all the way to the corner. And if they do hit you, they usually have to block the walking bomb. Like a single Sentinel drone. The team itself offers zoning and rushdown, so I’m happy with that when I come in contact with Peacock and/or Cerabella. Also, George’s Day Out goes under Peacock’s Beam super, and can knock her out of that if she throws it out with George on the screen, helping you take less damage and getting you back across the screen.
I’m having a hard as hell time now in this game. I can’t seem to keep rushdowners away from me. I can’t keep them out long even with my Pillar assist and when they get in a take a ton of damage. I’ve expanded some of my combos and finally learned the Peacock and can do 12,000K with it, but I don’t ever have an opportunity to do it, well I did one time, but I dropped it due to nervousness.
I use Peacock’s throw, but I’ve also heard from people that George’s Day Out is good too.
It’s a reversal GTFO move that perform real good in the corner and i use it mostly as a “counter” assist…well mostly to impale Double fat ass on those fingers. -it’s not as versatile as double buttocks but it does counter it, and with the crapload of double assist i see…it’s efficient ^^.
Plus groundbouce arent vitals in peacock bnb be it corner or midscreen so you can safely do your combo from hit confirm.
the only gripe i have with my team is the lack of DHC exept in the corner :/.
Okay so I posted about this over at dustloop but figured I’d spread it around for anybody using Cerebella with Peacock.
Say you’ve got Peacock on point, and you’re either currently getting pressured, or you are (for whatever reason) applying some close-range pressure yourself. Well, when you have an opening and two meter, throw down a Lenny super. During the year-and-a-day freeze that dropping Lenny causes, observe the state of your opponent. If they’re starting to jump, do nothing. If they’re doing anything else, DHC into Ultimate Showstopper. Enjoy your free throw.
If you DHC when Lenny actually gets on the ground, it gets even better: Cerebella, at the end of Ultimate Showstopper, drops the opponent directly into Lenny just as he explodes, for 3000 extra damage. The only caveat here is if Ultimate Showstopper caught them at max range. In that case, Cere slides forward a bunch before going into the throw animation, and because of that drops them too far past Lenny. Lenny doesn’t hit her either though, so it’s not so bad.