The movie overall was pretty good, though there were more questions introduced rather than answered. Felt a little detached from some of the characters, which is never good. The development wasn’t really sufficient beyond Shaw.
[details=Spoiler]I’ve only read the last page so bear with me if some of this has been addressed.
First I’d like to say that the Medipod may have been calibrated for males, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that Charlize was a man or that it was intended to be used on Whelan. It simply means that, as an emergency tool, it wasn’t intended for the use of female-specific surgeries such as a C-section especially considering the fact that it was kept in an escape pod on a space cruiser, somewhere a pregnant woman truly ought not be.
Secondly, I have to question what David’s motive for “drugging” Charlie and subsequently trying to keep the alien on board the ship in Shaw’s womb. He spoke the line “Doesn’t every child want their parents to die?” but he couldn’t have just meant Whelan if he was willing to go to those ends to do so. Did he have an agenda beyond simply following his “father’s” orders? Was he holding a grudge against mankind (which may or may not have been similar to the Engineers since we never truly know what he learned about them on his private excursions)? This could easily be masked given how he ordinarily communicated with humans - there was no real shift in his demeanor prior to exploring the planet - he was just programmed to be cold and robotic. Additionally, what the hell was the rest of the crew doing while he was exploring on his own and toying with the “WMD.” Not one question was asked of him, even by Vickers when he shut off his feed and here he is carrying some unknown container of substance onto a ship, and is never approached about where he’s been or what he’s seen.
This leads to my third issue, did David (and likely Whelan) know more about the planet and the “Engineers” than they chose to share? David somehow knew how to operate anything he came across (yes yes, he’s an android who’s dissected every language in existence), could analyze the black substance with a glance, and expected some sort of result from drugging Charlie. Subsequently, what did he say to the Engineer? Was it a mere translation of what Whelan told him to tell (which wasn’t specifically given away, he just said to tell him why he was there)? And did the Engineer respond to the message or simply to the fact that he recognized them as human and wanted to kill them for whatever reason they intended to wipe out humanity?
Lastly, why the fuck do people in movies not believe in lateral movement? I can run 100 yards ahead, or apparently roll to the side once. Which is the best option?
These were some of the points my friends and I brought up immediately after the movie, though there may have been more. I’m just tired and can’t think.
I can’t really see Shaw’s character carrying a sequel virtually on her own, though she does send out the transmission so that opens things up. In the end, while it wasn’t supposed to be a direct prequel, with a trailer as intense as the first (I know I know) I expected to be more on edge rather than puzzled. The most intense, thrilling scene was the surgery and almost nothing became of that - by the way, Shaw, how the fuck do you just forget to tell people that you just cut a fucking alien out of your uterus and left it in your host’s private quarters/the escape pod? Did that really just slip your mind?[/details]