some fucking douchebag wrote the summarized plot (from the leaked script apparently) on one of the yt trailer vids. What’s surprising is that a lot of ppl thumb up that son of a bitch. Who would want their movie to be spoiled and ruined? im fuckin pissed
why did you read the whole thing…
I typically stay away from YT comments for these kind of things…
it was two lines, like one glance and you had read the whole thing.
the whole plot summed up in 2 lines, are you sure?
PG-13? nope, no way.
I think Ridley only means that this si a story about humanity, not Aliens. I’m so ecstatic that Prometheus is no a **R **movie, like the sci-fi horror gods intended.
Most likely because you’ve been so desensitized to the movies of recent memory.
I summed it up, rather well.
As did you.
Did either of us use more than a few sentences?
Cursing is my religion. And Jesus fucking Christ, religion has continuity issues.
Also: I am floating, with my eyes closed, with no sails. I am soaking, I am weathered, by the winter of mixed drinks.
From what i’ve read/heard, the movie seems to be taking on a much different path than i expected.
Thought it to be a direct alien prequel, with aliens at the forefront as usual. Seems like they’ll be an after-thought in this movie, and maybe only show up in the end.
Or maybe trailers & hype are just doing an exceptionally good job of keeping the them hidden. But i’m really getting the vibe that they’re going to be on the backburner in this one(but really, what other huge threat is there?).
My concern is hoping Charlize Theron does a good job because yeah she’s hot but she’s barely a decent actress. Then again Ridley Scott is in charge so I guess I shouldn’t worry too much.
yeh …wait what?
Even if you read the script, there is a big difference between reading it and watching it. After the trailer I’m sure I could deduce all of the events of the movie, but I would like to see them happen with pretty graphics and with its proper dramatic tension.
i think it’s pretty much this
[details=Spoiler]space jockey
in the end, aliens getting out of control killing even the space jockey[/details]
oh how I wish to open my mouth
Spoilers please.
I’m one of those rare types that does not mind, and if the spoilers are good, it’ll just make me want to see the movie even more and how things unfold(not that i’m already sold on it with those great trailers).
do not tempt us, use PM for spoilers please lol
Yes please hook it up on the spoilers PM.
Judging from the last 5 pages in this thread, i fear that’s already been done.
Also… whats the deal with spoilers tags being toggled on(revealed) by default, upon first opening a page, and only hiding themselves once the page is fully loaded? One really has to turn away from the screen until the page is finished loading or else.
SRK needs some DLC patching for that lol.
lol I tried browsing the forum on my app and I was immediately asked whether I wanted to purchase the forum app…