Alex Tech Thread: "POWA BOMB!"

That was my thought process. The normal versions are just too slow and too risky being -5. You can get away with it now, but that won’t last.

I just know that Capcom has done a good job with not having many needless moves and stomp and headbutts are in kind of a no man’s land right now where we know they can be useful, but it’s hard to apply their usefullness so far.

Thank you for the as well Slack is Love. I’ll try that some.

I made this vid, hope you guys find it useful. Let me know if you do :slight_smile:

I love me some frame kill set ups. Take my like, it’s yours.

Edit - If my math is correct, that won’t even be beaten by wake up Super from R.Mika. Beautiful.

[quote=“ZeroXVile, post:62, topic:179119”]

I made this vid, hope you guys find it useful. Let me know if you do :slight_smile:


Sweet! Thanks dude. Trying to find something similiar from forward throw and powerbomb. Alot of people have started to wise up to the meaty roundhouse

Her Super does beat it I’m afraid.

Really? I thought she was vulnerable during the first 3 frames. Oh well :frowning:

Not sure if known, but If the opponent is close and jumps back to avoid frametraps/throws Alex super will catch them. You may have to move forward a bit depending on exact spacing.

feeling more confident with my alex…actually getting wins. Just need to stop accidently supering and add ex chops in

[quote=“CrimsonBlue, post:64, topic:179119”]

there’s an alex meaty video, lk elbow works well


Invincible frames 1-4, IIRC all supers are invincible so keep that in mind

vegas isnt u can meaty him

Huh. I was not aware of that.
It does explain a lot of things now that I think about it.
Why do I feel like that’s something I should’ve know already. Oh well, thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

Good to know! Hard enough getting in on him with Alex, no escape now!

we discussed over in the mika forums, vega has worst wakeup in game. Even his super can be meatied.

PS: I’ve vreversal’ed his super. Not on topic, but still hilarious :stuck_out_tongue:

Here I made a list of invincible reversals that you should be aware of when going for meaties. There’s a few that we need to test to see if they beat Alex’s stuff.

Wake-Up Reversal options:
Alex: nothing
Birdie: super, need to test armor on ex headbutt
cammy: all DP, super
chun li: ex SBK, super
dhalsim: super
fang: super
karin: qcb+pp move, super
ken: non lp dp, super
laura: nothing
m bison: super, test ex headstomp
nash: super
necalli: hp/ex dp, super
rashid: ex mixer, super
r mika: nothing
ryu: non lp dp, super
vega: nothing
zangief: test vskill, test lariat, super

Only Cammy, Ken, Necalli, and Ryu can punish meaties without using meter. Possibly Gief (not sure)

Ninja Edit: This doesn’t include V reversals.

They went over this on the mika forums, since we’re pretty much in the same boat: Is Mika worthy of a nerf? Is Mika worthy of a nerf?

Bison’s ex headstomp only has a few frames of invuln which really only protect him from meaty low short and - don’t quote me on this - meaty throws.

Cammy and Necalli’s DP’s can be safe jumped by other characters - not sure if we have safe jumps developed for them yet but I’m sure someone will drop something.

Crush counter sweep gives enough time for applying v-trigger and beating out any 3-framer with another sweep, lariat, st.HP. Seems you need to delay with a a few frames or you’ll whiff though.

Alex super doesn’t have invencible frames?
Sure it does

CC Sweep also let you dash x3 meaty fw.hp

Punishing ryus sweep with S.HP is GREAT! can give you awsome damage but does it work with all casts sweep??