Format: (Damage, Stun) Combo
FC = Flash Chop = Quarter Circle Forwards and P
SE = Slash Elbow = charge back -> forwards + K
AKS = Air Knee Smash = Dragon Punch with K
PB = Power Bomb = Half Circle Back and P
PD = Power Drop = Half Circle Back and P after H.FC or SH
SH = Sledge Hammer = HP+HK during V.Trigger
CA = Critical Art = 2QCF and P
[details=Spoiler][Midscreen/Corner and Standing/Crouching]
(103, 253) c.LK, s.LP xx L.FC
(167, 293) c.LK, s.LP xx EX.FC
(348, 253) c.LK, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(113, 253) s.LP, s.LP xx L.FC
(177, 293) s.LP, s.LP xx EX.FC
(358, 253) s.LP, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(143, 283) s.MP, s.LP xx L.FC
(207, 323) s.MP, s.LP xx EX.FC
(388, 283) s.MP, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(132, 280) s.MP xx L.SE
(196, 280) s.MP xx EX.SE
(412, 280) s.MP xx L.SE xx CA
(163, 333) f.HP, s.LP xx L.FC
(227, 373) f.HP, s.LP xx EX.FC
(408, 333) f.HP, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(153, 285) c.HP, L.FC
(234, 330) c.HP, EX.AKS
(405, 150) c.HP, CA -> st.lp xx LP/EX Chop -> st.lp xx LP Chop -> xx EX Chop
f.hp -> st.lp xx LP Chop
f.hp -> xx EX Chop
st.hp -> MP/EX Chop or MK/EX Elbow
cr.hp -> LP/EX Chop or EX Knee
[Jump In and Midscreen/Corner and Standing/Crouching]
[All j.HP can be replaced by j.HK for the same damage and stun]
(131, 294) j.LK, c.LK, s.LP xx L.FC
(188, 329) j.LK, c.LK, s.LP xx EX.FC
(341, 294) j.LK, c.LK, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(140, 294) j.LK, s.LP, s.LP xx L.FC
(197, 329) j.LK, s.LP, s.LP xx EX.FC
(350, 294) j.LK, s.LP, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(167, 321) j.LK, s.MP, s.LP xx L.FC
(224, 356) j.LK, s.MP, s.LP xx EX.FC
(377, 321) j.LK, s.MP, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(158, 320) j.LK, s.MP xx L.SE
(214, 320) j.LK, s.MP xx EX.SE
(403, 320) j.LK, s.MP xx L.SE xx CA
(217, 401) j.HP, s.MP, s.LP xx L.FC
(274, 436) j.HP, s.MP, s.LP xx EX.FC
(427, 401) j.HP, s.MP, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(235, 405) j.HP, s.HP xx M.FC
(291, 445) j.HP, s.HP xx EX.FC
(480, 405) j.HP, s.HP xx M.FC xx CA
(243, 445) j.HP, s.HP xx M.SE
(291, 445) j.HP, s.HP xx EX.SE
(488, 445) j.HP, s.HP xx M.SE xx CA
(291, 446) j.HP, c.HP, EX.FC
(299, 446) j.HP, c.HP, EX.AKS
(451, 286) j.HP, c.HP, CA
(235, 446) j.HP, f.HP, s.LP xx L.FC
(292, 481) j.HP, f.HP, s.LP xx EX.FC
(445, 446) j.HP, f.HP, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(181, 374) jd.HP, c.LK, s.LP xx L.FC
(238, 409) jd.HP, c.LK, s.LP xx EX.FC
(391, 374) jd.HP, c.LK, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(190, 374) jd.HP, s.LP, s.LP xx L.FC
(247, 409) jd.HP, s.LP, s.LP xx EX.FC
(400, 374) jd.HP, s.LP, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(208, 400) jd.HP, s.MP xx L.SE
(264, 400) jd.HP, s.MP xx EX.SE
(453, 400) jd.HP, s.MP xx L.SE xx CA
(217, 401) jd.HP, s.MP, s.LP xx L.FC
(274, 436) jd.HP, s.MP, s.LP xx EX.FC
(427, 401) jd.HP, s.MP, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
[Counter Hit and Midscreen/Corner and Standing/Crouching]
(182, 330) s.MP, s.MP xx L.FC
(246, 370) s.MP, s.MP xx EX.FC
(427, 330) s.MP, s.MP xx L.FC xx CA
(301, 515) s.HP xx H.FC xx PD
(253, 476) s.HK (CC), f.HP, s.LP xx L.FC
(310, 511) s.HK (CC), f.HP, s.LP xx EX.FC
(463, 476) s.HK (CC), f.HP, s.LP xx L.FC xx CA
(245, 436) s.HK (CC), c.HP, L.FC
(317, 476) s.HK (CC), c.HP, EX.AKS
(469, 316) s.HK (CC), c.HP, CA
(241, 435) f.HP (CC), s.HP xx M.FC
(297, 475) f.HP (CC), s.HP xx EX.FC
(486, 435) f.HP (CC), s.HP xx M.FC xx CA
(258, 378) f.HP (CC), H.PB
(294, 405) f.HP (CC), EX.PB -> xx LP/EX Chop or LP Elbow -> -> xx LP/EX Chop or LP Elbow
f.hp -> cr.hp -> LP/EX Chop or EX Knee
f.hp -> st.hp xx MP/EX Chop or MK/EX Elbow -> cr.hp -> LP/EX Chop or EX Knee -> st.hp xx MP/EX Chop or MK/EX Elbow
st.hp xx HP Chop xx Power Drop
[Corner Only and Standing/Crouching]
(207, 330) c.HP, M.AKS
cr.hp -> LK/EX Knee
HK Elbow -> LK/EX Knee
[Crush Hit and Corner Only and Standing/Crouching]
(293, 476) s.HK (CC), c.HP, M.AKS CC -> st.hp xx Clothesline xx MP Chop xx
[Meaty] -> xx LP/EX Chop or LP Elbow -> xx LP/EX Chop or LP Elbow
f.hp -> xx LP/EX Chop or LP Elbow
[details=Spoiler] xx VTC -> st.hp xx VT xx MP/EX Chop or Power Drop xx VTC -> xx VT xx MP/EX Chop or Power Drop xx VTC -> cr.hp xx VT (held slightly) xx LP/EX Chop or EX Knee xx VTC -> f.hp -> ( xx EX Chop) or (st.lp xx LP Chop)
VT > Crossline > s.HP > M. Flash Chop > CA = 520 dmg, 455 stun[/details]
st.HK [CC], st.HP > VT, st.HP > SledgeHammer, mp.FlashChop (combo ends) ex.PowerBomb
(153, 285) jd.HP, L.FC
(226, 330) jd.HP, EX.FC
(433, 285) jd.HP, L.FC xx CA
(207, 330) jd.HP, L.AKS
(234, 330) jd.HP, EX.AKS
(405, 150) jd.HP, CA
Air-to-air Flying Cross Chop (forward jump D+HP, the dive chop) juggles into a lot of stuff.
A2A FCC, LP Flash Chop
153 dmg / 285 stun
A2A FCC, c.HP, LP Flash Chop
182 dmg / 338 stun
A2A FCC, Air Knee Smash
207 dmg / 330 stun
*Any strength, but LK is more consistent in connecting.
A2A FCC, EX Flash Chop
226 dmg / 330 stun
A2A FCC, c.HP, Air Knee Smash
230 dmg / 378 stun
*Corner only!
A2A FCC, EX Air Knee Smash
234 dmg / 330 stun
A2A FCC, c.HP, EX Air Knee Smash
254 dmg / 378 stun
405 dmg / 150 stun
406 dmg / 218 stun
A2A FCC, LP Flash Chop xx CA
433 dmg / 285 stun
[Air to Air Near Corner]
(182, 338) jd.HP, c.HP, L.FC
(230, 378) jd.HP, c.HP, L.AKS
(254, 378) jd.HP, c.HP, EX.AKS
(406, 218) jd.HP, c.HP, CA
[details=Spoiler]Powerbomb/regular throw oki stuff -
From any of the Powerbomb’s sadly your advantage and positioning suck, you can dash in but you’re on negative frames. You can press immediately and you’ll meaty them on quickrise which is pretty good, apart from that Powerbomb resets into neutral. So that’s Powerbomb covered.
Forward throw and back throw on quickrise you’re also negative if you decide to dash, so don’t. Forward throw is the same as Powerbomb, you get a meaty on quickrise beating 3f normals.
Flash Chop oki stuff -
Flash Chop on the other hand is different, L.Chop and H.Chop are +2 on block whilst M.Chop is +3 meaning you get your best mix-up from hitting M.Chop. To land M.Chop you can do a couple of things, it’s a link from st.hp for starters (St.hp xx m.chop does 162 damage and 285 stun) and can also be used as a 5f frame trap from, and trades with 4f normals in your favour. First I’ll go over what you get from st.hp xx m.chop.
St.hp xx m.chop follow ups -
Immediate Powerbomb beats ANYTHING that isn’t a true reversal, throw invincible or a jump. xx l.chop beats everything that isn’t strike invincible.
If you suspect a jump and want a hard read, you can cr.hp/EX Knee to catch them in the air.
Those are really your general options after m.chop on hit, it’s REALLY strong and one of Alex’s best mix-up scenarios if not the flatout best he has. xx m.chop traps/trades -
To keep this simple and explain what needs to be explained, we’ll discuss specific scenarios with a general rule. xx m.chop beats all 5f normals clean. It’s a 5f trap. xx m.chop trades with all 4f normals. xx m.chop is beaten by 3f normals cleanly.
Let’s go over your options after a successful frame trap first -
M.chop(counter-hit) > st.lp xx l.chop 179damage/363stun
M.chop(counter-hit) > xx EX chop 252damage/403stun
M.chop(counter-hit) > st.lp xx l.chop xx CA 424damage/363stun
Now we’ll discuss what Alex can do after he trades with a 4f normal -
M.chop(trade) > xx VTC > st.hp xx clothesline > m.chop 312damage/555stun
M.chop(trade) > xx VTC > st.hp xx clothesline > m.chop xx CA 487damage/555stun
M.chop(trade) > st.hp(slight walk forward) xx m.chop 225damage/405stun
M.chop(trade) > xx VTC > cr.hp > EX knee 320damage/511stun
M.chop(trade) > xx VTC st.hp xx clothesline > EX reverse powerbomb 362damage/630stun(JESUS FOR ONE BAR!!!)
EX Chop oki
If you land an EX chop ender you can comfortably dash forward, see if they backrise and time a meaty f.hp. Simple as that, honestly. 
If they’re backrising a lot, just dash forward for an automatic crush counter, I can’t find an option that covers both.
Knee Smash oki stuff
So the knee is pretty straight forward, you’re in + frames(It’s between +3 and +5, but I’m unsure…assume it’s +3 until proven otherwise) if you dash forward on their quickrise and can cleanly beat all 3f normals with a dash forward >, on top of this you can also do dash forward > powerbomb against all 3f normals and beat them clean as well!
If they don’t quickrise just time your meaty accordingly, and if you’re wondering why I’m not mentioning back recovery it’s because knee smash counts as a throw knockdown and you just can’t backrise from attacks like that. If you hit them with powerbomb, reverse powerbomb or knee smash they can only quickrise.
Stomp oki stuff
Stomp gives a hard knockdown and they can’t backrise from it due to that…so uh, literally just time your f.hp meaty for +3 on block, after you f.hp if they block you can do powerbomb to beat all 3f normals, or frame trap with for a 3f frame trap. Mix up between meaty powerbomb and powerbomb ticks accordingly. Here are some f.hp combos.
F.hp > st.lp xx l.chop 163damage/333stun
F.hp > xx EX chop 236damage/373stun
F.hp(meaty) > xx l.chop 190damage/360stun
F.hp(meaty) > xx l.chop xx CA 435damage/360stun
EX Stomp oki stuff
This move rocks. It’s +2 on block and it’s fast as hell meaning if you go straight into you have a 4f frame trap, or if they have a 3f jab you can do st.lp > and it will link on counter hit anyway. If you do this move and it’s blocked just change which button you press depending on which character you’re playing(If they have a 3f jab basically), if they have no 3f normals you can mix in immediate Powerbomb to stuff anything 4f.
Headbutt oki stuff
…back to neutral you go! You get nothing due to distancing as far as I can tell, but you’re +3 so you can press a button.
Elbow Slash oki stuff
Important - depending on how far you are from the elbows max distance when you hit the opponent, your dash in might be too far away to actually hit them.
So the thing about the elbows is that only medium/heavy/EX knock down and these moves are actually backriseable so the thought process for these changes. If you’re wondering about light elbow slash on hit, it’s +3 and resets back to neutral. It’s JUST outside of light Powerbomb range if you hit it point blank, otherwise you’re going to be way too far away to do anything.
Medium elbow knocks down and is mad + if you dash in, if they decide to quickrise you can dash in and comfortably time your meaty f.hp/meaty Powerbomb. You can also dash in and get a meaty against 3f normals! That means you’re around +14/+17 if you dash in after a m.elbow. It’s around that area I believe. If you delay your by 1 or 2 frames you actually crush counter both quickrise AND backrise with against 3f normals.
Heavy elbow gives you an EX Chop follow up midscreen and a Knee Smash follow up in the corner, so always make sure to end your combo with that. If you DO follow up with an EX chop the frame advantage also changes due to the opponent being higher in the air, you get RIDICULOUS + frame on a dash in on their quickrisen and can yet again dash in and do an immediate for a meaty that beats 3f normals. Sadly you can’t do dash in f.hp because you’re slightly out of range of f.hp’s crouching hitbox. You also don’t get any meaty Powerbomb opportunities from this.[/details]