It’s his best defensive option PERIOD.
except against viper with that super jump or rog with his ex dash punch that shit hunts you down.
I recorded a quick a video of myself messing around with the tatsu option select last night. I am playing as Sagat in this video and the Akuma is a playback of a recording on loop – so you know the Akuma is doing the exact same inputs each time. The Akuma in the recording throws Sagat, then does the cross-up tatsu option select. You can see that if the Tatsu wiffs Akuma will Demon and if the Tatsu connects or is blocked nothing comes out.
Sorry about the awful video quality, all I had available to me was my cell phone camera.
I think I’m going to play with this later tonight…
I’m wondering if you can do a dive kick option select that would work something like this:
You Demon flip at them, and do a dive kick with the demon inputs entered directly after:
If DK wiffs (backdash or focus) -> Automatic Demon
If DK hits -> Demon won’t come out so be ready to combo.
If DK is blocked -> Demon won’t come out, block string or throw.
It would be nasty to build this and the air tatsu option select into your game so that basically anytime anyone tries to backdash/focus a dive kick or tatsu crossup they automatically eat demon.
but is there a safe dive kick setup I’m not aware of ?
I think you can do it with palm strike. saw this in the desora video (have to hit it at the last moment) but i’m not sure it works with dive kick
i think it may be a better choice in this situtation to use palm.
if u knockdown go for tatsu option select.
neutral jump beats dive kick too easily i think
The quality is pretty bad…but nice finding. Can you write down the results? From what I was able to tell, neutral jumping will make both wiff, just like backdash followed by neutral jump?
The video doesn’t have the timing of the cross-up exactly right… And yeah, the quality is absolutely awful – sorry about that.
I think if you do it with perfect timing against Sagat, the only thing he can safely do is block, but that has not been confirmed.
I think if you get the timing right the tatsu will just hit him out of a neutral jump, but thats something I haven’t tested yet.
Edit: Yes - if you time it right Neutral jump will just get hit by the air tatsu…
I’ve been working the air HK Tatsu -> Demon option select into my game and I’ve got to say it’s been working out great for me. The best part is that if you time it correctly, after you are done with the demon inputs you can go right into sweep in case the tatsu connects – but if they backdash (or an Akuma teleports against you in a mirror match) the Demon comes out and hits them.
You really have nothing to lose, since while you are tatsuing through the air you are probably not pressing buttons anyways – so why not input a demon at the right time on the way down just in case?
Has anyone found any new option selects lately? The vortex ultra demon option select is badass, especially in the mirror match and to punish a lot of chars getting out of the vortex.
I see people mentioning Demon Flip OS, is that just the Demon flip MK kick option select that ultras if you wiff the flip kick but if it hits you get nothing?
nothing new but hasn’t been posted…recently against back dash happy vipers and chuns I do the cLP~cHK opselect to get some vortex going against dhalsim I’ve recently started using safe jump HP->opselect ex demon flip…if done right you right on top of them but if they instant air teleported then you don’t get a punish ur just right next to them…
Nice. How do you execute the cLP~cHK OS? I’m not familiar with how that one works… Is it like a normal plink but because if the cLP hits they are in block stun long enough that no cHK comes out but if they backdashed (invuln frames cause LP to wiff) the cHK comes out and sweeps them?
it’s a cLP->then yeah a plink of HK and LP so if they dash a sweep catches them and if they stay you keep on doing lp block strings
so really it’s cLP->cLP~cHK
VERY useful against chun/viper/rose…basically the characters who have beastly backdashes…know it…and abuse it…punish that shit…
Noriyasu’s OS is pretty good. crLK - stHK~crLK
You can see it working on a backdash at the end of this fight - [media=youtube]IFI6bA74gcM[/media]
You can see how it used for a block pressure string in this fight, specifically 18 seconds - [media=youtube]6c43o6PGtcQ[/media]
^I’m pretty sure the plink is the opposite because of what you are trying to do continuing on string and IF thereis a backdash the HK comes out so if they don’t backdash you want the LK to come out to continue a string…so it would be LK->LK~HK because of priority…
It’s not. I use that OS.
However it may be possible to perform it both ways. The point of the plink is to fit the extra input in before the first input animation finishes should it hit. If it doesn’t hit it defaults to the heavy input, thus giving you the OS. Therefore you should be able to fit in the extra input going forward or backwards.
^ oh I thought because you wanted to keep the block string going on a non-backdash you would do the low priority move first because otherwise you would get sHK when you didn’t want it…That’s what I thought would happen it is SF4 though so who knows I haven’t tried it the other way…
Jabs and shorts get priority on block as long as you start with a raw jab/short. However if the block state no longer exists then priority goes to the HK/HP.
If the safe jump was timed correctly sim shouldn’t be able to air teleport.
I consider myself a pretty good player, but my weakness has always been execution. For Super, I’m not going to let this be a problem anymore, and I’ve been brushing up on really getting the essential option selects down. I struggle with the timing for even the most simple of OSes. For example, I’d do jump hk~tatsu vs bison, and sometimes even if Bison blocks the my tatsu still comes out? Is there any guide or personal tips from you guys for the specific timing for these things?