I don’t think so. Ryu’s got fewer abilities with more HP and he can use what he has to play a more basic zone, punish, rush down game, whichever he chooses. Why is he super easy to play? Cause he has a projectile and a reversal move?
I would think people’d pick up akuma more for his free wakeup teleport and 3 hit fireball. In fact that’s why I chose to main him :D. Then again I’ve always chosen him in any capcom game.
push him into a corner with your superior fb game and jump forward ex zanku lets you get in corner or not to mix him up…once knocked down…vortex…win. I’m not saying you’ll win the whole time but that is a 5-5 match-up in my opinion. Ryu has good life/stun and hig dmg punishes and combos but lacks in the escape options and mobility that akuma has. Plus akuma’s sweep is god against ryu if you have demon because he can’t focus and properly spaced ryu has no answer.
All that plus my analysis of how the Ryu vs Akuma fight should go down is why I think it’s a 5/5 as well. However, I’d say be very careful with the vortex in this match if they’ve proven they can auto correct. Also sweep is not free if Ryu has super meter.
^True about the super but ryu rarely has super so my point is still valid…also still why does everybody associate vortex=cross-up tatsu->this is really pissing me off. What about safe jump HP? cross up air fb (auto correct that shit without ex). how about early cross up demon flip palm block… I love dp mashers…gives me a free punish into more “vortex”. The only characters I abuse cross-up tatsu on are viper/abel/sagat because of either shitty 5 frame uppercuts (sagat/viper) or lack of anti-air and big hit box (abel)-plus you can do cross up tatsu->cMP->HK demon flip and reset the shit out of him without fear of anything but super and what fucking abel ever saves super?
Well, a lot of Ryu’s I’ve seen and play against don’t mind sitting on meter to build up for super meter since it gives Ryu such a big advantage against Akuma. Most Akuma players are going to play a more defensive style which gives Ryu lots of time to get that meter up, too.
There’s definitely a lot more to the vortex than the cross tatsu, but I admittedly base my game around that move. The fear of eating it opens up a lot of options.
Oh, can you tell me what notation you use for cross up air fb? For whatever reason qcf,uf,f+punch and my wrist aren’t getting along.
^^^ case and point… daigo’s “foney” matches he built up for his super with ryu pretty independent of who he was playing. Its damn easy to build meter with ryu, especially considering the type of oki game he has where you might as well throw out a SRK or something into the air after knockdowns to build meter… and of course his fireball. If you are good enough to play ryu without wasting meter (as most ryu’s do with unnecessary stressed out EX FB, EX tatsu to “safely” end block strings, and the like) then building up to your super happens all the time…especially if you don’t take enough damage a given round to need to use it to land ultra of EX FB/tatsu or FADC.
I only recently started using akuma as an alt and i’m also having difficulties with the crossup air fb. The motion doesn’t give me problems, but more often than not i find myself not crossing up.
What is the correct spacing for this? Let’s say after a mid screen sweep or a f.throw in the corner. Do you take any steps or do you just use a different timing when pressing lp to make the air fb come out?
@Versatile: I wish I knew how to better use the crossup fireball but yea :qcf::uf::r:+P makes the early fb. Try doing a forward jump with qcf and when youre in the air, finally tap f+P and it’ll release.
^^ fireball comes out a very little later than the other method generally but yea… thats what I use too. And I’m playing on a damn xbox controller so if i can get it to work on a jacked up xbox controller then a stick should work perfectly fine.
Yeah I find that the little extra time inbetween the jump and fireball actually works better for x-up air fireball, since if you do it too early they’ll recover from the hit before you can recover from your landing to actually combo with it.
I use what loltima said…uf,d,df,f+LP because if you do what mettlehead does you land a cross-up fb but you can’t combo because the air fb lands waaay before you do. Practice practice you’ll figure out your timing. I exclusively use cross-up air fb after demon flip throw and back throw.
Also for the KKZ…make it have lotttttssss of start-up and only be able to land on dizzy or focus/punish move but make it do lots of chip.
You’re absolutely right, I’ve found 0 application in the way I do early air.fb but its just looks so cool and shows that you mean BUSINESS! I think it prevents st.HK > demons though.
you don’t mean business if you don’t capitalize or get your ass thrown across the map…hahaha lol. Seriously cross up air fb if done right is one of akuma’s safest most effective wake up tool (also it looks sick). It can lead to another sweep or big dmg. I usually follow up with cLP->cLP->cLK->LK tatsu…whatever. I want to hit confirm with cLP->clHP->LK tatsu…whatever but that’s still in the work shop.