Akuma art.

Hey guys. I just ordered my new TE stick and cruised the custom stick art section for about 86 pages before giving up on finding more than two Akuma arts. I was wondering if anyone in the Akuma forums had a TE sized stick art or a picture in of Akuma in general that they think would look good on a stick to share. My stick can have nothing but Akuma on it. I mean that strictly non-sexual.

…I may mean it sexually.

You could’ve found this by doing a little search on the forum… :wink:

Oh, because I didn’t try that before posting… Don’t wink at me. Could’ve is not a word, regardless of how well you punctuate it.

Check Image Mishmash? This thread has some great sources, http://www.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=142870 especially here: www.kawaiidream.net

They have super hi-res stuff, I used stuff from there for my stick art.

This is what I got on my TE :slight_smile:


The art at the link that VeNOM posted was the only applicable Akuma art I found to apply to my Hori RAP.

Very cool Akuma art.

down syndrome akuma with the waging demon

Youre such a negative nancy!

lmao west. you may’ve gotten him reconsidering

i really do like the circles around the buttons. i am a huge fan on the qanbara art :tup:

if anybody has a gold subscription send me the code. i need it, im trying to comprehend footsies 101.

Wow! The “don’t look down on me” reply juxtaposed to the “your grammar needs work” ploy. Original… But I guess you’re right; it’s much easier when other people do the work for you. Enjoy your Akuma Art!

BTW: Could’ve = Could have. You know what contractions are, don’t you (or maybe you prefer I say “do you not”) ? Of course you do… (and here’s another wink for you) :wink:

It is not a real conjunction. You made it up. You could have found this out by doing a little search on dictionary.com.

Way to go, jerk.

He didn’t make it up.

Unless he happens to run this website- http://www.yourdictionary.com/could-ve




Look… Apparently venom didn’t even read my post, then he replied treating me like a child. I’m the ass hole? Ok.

:\ :\