"Ain't my style!" Paul General Discussion Thread

I don’t see chain frame data. Only interesting things that it says are that stand LP and crouch lp don’t extend hurtbox (kinda true for most), it says to use jump back mp for people that attempt crossups after block strings, cr. mk is a good poke after poke into lp sway,

Theres shredder info in that it’s 3 hits. If first hit connects and then the other 2 hit, you have limited juggles and you can follow up with cr rndhouse for a knockdown and thats your juggle limit(I tested cr. fierce x psmasher and the psmasher whiffs).

If the first hit whiffs (like in a crouch fierce xx lk shredder) you can do more juggles like cr. forward xx psmasher.

They say lk mountain raze link to cr. mk xx psmasher is a 2 frame link.

It definitely looks like they were playing a different build though as it explicitly says all strength psmashers are unsafe on block.

From what I gather, most of his special moves are unsafe. The only safe thing is the Mortar Punch which is +3 on block, all regular versions.
Ex one is unsafe at -5. Also, ex.Sway is +2 on block. That’s it.

edit. Frame chart says mortar punch +3 on block, but in the move description it says -3. Go Bradygames. So if this is unsafe then the only safe thing is ex.sway at +2. Garbage…



from what I have gathered from your post. there could be errors, since handling so much numbers is always problematic.

hp smasher is not safe btw. it’s just not AS unsafe as the other versions, which can be punished with ryu’s c.mk. hp version can’t be be punished by c.mk, but by ryu’s super (dunno the frames for it tho). also it’s very easy to cross cancel it.

I’m pretty sure I punished blocked HP P.Smasher last night with Paul’s Super art.

Lemme check really quick for fast super’s to test tonight or if someone else wants to give it a whirl.


Chun has 9 frame startup and Law has 8 frame startup. So if Paul’s did indeed punish we could find where it is.

can’t punish hp smasher with pauls super.

K, lemme look for something far reaching faster than 7 then

Edit: Ryu is 5 frame startup.

then it’s prolly -6

nice coorperation x)

According to the guide, ryu cr. mk is 5 frames. Is it just too far away to punish? I think with the TE sticks and turbo on maybe can hit these reversals on first possible frame to test.

c.mk hits as well. my bad. any other moves/speciasl/super that have 6 frames start up to make sure?

Does Paul’s stand strong reach? That’s 6 frame startup.

I think it’s too far away.

Cammy cr. hp is 6
Guile crouch HK is 6

Turbo doesn’t activate every frame therefore using turbo to test anything is bad.

Huge Edit:

So finally got some time to test this out.

So after morta punch combos (more specifically c.mp xxx l.raze juggle c.mk xxx morta punch AND c.mp xxx morta punch) you get an untechable knockdown, which means the opponent can’t quick rise. Upon your opponents wake-up they can either roll or stay where they are (along with the standard wake-up options e.g. back dash, dp, block, etc.) By doing h.raze/m.raze/l.raze immediately you can get a few mix-ups depending on what you think your opponent is going to do.

Immediate h.raze after morta punch.
-You can either cross them up with j.mk or fake cross up with j.lk
-You can dash up throw.
-Dash up medium or ex sway if you think they’re going to tech and immediately punish
-Dash up light sway, leaving you for perfect spacing for the two options below
-f.fierce for an overhead (which you can cancel into a punch since it’s +3 on block anyways)
-c.mk for a low attack (which again you can cancel into punch)

Immediate l.raze after morta punch
-If you think they’re going to roll forward, you can catch them with this option.

The downfall to this mix-up is that your opponent can just dp his way out of all of the options. Hopefully we’ll be able to figure out some sort of safe jump in the future to mix this in with.

Hope this is helpful!

end edit.

Oh, and what is everyone doing after launcher/magic series or whatever?

no meter mid screen:
c.mp, c.mk xx smasher
f.mp, s.hp xx smasher (strict timing tho)
c.mp, c.mp, c.hp xx smasher

1 bar: nothing useful.

2 bars: anything above with super

3 bars: anything above with cross art

also, all your mix up is pretty much in vain, seeing tech rolls have no backlash.

after an extended session against a good player and friend who plays gief/rolento I can say paul has definatly A LOT of problems, mainly in his anti airing game and literally non existent defense game. played guile/paul for the most part (Team hair denies gravity). his only strength seem to be his corner game which yields a huge reward but due to tech roll it’s rather short lived. prolly be lower tier unless shredder turns out to be better then I’ve experienced today. didn’t use it as much since it traded a lot of the time. maybe I need to use it even earlier.

His defense definitely is bad, although I’ve found EX Sway has some uses due to it having a huge 17 frame invincibility window. The main things I use it for are either a super early anti-air (the invincibility frames start way late, so you gotta get the early parts out of the way first) or on wake-up (as long as they aren’t starting their wake-up pressure with jump attacks; Paul has lower-body invincibility during the beginning, so he can still get out of low pokes and sweeps).
I also think he has a very legitimate high/low mix-up game, especially now that we know that his f+HP can be cancelled into Phoenix Smasher, meaning he has a way to score some real damage from a high without needing counterhit setups.

btw, forgot to mention: I found some minor “new” paul tech. very obvious, but I didn’t thought about it before.
if you switch cancel the shredder on the 3rd hit you can combo further with you partner. if you switch cancel shredder right away your partner only runs to where you startet and will be out of range. this gives paul access to 1bar switch cancel off a anti air shredder, which is pretty neat. it also gives new combo options (j.hk, s.hp xx shredder xx switch cancel) if your partner can convert damage better then paul (king, raven etc) for only one bar.

You can switch cancel the Pheonix smasher for a safe tag in. Not sure if this was common knowledge but I feel it is incredibly important to know…
so now you know

I tested it against Ryu’s Uppercut and it was safe

On block is what you’re saying?