*Aiming for the Top *
A hot-tempered fighter who aims to be the toughest fighter in the universe. He is Law’s eternal sparring partner. He has suffered a countless number of defeats in battle, but refuses to give up. Instead he takes on these challenges head-on. He is currently mired in a mountain of debt, but after hearing news of a mysterious box in the Antarctic, him and Law head off to obtain it and the potential riches it would reward them with.

All lights have JP 2.
All mediums have JP 3.
All heavies have JP 4.
s.:lp:: Good for pressure and frame traps. 30 damage.
cl.:mp:: Important combo and hit-confirm tool up close, thanks to its fast start-up and good frame advantage. If you chain into this move, you can combo a c.LP afterwards on hit, and you’re safe if it’s blocked. 60 damage, 42 damage if chained into.
cl.:hp:: Forces stand. 90 Damage normally, 60 Damage if it hits with the top of his hand.
far s.:mp:: Moves forward slightly, can be used as a counterpoke to beat some non-low pokes made by the opponent. 60 damage.
far s.:hp:: Crumples on standing counterhit. Can be used as a poke, and cancelled to LP sway to check for counterhits. 90 Damage.
c.:mp:: Good move for tight juggles and link combos. 60 damage.
c.:mk:: Has good reach, but is a little on the slow side with its 7 start-up frames. 60 Damage.
c.:hp:: Best grounded anti-air normal. Forces stand. 80 Damage.
c.:hk:: Is unsafe on block, but has a lot of pushback, which makes it kinda hard to punish. 90 Damage.
j.:lk:: Best air-to-air. 40 damage.
j.:mk:: Good cross-up. 70 Damage.
j.:hp:: Probably his best normal jump-in. 100 damage.
nj.:hp:: The angle makes it a good tool to pressure the opponent up close. 100 damage.
nj.:hk:: Good air-to-air. 100 Damage.
:hp:+:hk:: JP: 4
:f:+:mp:: Hammer of the Gods. A normal overhead. quite fast, but not as fast as some of the other characters’ overheads. Can’t combo off of it unless it’s counterhit or in a juggle, both which causes groundbounce. Can be used after partner’s Cross Rush midscreen. 60 Damage. JP: 3
:df:+:hk:,:p:,:p:: Bone Breaker to Demolition Man. Can be followed up in the corner with a juggle. Last hit will whiff mid-screen. If the first is a counterhit, the entire string will hit grounded instead of as a juggle, and will connect midscreen. Last hit is super cancellable. 50,50,100 Damage. All hits: JP: 4.
:f:+:hp:: Hammer Punch: A weaker, slower overhead than Hammer of the Gods, but it can be cancelled into Hang Over, Phoenix Smasher, EX Phoenix Smasher or Super. Cannot connect on airborne opponents, only standing and on groundbounce. First hit of Hang Over is -1 on block and a low, so it might be a good idea to cancel into it if blocked, although the gap is quite large and you can get punished for trying. On hit, you can hit-confirm into EX PS if you want a chance to start a longer combo, or LP Phoenix Smasher or Super for quick damage. 50 Damage. JP: 4.
:f:+:hp:,:df:+:hk:,:p:,:p:: Hang Over to Demolition Man. First hit is overhead. First hit won’t combo into the others unless it’s a counterhit. The opponent will still be grounded throughout the entire string, unlike Bone Breaker. Last hit is still super cancellable though.50,50,50,100 Damage. All hits: JP: 4.
PHOENIX SMASHER (PS): :qcf:+:p::
DESCRIPTION: Paul’s Super Charge move. Delivers a straight punch right to the chest, And gains forward movement the heavier the button pressed.
-LP moves about 1/3 of the screen, while HP moves about half screen.
-Hard Knockdown.
-120 Damage.
-230 Damage on counterhit, plus special camera angle and sound effect.
-JP: 6
-Adds 5 to JC on juggled hit.
-Fast enough to combo from a light move.
-HP version range.
-Causes wallbounce.
-120 damage.
-200 damage on counterhit, plus special camera angle and sound effect.
-JP: 5
-Adds 3 to JC on juggled hit.
MORTAR PUNCH (Mortar): :dp:+:p::
DESCRIPTION: Paul jumps up into the air, then he slams his fist into the ground.
-The heavier the button, the further he jumps.
-Hits overhead.
-Aiborne during start-up, can jump over projectiles.
-Hard Knockdown.
-Causes groundbounce on counterhit or airhit.
-Safe on block (+3)
-130 damage.
-JP: 4
-Adds 2 to JC on juggled hit.
-Always causes groundbounce.
-Fast enough to combo from a heavy move.
-You can change its trajectory by pressing forward or back while in the air.
-NOT safe (-5 on block)
-130 damage.
-JP: 4
-Unlike the normal version, only adds 1 to JC on juggled hit, like most moves.
SHREDDER: :dp:+:k::
DESCRIPTION: Paul leaps into the air with two kicks, very similar to Yun’s Nishokyaku.
-All hits launches the opponent, allows midscreen follow-up.
-The heavier the button, the higher the opponent is launched.
-Can be crouched.
-LK is invincible to air hits.
-MK is invincible to grounded hits.
-LK and MK: 30+20+20=70 damage.
-HK: 50+30+30=110 damage.
-All hits: JP: 4
-1st hit adds 1 to JC on juggled hit.
-2nd hit adds 0 to JC on juggled hit.
-3rd hit adds 2 to JC on juggled hit.
-Hits crouchers.
-11 frames of start-up invincibility.
-20+30+60=110 damage.
-All hits: JP: 5
-1st hit adds 1 to JC on juggled hit.
-2nd hit adds 1 to JC on juggled hit.
-3rd hit adds 2 to JC on juggled hit.
MOUNTAIN RAZE (MR, Raze): :hcf:+:k::
DESCRIPTION: Paul runs forward followed by a rising knee attack.
-The heavier the button, the more forward movement is added.
-Launches the opponent, allows midscreen follow-up.
-Projectile invincible during most of start-up (first few frames are vulnerable).
-Airborne during active frames and first half of recovery.
-90 damage.
-JP: 4
-Adds 3 to JC on juggled hit.
-Fast enough to combo from a light move.
-17 frames of start-up invincibility.
-110 damage.
-JP: 4
-Adds 3 to JC on juggled hit.
SWAY: :qcb:+:p::
DESCRIPTION: Paul quickly jumps backwards, and then does a follow-up depending on the button pressed.
L SWAY: :qcb:+:lp::
DESCRIPTION: Paul leaps backwards.
-5 frames of start-up invincibility.
-Can be cancelled into Super or any special move other than Sway after 15 frames.
M SWAY: :qcb:+:mp::
DESCRIPTION: Paul sways backwards, then he moves forward with an overhead-like punch. Not an overhead though.
-5 frames of start-up invincibility.
-Invincible against crouching attacks.
-You can link a normal afterwards.
-Doesn’t connect on airborne opponents.
-JP: 4
-Adds 3 to JC on juggled hit.
H SWAY: :qcb:+:hp::
DESCRIPTION: Paul sways backwards, then he dashes forward with a palm thrust that sends the opponent flying.
-5 frames of start-up invincibility.
-Soft knockdown.
-150 damage.
-JP: 4
-Adds 3 to JC on juggled hit.
EX SWAY: :qcb:+:2p::
DESCIPTION: Paul quickly sways backwards, dashes forward with a palm thrust, and then he adds a “Demolition Man” palm strike.
-Causes wallbounce.
-It has some start-up invincibility, then some frames with only low invincibility, then full invincibility again until the last active frame of the first hit.
-50+70=120 damage.
-Both hits: JP: 4.
-1st hit adds 3 to JC on juggled hit.
-2nd hit adds 3 to JC on juggled hit.
BURNING FIST: :qcf:+:3p:: Paul dashes forward with an elbow. If it connects, he will uppercut the opponent into the air, then hit them with a massive punch when they come back down, sending them into the wall. 100+60+60+100=320 damage. JP: 6
:qcf:+:mp:+:mk:: Watch the video below to see Paul’s Super Art, and then his Cross Art. Deals 100 damage plus the damage of your partner’s super. JP: 4