"Ain't my style!" Paul General Discussion Thread

If you see the jump in coming early, I’ve been doing cr. hp xx lk upkicks, cr. mp xx phoenix smasher

His anti air seems to be problematic but I’ve been using jump back light kick.

I spent some time in endless with a friend online testing stuff back and forth, it could be due to the netcode rollback but stand roundhouse did a weird thing where it looked like his jump attack went through my upper body and I hit him, I didn’t test it more, since it was more some sessions to help him find characters he likes.

Anyone have frame data yet on the mortar punches on block? I was testing some mixups with block strings into different strength mortar punches and it seemed like I was able to get a spacing dependent mixup of either jab or strong mortar punch. LP would need to be blocked high and MP looked like it might crossup.

I really like his stand forward for footsies, feels like alpha 3 ryu stand forward. I’ve been testing using mortar punch to close gaps on phoenix smasher knockdown, but forward roll seems to make it unsafe to do anything except lp mortar punch and I haven’t spent the training time to see if it’s punishable on block, coincidentally it might be a good one time use to get an overhead in on someone u expect might forward roll on u after a smasher knockdown.

I like the sound of that f + hp cancel to smasher and mixup with dash cancel. I’ll have to play around with possible followups for mindgames. So far, I like paul, his slow movement makes me play more carefully and smarter.

Honestly I feel that one of paul’s biggest strengths might be his okizeme.
After you land any Pheonix Smasher if you do a H Mountain Raze you can get yourself in position to land an ambiguous cross up depending on whether they roll backwards or forwards if they block the cross up/fake cross up then you can go into an overhead or low each of them leading to big damage if hif confirmed into Ex Pheonix Smasher, If you think the opponent will try to attack after the cross up then go for wither hammer of the gods which is a quick overhead and if its quick enough then you might get a counter hit which will ground bounce them into big chunky damage.

He do the same after any throw I may create a tutorial illustrating the strengths of Paul’s Oki and mix up game so stay tuned

Is the strategy guide out with frame data? I wonder what block stun is on like cr. fierce. I was thinking tiny backdash or his lp sway might be good for mixups after a block cr. fierce. How is the range for cr. forward or mortar punch or overhead mixup?

Close MP is a great as if there on top of u

does the guide book show paul’s frame data? would be nice if someone posts the frame data. i loving the character but he seems kinda low tier (still gonna play him).

would love to have mine, but in europe we dont even have a release date ._.

I’d love if someone posts all frame data or makes a scan of the paul section.

L Punch Sway is actually good better for building meter you can get like a full bar for spamming it really fast so that makes Paul like a good battery character
I usually at the start of a match will build up like a full ex bar then try to get in and use a hit confirmed Ex Pheonix Smasher combo which should take a third of their life then go for a mix up and take another large chunk of life.

As for the strategy guide people are saying its out but I have not seen one yet

God I have never wanted frame data more in my life than right now

seems like paul is a scary corner chacter (imo). rolento first, paul as second. rekka them into the corner and tag in paul for some heavy dmg.

I just got the guide during lunch. Will post the frame data tonight when I get home, there are already some typos or mistakes though.

Shows Phoenix smasher as -10 on block for all versions and shows mortar punch as +3 on block but then description of the move says its -3 on block. The mortar punch thing can easily be tested assuming the number three is correct and we’re just looking if its plus or minus.

If the guide is correct, Paul has 4 frame startup on cr. jab. Anyways, I haven’t looked at the guide yet besides a quick glance, will post info later.

appreciated. gonna print them out and play around with the numbers.

I’d say made an error and switched the number of smasher and morta maybe.

I found against many characters it is extremely hard to get in with Paul. Im sure you all know this. I think that the optimum range for Paul to be is at mi screen.
Also anyoen know for certain which of Paul’s moves is best for air to air and for anti air?

Have to do something will post in like an hour. Tested mortar punch, it really is + on block. Some cool frame traps u can do

Forward Dash Duration: 23 Frames
Backdash Duration: 8 frames invulnerable, 10 frames airborne, 9 frames grounded

sorry for the terrible formatting:

Move Startup Active Recovery hit adv block adv info
lp 4 3 5 +9 +5
mp 6 5 13 +3 -1
hp 18 5 23 -3 -8 crumple on standing counter hit
lk 8 5 9 +3 -1
mk 10 4 15 +2 -2
HK 15 4 26 -5 -10

Close standing
Move Startup Active Recovery hit adv block adv info
mp 6 4 8 +9 +5
hp 12 5 16 +5 -1 forces standing on hit
lk 5/2/8/+7/+3
mk 7/3/14/+4/0
hk 13/5/16/+4/-1

Move Startup Active Recovery hit adv block adv info
lp 4/4/6/+7/+3
mp 6/4/11/+6/+2
hp 8/4/32/-10/-16/forces standing on hit
lk 6/5/10/+2/-2
mk 7/3/16/+2/-2
hk 10/4/23/kd/-7

launcher12 startup 2 active 54 recovery -34 on block

cross cancel 12 startup 7 active 30 recovery hardknockdown -15 on block

jump LK has 9 active frames

hammer of the gods 15 startup 3 active 19 recovery +2 on hit -6 onblockground bounce on counter hit and airborne foes

hammer punch19 startup 3 active 28 recovery -4 on hit -7 on block cancelable to psmasher
df HK14 startup 2 active +4 on hit -1 on block
hangover16 startup 4 active 15 recovery +1 on hit -6 on block

bone breaker
df HK14 startup 2 active 21 recovery knockdown -5 on block
p followup16 startup 4 active 15 recovery +1 on hit -6 on blockknockdown on airbone foes

demo man -3 on block

throws are 7 frames

mountain raze 19 startup 9 active 22 recovery floats -9 on block proj invuln frames 5-18 airborne 19-38
ex mountain raze invuln frames 1-4 proj invuln 5-18 airborne 20-39

l shredder 10 startup 21 recovery -3 on block airborne 10-38
m shredder 10 startup 22 recovery -16 on block airborne 10-38
h shredder 10 startup 23 recovery -17 on block airborne 10-39
ex shredder 10 startup 22 recovery -16 on block full body invuln 1-9 airborne 11-39

l sway strike invuln 1-5
m sway 37 startup 3 active 24 recovery +2 on hit -7 on block strike invuln 1-3
h sway 30 startup 4 active 34 recovery knockdown -6 on block strike invuln 1-3
ex sway 31 startup 17 recovery wall bounce +2 on block strike invuln 1-4, lower body invuln 1-16, invuln 17-34

mortar punch 27 startup 6 active 27 recovery hard knockdown +3 on blockairborne 9-32
ex mortar punch 24 startup 6 active 31 recovery ground bounce -5 on hitinput changes attack lpmp, lphp or mphp airborne 10-29
phoenix smasher 18 startup 7 active 30 recovery hard knockdown -10 on block (obviously not true for HP) can be super charged 51 frames for ex 100 frames for super
ex phoenix smasher 12 startup 7 active 31 recovery wall bounce -16 on block can be super charges 51 frames for super

super art
burning fist 7 startup 2 active 41 recovery hard knockdown -21 on block

cross art 10 startup 2 active 51 recovery -31 on block

I tested some stuff and basically forcing long block stun with a cr or stand fierce into mortar punch is very awesome for pressure. It beats alot of buttons if people are pressing them, and beats alot of non-invuln stuff. What’s nice is the blocked mortar punch gives u frame advantage. LP mortar punch sets you up nicely for a cr. forward and MP mortar punch sets you up for a nice st jab st strong link. You can def get some counter hits with a setup like this.

I also tested some setups for sway. I haven’t found too much use for HP sway but MP sway at certain distances seems to have a good hit box. It’s spacing dependant, but in the corner, something like cr lp x2 , cr. mp xx mp sway beats alot of ground pokes.

Sway MP eats projectiles!!! Didn’t know that!

So today based on the frame data I have learned that Paul has dee jay’s signature air kick in the form of his Air Lk
This is probably one of the best jump ins in the game holy shit its awesome. I hit someone from above their shoulder and still got the cl st mp into Cr hp Ex Ps
combo. The frame data provided by our friend here tells me that this has 9 active frames. You can even use this move to fake out a cross up and still get a gigantic combo.

Oh wow, EX Sway sounds like it might be a decent wake-up option. 17 frames of invulnerability, even if it does start pretty late, wallbounce, and plus on block.

CC will prolly stop ex sway tho. at least they need to spend meter.
I thought the same about j.lk, but it does not change the jumping arc like dee jay’s does, sadly,
morta sounds like a decent option as I predicted. out of a blocked crossoup j.mk, cl.mp, c.mp xx lp sway, morta catches many people off guard.
gonna translate the frame data into excel and upload a picture for better viewabillity. big thanks saridan.

Lovin Paul even more after all this info.

I’ll post the rest of his jumping frame data tonight. I just wanted to post the jump lk info first as that was really the only thing that seemed different / useful.

Was this tested? I didn’t know that, which portion eats projectiles?

I can’t seem to reproduce it. to my knowledge mp/hp sway don’t eat projectiles or the timing needs to be so accurate it’s not even worth as an option.
ex sway also gets stuffed in the initial sway part, the first hit however seems to be invulnerable (like the frame data shows 17-34).

btw does it shows the chain-frame data? what else is there written for paul, some technology stuff or something interesting?