If you see the jump in coming early, I’ve been doing cr. hp xx lk upkicks, cr. mp xx phoenix smasher
His anti air seems to be problematic but I’ve been using jump back light kick.
I spent some time in endless with a friend online testing stuff back and forth, it could be due to the netcode rollback but stand roundhouse did a weird thing where it looked like his jump attack went through my upper body and I hit him, I didn’t test it more, since it was more some sessions to help him find characters he likes.
Anyone have frame data yet on the mortar punches on block? I was testing some mixups with block strings into different strength mortar punches and it seemed like I was able to get a spacing dependent mixup of either jab or strong mortar punch. LP would need to be blocked high and MP looked like it might crossup.
I really like his stand forward for footsies, feels like alpha 3 ryu stand forward. I’ve been testing using mortar punch to close gaps on phoenix smasher knockdown, but forward roll seems to make it unsafe to do anything except lp mortar punch and I haven’t spent the training time to see if it’s punishable on block, coincidentally it might be a good one time use to get an overhead in on someone u expect might forward roll on u after a smasher knockdown.
I like the sound of that f + hp cancel to smasher and mixup with dash cancel. I’ll have to play around with possible followups for mindgames. So far, I like paul, his slow movement makes me play more carefully and smarter.