"Ain't my style!" Paul General Discussion Thread

From what I see in that Level Up Your Game video, Paul looks freaking great.

Somewhat easy high damage combos and good specials.

paul is serious business. blonde ambition. paul and kaz look like great characters to familiarize yourself with the combo system. he’ll probably be a common character, especially in the beginning of the games lifespan.

I’d rather say that while he is probably “easy to use” he has to work harder to actually win. no reversal, slow walk speed and a lack of options aren’t very appealing to most players, either casual or advanced players. it needs dedication to stick to him in the end. that’s my guess at least. tho, the fact that he has an abusable safe on block move aka phoenix smasher makes him a tad “scrub friendly”, but with the presence of ryu,ken,kazuya and jin, they’ll rather pick two out of them.

Paul happens to be my favorite character atm (I love his guttural roar when he does his punch special). Sadly, from what I’ve seen so far I would also say he is one of the worst characters. These are the main cons I’m seeing so far:

*Very slow walk speed
*Horrible backdash, might even rival Sagat’s with how bad it is
*Weak anti air game (cr. hp is slow and you need ex scissor kicks to get invincibility)
*doesn’t seem to have a get the heck off me move.
*Generic mixup potential (it just feels like he has similar high low mixups to Heihachi except worse.)
*No real cheap or powerful stuff like moves that last a long time and allow you to tag in other characters for a mixup while the move is still active.

His main strengths seem to be high health and decent dmg. Am I missing something? Compared to other characters like Xaiyou or Hwoarang, he seems very weak. It feels like people can maul him and he can do very little to keep up his pressure and mixups. What do you guys think?

Paul is suppose to hit less but harder and he has a safe approach, his punch move is either 0 on block or +1

I am sad to say that I am with all you guys in thinking that Paul looks awful.
I will still play him though because he is awesome and I played him in all the Tekken games I have played.
I think he is going to be a good battery character just because he had that sway command backdash
but everyone can whiff moves to gain meter so thats sucky and not only that but it moves you backwards to the corner (why not just give him a decent back dash.
Honestly this guy sounds like Sagat (Poor Mobility, High Damage, Good Poking game) without anything that makes Sagat good(No Fireballs, No non EX invincible reversals, No Kara moves for improved movement capabilities). The thing that looks good about sway is that you can bait things with it just like dudley’s Short Swing Blow. The Pheonix Smasher looks good but It’s just about the only thing he has going for him, It may put you 0 or +1 frames but that don’t mean shit
unless he has a fast normal(3/4 Frames at least) If he does then great he can probably get some sick ass frame traps. I guess dudley(SF4) is more fair comparison. At least he has a cross up and its a good one so at least his oki might be good. Ease of usability looks to be another thing that he has in his favor but that don’t mean shit to me, when I play a character I look deep into them and try to dig out their greatness. He has some good normals so I don’t know he could be good. I will just have to wait and see if he’s good if not then I can always try Heihachi (probably bad spelling) or King.

I bet I am going to feel like a dumbass when sf x tk comes out and paul turns out to be one of the best characters, that’s what I am hoping for anyway.

He is simple and does a lot of damage

Sure is hard to get in with this guy

that’s what I thought. tho, I’m not sure if you want to be UP close anyway. I’d prolly play him within poke range. he makes good use of meter, with wallbounce for more damage or ex mountain raize to get around fireballs. as of now, he has written “mid tier” all over his face, but that can change as we discover new technology and explore the game, getting used to how it plays. could be a sleeper.

At best he could be like fei long at worst he could be like Dudley (SSF4) Shudders

I thought a lot more people would be getting hype for this character cause he is a badass but this thread so far consists of like 5 people talking Paul
Hope he becomes more popular when the game comes out

At this point he doesn’t seem to have as many options as many other chars but I’m like the damage he can do. you can poke and do pheonix smashers cause its safe so that helps.

I hope I am not alone in wanting to see a Paul/Guile team go far…OMG, if a great player made it work, it would be magic…

Got to play Paul a bit a couple nights ago. Hes slow as molasses, but still hella fun to play. Deathfist is sooooo good.

Discuss anything concerning Paul!

I was messing with Paul a lot today, and he does pretty decent damage. BUT, I get the feeling he is pretty shitty minus fierce punch phoenix smasher being safe. He can’t really get in well and doesn’t have any combos off his overhead unless it hits counter hit. Overall, I’m bummed.

that makes me wanna make him WORK even more. I think we need to kinda get a feeling how he could be played. to be honest, I think he is rather unique in his playstyle compared to other characters. he has no zoning/keep away game, but neither has he great options up close. My prediction is that you wanna play him Fei Long / ST footsie style. he’ll prolly be very effective in mid-close poking range where he can transist any counter poke into smasher (on block safe as mentioned) or into ex smasher as whiff punishing to get some raw damage out of it. with ex mountain raizer and morta punch that’s also the range where you can react to fireballs.

he looks very mid/low tier-ish at first, but we gonna see what we can make out of him. morta punch seems like it needs to be tested, as I can see some nifty uses in actual footsie battle for it.

After messing with him the last few days, he kinda sucks. He doesn’t have any good reversal which kind of makes him easy to rush the fuck down. His damage is ok, but that’s about it. It sucks he doesn’t get anything good off of an overhead like Heihachi does.

Hei = pretty much broken as fuck.

Yea he seems best at mid range, the only problem being it’s VERY easy to get in on him to stop him from being at his ideal range. Trust me, I hope he ends up being a decent character, but at first glance, he’s just not, IMO anyway.

how the jesus murphy christ do you do paul’s trial 20.
St. Roundhouse
St. Jab
Cr. Forward
L. Mountain Raze
Cr. Forward
Burning Fist

I can’t even get the St. roundhouse-st. jab :frowning:
he’s kinda sucky.