"Ain't my style!" Paul General Discussion Thread



you beat me to it. so sick. law seems pretty good, 1 meter 420 easy bnb with law’s rapid punches SC into pauls charge super. have yet to watch paul tho. gonna do it right now. <3 <3 <3

Some new info I got from the video:

Normals **
cl.mp: 60 Damage. lots of +frames (another cody similarity btw :3). can even link into c.hp afterwards.
cl.hp: 60 Damage. Close Anti Air vs Neutral jumps
s.lp: 30 Damage
c.lp: 30 Damage
90 Damage.

c.mp: 60 Damage
c.hp: 90 Damage. arguable his best anti air (looks mediocre speed wise tho)
c.mk: 60 Damage. arguable his best poke. combos into Smasher, which is safe on block or mountain razer for extended damage. buffering all day long.
c.hk: 90 Damage. (lot of pushback on block)
j.mk: 70 damage. crossup
. and a very good one at that. (looks exactly like bision)
100 Damage.**
nj.hp: 100 damage. might be his best neutral jump in

Command Normals
Hammer of the Gods (overhead): f.mp - 60 Damage. groundbounces as counter hit and vs air opponent
Hammer Punch (also overhead): f.hp - 50 Damage
Hang Over (after Hammer Punch): df.hk, hp - 50
/50 = 100 Damage
. does NOT combo after hammer punch as non counter hit.
Demolition Man (on the last hit of Hang Over hit another punch within the right frame window): df.hk, hp, punch - **50/50/80 = 180 Damage. **Does not combos if done with Hammer Punch in the beginning. can be followed up if done in the corner.

Special Moves
Mountain Raze: 90 Damage for all non-ex versions. 110 Damage for EX. Can combo after LK (difficult) and EX version. All versions go through fireballs (the dash part in the beginning)
Shredder Kick: 40/60 [20/20/60 for hk+ex]=100 Damage all versions - hits “true high” (can be crouched by all characters). can be comboed after (even vs standing opp) only one hit allows for a full juggle.
Sway: LP: “dash” builds meter. MP: does not hit overhead. Hp: 100 Damage. Ex: 50/70=120 Damage
Morta Punch: Hits Overhead. Ex Version distance depends which buttons are used (LP+MP shortest, LP+HP middle, MP+HP farest). EX Version also groundbounces. can be comboed after. 90 Damage for all versions. HP version jumps over projectiles.
Phoenix Smasher; LP: 120 Damage for all versions. Non Ex versions are SAFE on block (<3 dat footsie). Ex is not.

Super Move
Burning First: 320 Damage

Notable Combo:
j.hk, c.mp, ex smasher, c.mp xx super 517 damage.

some personal impressions from watching all the vidoes (EVERYTHING IS ASSUMPTION!). paul seems like a footsie heavy character that has to work to get damage. he has quick and ambigous ways to get in fast IF done on reaction and score a hit (mountain raizer vs fireballs, morta punch as mixup and also against low hitting pokes and fireballs too). he doesn’t look very mixup heavy nor does he look like he has a good defense (bad backdash, no non-ex reversal, it’s cody all over again x)). might be a mix of fei long and oni with a bit of ryu. c.mk will prolly be his main poke, buffered into smasher and mountain raizer. smasher being safe on block gives him a bit of chip damage potencial and safe pressure (that resets momentum tho). doesn’t seem that he has very long combos but his few hits hurt a lot. I can foresee that j.mk crossup and in particular in combination with cl.mp will be one of his best options if close.

I’m currently working on damage values myself, and some of your info is incorrect. Because hang over doesn’t combo after f.HP, and all hits do 50 damage, it says 2 hits, 100 damage afterwards, since all hits do the same damage and the 1st hit doesn’t combo, it will say 50, 50 for both of thos ehits, making it look like the 2nd hit oes no damage. Just look at the lifebar instead and you’ll see the truth. And j.MK looks like Bisons j.HK. Also, seems like HK shredder has 3 hits, so I’ll need to look a little closer at that.

EDIT: Shredder actually does 20,20,60, so nevermind that.

yeah that’s prolly the case for hangover. it just looks very very strange that the second hit does not connect. the hurt animation from ken is very ambiguous in that case. yeah I noticed that some hit 3 times, still the same damage tho^^. might be just so that it deals more damage as anti air.

edited it. thanks for the heads up.

Ok, so something doesn’t add up here. When Paul does his super in a cross art or super charged, it deals 320 damage. In that 517-damage combo, it’s at 60% damage, so it should do 192 Damage. But instead it does 219 damage, which would mean that it does 365 damage unscaled. Is it possible it does more damage when you spend meter?

a possibillity. but I’d rather guess life scaling kicked in as well.

edit: oh, it did MORE. mhhh. let me do some math on my own.

Just compare the Super in the 517-combo to the supercharged super done earlier and the Super during Law’s cross art. If it was life scaling, it would show up on the percentage bar.

got to play the game at length yesterday at Super Arcade
here’s a link with some Paul Phoenix notes ( its in the Guile AE forum )

hope this helps

Anything on how to play Paul helps, so thanks.

For some reason, Pauls Super do 323 damage after the tag into fully charged super juggle at 19:18… This game is weird XD

laws rapid fist does 90 damage + switch cancel to paul, lvl 3 charge super 413 meaning his super did 323 damage at 0 scaling. it did hit him airborn tho.
plain lvl 3 charge super does 320 damage. 100, 60, 60,100
the super in that combo hits in the following portion according to the training data: 65 @59% 42 @60% 42 @60% 70 @60% = 219, which equals a downscaling to 68,43% instead of the supposed 60%. that comes due to the awkward circumstance each hit is scaled differently. 65 is obviously 65% instead of 59%, while the 2x 42 are 70% and not 60% and the last hit does 70% instead of 60%.

very strange indeed. I’m gonna check laws super and see if his super is scaled differently as well.

But it was the 2nd, 3rd and 4th hit that gained one damage. It’s just weird…

laws super raw does 330 damage.
paul: LMHH, 3 hits by law into super. it hits as 8th hit, scaling should be 40%. estimated value: 132. it actually does 139. so it’s also slightly off. I noticed that many hits scaled at 28% and other odd numbers. I guess it has something to do with rounding in both cases and that the game general rounds up.

Seems like chaining causes the moves to be weaker, and have really odd damage values.

btw, I’m very disappointed that neither demolition man nor hangover combos after hammer punch. it makes hammer punch quite useless considering you can only combo after a counterhit, in which case you could go with the faster and more damaging f.mp that will prolly give better combo options. =/ demolition man can at least be used in the corner, I’ve yet to see a use for hammer punch tho, unless I miss something vital here.

It’s possible you might be able to ground bounce with hammer punch in juggles as well. It might also be good for frame traps.

i think he has b/c teir writen all over him imo

I thought that as well tbh. still gonna main him, but in comparision to other characters who are extremly strong / cheap / broken, paul doesn’t exceed in anything. he does a bit of damage, but not as much to make up for his lack of options, speed and defense. well can’t be certain till we got our hands on the game and test everything out.

Paul will probably have high health. EXAMPLE lets says Hugo has the most health at 1300 paul would probably have1150