F.hp is a fantastic way to catch back dashers, in particular with super.<br>
Hey, big Paul fan. Been playing Elena/Paul for a while but I’m pondering about other great partners for Paul. He’s a great source of damage, but needs help getting in. Elena does that well enough, but who else might help fit that bill?<br>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/17178/Gemakai">Gemakai</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Hey, big Paul fan. Been playing Elena/Paul for a while but I’m pondering about other great partners for Paul. He’s a great source of damage, but needs help getting in. Elena does that well enough, but who else might help fit that bill?<br></div>
He is a great asset to any team most of the time. You should just have a partner that can cover his weaknesses and can handle the top tier well enough. <br>I like to pair him with a zoner. Guile for instance. Alisa should work too. With Kazuya you have a mighty damage team. Anyone should really be suitable if you make them work.<br>
What are the best ways to get hits in with paul? I try for a lot of J.mk cross ups, St. mp, Cr. Mp mixed in with overheads and throws. How useful is cadc for paul?
<br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/57516/ShADoW_NoBODy">ShADoW_NoBODy</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>What are the best ways to get hits in with paul? I try for a lot of J.mk cross ups, St. mp, Cr. Mp mixed in with overheads and throws. How useful is cadc for paul?</div>
It’s somewhat decent in v2013. You want to go high/low (f.mp, f.hp,
df.hk, c.mk etc), fish for hits with c.mk, lp sway and whiff punish,
tick throw, and mortar is a good tool against some characters and
players (c.mk xx mortar etc) Cross Up, nj.hp etc is viable as well. You gotta be creative.<br>
I’ve just picked up Paul as an anchor, he is so much fun Currently have him decked out in a White alternate costume, black hair, inspired by Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. I even start singing ‘Stayin Alive’ when I’m beating up on my friends.<div><br></div><div>I just wanted to comment on his j.MK - this is one of the dirtiest mixups I’ve seen in SFxT! I often swear its going to land one side, and he teleports to the other. Its actually a bit annoying because I often miss my cr.MPxxRaze because I was holding the wrong ‘down-back’ (db+MP xx db, d, df, f+K). Is this just a teething issue for new Paul players?</div><div><br></div>
I changed my gem loadout to:<br>+10% damage on partner launcher<br>+20% damage on super<br>+40% meter on partner launcher<br><br>30% damage on super after a tag. That’s 50%+ hp off when I touch someone with Guile. Super Art alone does 416 damage. Off a raw launcher the basic bnb does <b>574 damage</b>. If used with cl.hp xx mortar, s.hp xx super it does 607 damage.<br>
I think I found an safe jump setup. After mid screen df.hk>P, jump forward j.attack
didn’t tested it, but I blocked lars lightning screw earlier, might investigate it during the next days.
Also, corner EX Sway setup is so good. Got me sooo many rounds already, I can’t track it anymore.
I’ve recently been exploring Paul, and I’m finding damage gems to be great on him as well. I’ve been trying him with Yoshi and Law, mainly because both of these characters enable a full grounded combo from Paul on a tag. Specifically, I’ve been running the following gem setup:
+10% damage on hitting 3 special moves
+20% damage on hitting 4 special moves
+20% damage on hitting a super art
This lets me tag in paul for a raze combo, activating the first gem. The real beauty of the setup comes after that first combo, though. A counter-hit mortar that hits after the first gem activates leads to 816 dmg. This makes charging a counter hit terrifying, and lets you punish raw tags for most of their health bar. After you land your triple gem combo a few times, people get very afraid of mortar punch, which lets you abuse that +3 on block.
df.HK>P, forward empty jump - 6F save jump if they tech and reversal.
df.HK>P, wait a few frames, HP Mortar - Meaty Mortar, can’t be jumped away.
df.HK, j.mk - Cross Up, avoids all reversals, hits back dash / front dash / jump
c.HK, j.HK - 5F save jump
Mortar, back dash, j.mk - Cross up, avoids reversals, catches both dashes and jump. Doesn’t work with very spaced mortars.
Mortar, LP sway, j.MK - very ambiguous fake cross up, still avoids reversals. If they press “forward” it hits as cross up.
What’s the EX Sway setup?
Secret sauce that wins me Evo.
Zukuu Ex Swayyyyyyyy
I need that setup…I’m running out of ways to land hits with Paul.
Good Guy Scumbag Zukuu. Does tons of frame data for every char, won’t tell anyone his secret set-up.
Actually it is more a timing and spacing than a typical setup, so there isn’t really anything to say about it xD. I haven’t digged into it to come up with something to whiff or something to pinpoint the timing down. Just position yourself right and time it right and do EX Sway on wakeup. You can do LP Sway, EX Sway for instance. Works midscreen as well, but in the corner is where it truly shines. If done right, it avoids most reversals or beats them straight out and catches rolls and hits very ambiguously. They roll “with” you swaying backward, so they end up in front of you, eating a meaty EX sway hit, whereas they should be on the other side normally, thus blocking wrong. It’s +2 on block so you don’t even have any risk involved. I guarantee it hits at least once against any player on the world if they roll.
So I’m back into SFxT! Haven’t played since 3 months and i picked Chun Li and teamed her with Paul. Love how they improved Paul in v2013! Anyone know some good Paul players on youtube?
you can search for PR Rog (i think), who plays Paul occasionally, even in tournaments.
PR Balrog, yep. What do you think of his Paul, Zukuu? He hasn’t optimized him judging from all the stuff this board has found, but I like that he knows exactly how to use Paul strategically: Let his Dudley carry the team the majority of the game, then he switches in Paul and knocks them into a corner where he is the most deadly, and does an oki mixup where if he guesses right it is generally a KO.
Can’t really say. Didn’t see his Paul for quite some time.