"Ain't my style!" Paul General Discussion Thread

Ah, good. Then I can skip that part in this thread.

What else are you looking to do, maybe I can help?

Well, useful moves and why they’re good, some important properties about the special moves and their EX versions, stuff like that. The info currently in there was mostly based on prerelease observations, but I changed some stuff I knew was wrong earlier today.

Have you seen the Paul overview topic I wrote here a few months back? Something like that but my detailed/not in first person narration?

Something like that. What I’m looking fore is basically an explanation in about one sentence what’s good about certain normal moves, plus special properties.

why one sentence? application examples, when you should use etc

To keep it short and sweet. So like: “c.mk: shoto-like if slower c.mk, cancelable, necessary to extend combos from lk raze and can is Paul’s frequent option in blockstrings.” Not just a sentence on Paul in general.

As for my own question, does anyone know a few blockstrings that do not begin and rely on repeated jabs so I can mix my game up? The more I am really learning about how fighting games work (aka blockstrings) the more pissed I am about the extensive jab nerfs. I suppose it isn’t exaggeration that you need to tag Paul into jab range or you are boned.

Exactly, just a quick, easily overviewable description of important moves and their uses/properties. Note that all MRs will have the same knockback as EX now, so you can extend with other moves, right?

To keep it short, there might be a few players who switches to Paul in 2013, so I’m thinking it’s good to have some simple stuff for them to read, so they easily can get the hang of how he works.

why “short and sweet” exactly? it should include every info needed, why forcefully cut it? that’s all I’m saying. it’s not that space is limited.

I use cl.mp whenever I’m in range. cl.mp, c.mp is a 1 frame gap. c.mk 2 frame. into c.hp (xx morta or CADC or lp sway) 3 frame.

Paul is absolutely not hard to use you know, all the things he has are self explanatory.
He’s as simple as a character can get…

that doesn’t mean he has advanced tricks and utility to work with. baiting, frame traps, setups etc.

and if he is that simple as you say, you don’t need that one sentence either :wink:

I agree that he is overall pretty simple, the main reason he has been my favorite for so long.

What Dooplis wants is something abridged for the first post of the main topic, a cliffnotes if you will for people to see what Paul has going for him and whether or not they should spend time learning him or not. The more advanced things can have their own topics and whatnot. I’m a pretty firm believer in those things, since not only do they show the values of characters do others and serve as a cheatsheet, but you can also look at other characters for a quick look at their strengths/weaknesses and establish some matchup info.

Of course Paul has some tricks and setups etc. but that’s not what the guy is asking, he’s asking for simple stuff.
He even gave an example with the c.MK, and I’m merely saying that Paul is self explanatory, you don’t need a “guide” to tell you why or when you should use c.MK …Seriously people are lazy.

An in depth guide on the other hand is always useful, and that’s where u share tricks, baits, frame traps etc. but again that’s not what he’s asking (I think) cause you could never make an in depth guide with merely one sentences.

But then again, maybe I’m just so awesome and great that It is difficult for me to see what is so hard or advanced about Paul :stuck_out_tongue: (just kidding)

Maybe you’re looking for something like this…

Yes, exactly. I just want the first post to look like it does now, but with some more accurate and up-to-date info. Coz I know that’s what I want to see when checking out other characters myself.

Hey Rolenzo, I checked out your videos for the first time today, definitely a solid Paul.
What jumped out at me however was that you were not optimizing your launcher combo with Paul. Your cl.MP, c.mp, c.mkxxRaze does around 50 less than the generally accepted cl.mp, f.mp, st.HPxxSmasher. I saw you doing the latter combo (with raze at the end) in earlier videos, so why did you switch? Paul needs all the damage he can.

I enjoy your ex Mortas into Burning Fist combo to finish off opponents with swag, Paul is a character who really benefits from that +20% power gem.

Hm, now I need to start playing this game and be the best Paul player in America (all the good ones I know are European). Who to tag with him first, Sakura, Poison, or Rog?

Tzzz - why aim so low? Didn’t playing paul teached you at least one thing?


(btw - we could need some GEM TALK update in the gem thread)

Oh, aren’t there a whole bunch of new gems and such? I’ll look into them right away. I’m like a kid in a candy store with those things.

Motivation and Resolution look ridiculous but um, how much points is a single bar? Always wanted to know that.

A bar is either 250 or 333, I think it’s 333.

Well I’ve been saying this for quite a while now, I rarely use phoenix smasher in combos :stuck_out_tongue:
Mountain Raze gives me a free safe jump (which u see me use almost all the time), and I’d rather have a free jump-in instead of 50 more damage, besides it’s probably even less than 50 damage because of the scaling.
Here are most of the things that happen after I use mountain raze instead of Phoenix smasher.

  1. I jump in and they get hit for some reason, Jump HK -> Combo time
  2. I jump and they whiff their reversal -> st.MK x st.HP x Launcher
  3. I jump and they block my Jump HK -> tick throw, frame trap, overhead etc.

By always ending my combos with mountain raze I can almost get an endless cycle of pressure, hit confirm -> combo into mountain raze -> safe jump -> hit confirm -> combo into mountain raze -> safe jump.
And I will occasionally whiff a scissor kick on purpose, just bait something out. The recovery on that is much faster than it looks.
U can do a backthrow (or was it forward throw?) do HK scissor kick and still guard against any incoming attack, and if u do an MK scissor kick you can even stuff your opponent with a crouching or standing jab.

EDIT: oh and yeah I like that you noticed the gem, I love giving Paul the power gem that activates when doing super, It’s a free 20% extra non recoverable damage. :smiley:
The ex mortar punch x super combo does a ton of damage because of the little scaling it gets, it’s a even bit dirty XD

My fav blockstring/hitconfirm with Paul is cl mp, st lp, st mp. Isn’t the highest damage but gives you all day to hitconfirm and there is plenty of mixups you can do with it.