"Ain't my style!" Paul General Discussion Thread

I could punish with Paul’s Super which is stated to be 10 frames. so either it’s -10 (which makes the most sense seeing lp/mp are -10) or his super is faster then 10, which could either be a stealth buff or the frame data guide is wrong (again).

cross art is 10 frames, his super is 7 frames…according to this framedata :stuck_out_tongue:

I meant his cross art. my mistake. that’s why I think it’s -10 :wink:

lul, that’s so funny… they nerf Paul. What??? Paul? Seriously, that’s so ridiculous.
After I hit PS I often did a forward jump into another PS because it hit some kind of meaty and not many players could punish it if it was blocked. Now I can forget about this, wtf Capcom seriously.
I’ll stick to another character until another patch comes out because it’s much more easier to win with other characters… :frowning:

E: @zukuu: perhaps they buffed his Cross Art to 9f startup

Big respect to those players who have not dropped Paul, for me right now, i think i will wait the next patch (yeah another patch ahah…) and continue to just keep an eye on the game and don’t play it.

then they must have been buffed hugos CA and poisons SA etc as well :wink:

EDIT: Okay, so apparently Paul’s CA is staying at 10f, so they must have nerfed him to -10, not -9. My apologies for misunderstanding, and I blame Capcom for it :lol:

Yo are there still any Paul players left or am I the only one ?
I’ve played some ranked matches these last days and went from B to B+.
I’ll upload some of my matches some time later, I feel like I’ve gotten really better with Paul, his nerf didn’t really affect me after all.

Would love to see your Paul. I still play him, sorta. I have added a lot of the oki setups I found in Vulcan Hades’ Oki video and my Paul has actually become exceptionally nasty there. Even so, I really like Guy, Nina, Sak, Bob, and King, so yeah.

Also I am mad into P4A now so less time to sfxt, though all the big stuff that people are doing for sfxt has inspired me to go at it again.

I try to play Paul with Blanka and it’s not that bad, Blanka is good as first, i play him mostly like a defensive wall and a footsies character, and Paul help him to make an offense and to capitalize on opening.

Yeah Paul is really hard to use on point, plus he needs meter to alpha counter since that is his only way to get rid of pressure.
I put my Guile on point, playing it really safe by building meter and outpoking my opponent. Once I can get a hit I cross rush to Paul and try to remain the pressure for as long as possible.
If I get DP’ed or my opponent got rid of my pressure I’ll try to carefully work my way back in, but I won’t force it cuz I don’t think it’s worth it.
If it’s too hard I’ll wait for my opponent to jump and answer with an alpha counter. It’s a really great way to tag in your partner, cuz his alpha counter gives the opponent a hard knockdown and enough time to safely tag in your partner.

Sorry for the huge delay, I had alot of problems these past few weeks.
Anyway I’m finally done recording my replays, it was alot of trouble trying to record them. Had to build a tower of boxes so I could put my camera on there.
I don’t have a capture card so sorry if te quality is low, I recommend putting the videos in HD tho, it’ll be less painfull in the eyes XD

Don’t know which one to put here, so I’ll just put some up random.
You can watch the rest on my channel if you want.


This one was not that hard, the guy went for obvious shenanigans.


It are fights like this, that makes me wish for an uppercut like the shotos :stuck_out_tongue:


Your typical shoto team, nothing much to say about, only that it was really laggy.


This one felt good to win, Heihachi is a pain in the ass with Paul. He really makes you feel like a punchin bag >.>

now that’s a team that earns my respect

Paul get a little buff in SF X Tekken version 2013

but get a minor nerf too like cannot gain meter with sway Lp and cr hp damage is nerfed too :frowning:

The buffs FAR outweighs the nerfs, so don’t worry about it.
I’m sure that lots of people will find it a lot easier to play with him now. There are even people coming up with new and more damaging combos, and the patch isn’t even released yet.
That’s saying a lot :smiley:

after reading the yoshi changes, I’m a bit bummed tho. they completely gave him new options, mix up and a gameplay buff. we get our main approach taken away (s.lp) and minor tweaks here and there, but nothing that helps much for an actual gameplan style of things. I don’t complain tho, I’m happy with what he got and it’s enough that other characters got nerfed. I do hope that we get our walkspeed buff tho - that’s a mandatory one. Can’t wait to test the new raze - and see shredder in action.

Shredder functions like a DP now, right?

lk shredder is a 6 frame anti air reversal.
mk shredder is a 6 frame vs ground reversal - whiffs vs croucher tho.
hk shredder remains unchanged but gets a 10 damage boost - for combo.
ex shredder is a 10f universal reversal.

this move changed from “most useless move in the entire game” to “heavily used”. : D

Nice. :smiley: I can’t wait to try the new Paul. But with his Cr.Hp being changed, could he still combo into if of ClSt.Mp?

Unfortunately Paul’s anti air buffs were not just buffs addressing a central problem of his, but part of great aair options added to the tekken cast across the board to deal with buffs. So while it helps for sure it wasn’t anything unique, and they pale in comparison to what was given some others (no one is jumping in on Bob or King again, for instance.

The damage nerf on c.hp is also part of a larger trend: they are making tekken c.hps specific aairs and taking off damage as a result.