Member since: Today.
Looks like someone is scared to tell damdai their real opinion…
I’m guessing that’s Cutwest.
That’s not an insult to me Piero, that’s an insult to Alex Valle, Jason Cole, Justin Wong, Tokido, DGV, Kuroppi, Ganelon, Marsgattai, Roybisel, Rizone, NKI, immortal, and countless other strong players who have competed in tournaments with me. And it’s not just the east coast papasi. It’s the midwest and vegas too. Basically everywhere except super arcade. Hope to make it out there some day to hang out with you dudes and erase this demonized image you all seem to have of me in your heads. Mob mentality runs strong over there!
Yo i don’t give a fuck about this drama shit i just wanna see some matches, let’s go! See you all at Evo!
Wow, this thread is turning into the stuff of legends.
I have lots of respect for both afrolegends and damdai, and I wish both players good luck. I already gave afro my best wishes on GGPO, but I will be rooting for damdai to win the MM. Since I am a Ryu/Ken player, it’s obvious that I will be supporting any player that is a known Ryu/Ken player.
Go damdai! Represent the Ken/Hawk players.
I can’t wait to watch this epic MM and let the trash talking continue!
Yeah, calm it down before it turns bad. Don’t forget that when you write, it instantly feels like you mean what you type 200%, and then things go generally too far.
Gotta wait to meet someone IRL to judge him bad, apart if it’s lastscene or some cockhead turkish troll.
Plus from what I’ve seen online, damdai seems like a real cool person, and for the info to whoever believes he’s some kind of trolls, this is purely a joke. I was on 2df since 2008, and he never talked bad to anyone, helping scrubs asking forever the same question in supercade’s forum for instance lol.
Afro seems also like a cool cat, and it would be such a shame that some kind of real shit begins before the challenge.
Hype is cool, disrespect or defamation is not. That’s the difference between a bunch of friendly guys and a bunch of assholes.
Everyone here is an adult except for ultracombo…I say talk as much shit as you can before & during the fight, not after…
Keep it clean and ST guys. We’re not tryna take it take it at a personal level, nah mean? Just competitive and hype. Although we did kinda instigated for damdai to respond lol.
I think afro said he’s going all boxer and I assume damdai is going play o.hawk, but o.ken vs dee jay would be good to. Which I was hoping for since the beginning of this…
sup gaymar
Are you guys seriously playing and screencapping dummy matches to photoshop for this thread? Haha
Hey have u guys gone to Japan yet and entered any tourneys there for st? (btw I think Afro could hang there)
This thread is like music to my ears
Your alive! Where the hell have you been bro?
Keep the shit talk flowing plz. btw, I like damdai for up to $100. Find me at Evo next to the cabinets that I’m assuming will be used for this MM.
Cool man, I got you down for $100. I still have $400 available to anyone else that wants to get in on side bets. D Deli said he had $50 on damdai but deleted his post and never replied back, so I’m assuming that he backed out. Bernie, when it gets closer to EVO, pm me and we can exchange numbers.
Damdai fans, hurry up and reserve your bets before I run out of money. With the turn of events happening on this thread, I think its safe to say that Damdai is fired up and his odds of winning just shot up by a good margin. So get it while the gettings good.
Can’t wait to see this go down, the Seasons Beatings crew just booked our tickets!
Nah I hope we get Rog vs O.ken, O.ken vs Dee Jay is dumb and I think Afro would take Damdai’s O.Hawk pretty convincingly. I think damdai’s O.ken is his strongest character because of his fast reactions and dp. I guess it’ll all depend on how the set starts out. I still got $50 on afro.
Yeah he’s a real good shoto player and I don’t really care who wins (seriously) just no blow outs lol.