LMAO that harlem heat.
As a spectator, I’d be more interested in a character locked match (FT10 or some such) than a counter picking game. I’ve come to appreciate the simplicity and beauty of locked matches.
PS: Mars you are making me want to play again. BGG Bitches
everybody coming out da wood works. I love it
Locked matches are boring when they end up one sided.
Graham? As in Graham Wolfe? Holy shit, if this is you, are you and your brother still active in ST?
And I actually read a story that Nohoho posted a few weeks ago, where he mentioned that Sasori was hoping that Afro would come to Japan and play him in person, apparently they play online on ggpo a lot? Either way, I think Japan knows who Afro is, and I’m sure their group is excited to play Afro at the ToL at Evo.
I appreciate it too, however, both players are able to play a few characters at a high-level, and a character-lock kind of limits their ability to showcase that talent.
Plus it makes it a lot more interesting to see if they’ll counter-pick, or if they’ll pull out a secret character that they’ve been practicing recently, etc etc.
I predict Damdai’s O.Ken will show up more often, since O.Hawk has a tough time dealing with Deejay. Whereas Afro will probably roll with Boxer, since he loves playing him, and he doesn’t have any matchups that are unwinnable for him.
VS ST Akuma? HDR maaaybe, but ST kuma is pure hax.
Nope, Rog does really well vs ST akuma. Claw and dictator also.
If we have enough time, I would like to see a US vs Japan 5 on 5. Who would like to see that happen?
Round robin or single elim?
Who’s gonna be on team USA?
Japan team so far : nuki, mao, kusumondo, tokido, daigo (sako).
What about new school EC vs WC team (if we include OG WC is just too powerful with choi, valle, cole, etc).
Or maybe just afro and damdai as captain and draft players.
Both Japan Vs. USA and EC Vs. WC are great ideas. This has to happen !!
I doubt that, man. Once Dictator gets on his back, there is very little he can do, and nothing at all at the corner. As for Akuma vs other tops, if the Akuma player is good with 1-button reversals, and most top players are, there is very little on can do against him. His invulnerable tatsu disables cross-ups, leads to juggles, punishes projectiles and lots of other things. He can’t be safe-jumped, he can’t be crossed up, he can’t be fireball trapped, he punishes meaties with multi-hit juggles, his Jab SRK is safe on block. Even if you do not use the air hadou and the teleport, he is still better than the big 4.
Sure, sounds a good idea.
Haha this is gonna be siiiick! On the topic of trash talk, I say keep it coming! We know you two aren’t best friends or anything but lets keep it game related. Making fun of Damdai’s giant head isn’t very sportsman like =P
Just tell Grandma’s boy his shits week and you’ll buy him a beer after you kick his ass =D
I would love to see a USA vs Japan session. I’m a fan of Round Robbin mostly cause I wanna see everyone play everyone.
No real disrespect to Damdai was meant in this writing of this post. But your shits week =P
LOL sorry
How does Balrog do well versus ST Akuma? Neutral air fireball > Balrog. Then comes the cross-up and really safe SRK. Even in HDR its in Akuma’s favor, I can only imagine in ST where he’s even more broken. Vega can do well against him, though.
you guys please shutup and stop talking about akuma.
nobody cares about akuma.
this time team usa has to redeem themselves from the last 5vs5!
I do not see that happening. And there are still more Japanese players to be confirmed. No offense, but those guys are really good. For instance: the only shoto player I have seen that came really close to Japanese tops was Choi, who does not play ST anymore.
sorry OSBR you just got pwned. What I have been telling folks on ggpo…
OK, my friend, but I hope you understand that picking the game again after years does not mean playing it like he used to years ago. Same as Watson playing now being different than 5 years ago, which again is different than 15 years ago. There is a whole lot of things one can react to and decide that goes away. Being able to beat players who did not play at high level years ago, when competition was at its peak, does not mean he is back to his game, at all.
well then you cannot go back and modify your definition of “play”. Which is a simple word.
If you have said “Choi is no longer at his prime” the first time around, then it is more up to debate than “he doesn’t play anymore”. He is still the reigning EVO ST champion until someone unseat him (this year there is a chance)
Anyway, according to someone who talked to choi. He’s down to play and practice but he needs local comp with real ST. He doens’t play online nor HDR classic offline.
A Japan vs USA or a WC vs EC exhibition would be fun but honestly, we probably wouldn’t have the time to do it.
By such definition, Justin Wong plays ST, despite the fact he states otherwise. Anyway, I strongly disagree with the bolded part. It may be so if he is trained, only.
Well, maybe someone can set this at hotel rooms, then.