Certeris Paribus?
O. Guile Watson vs. Mars mirror match?! Someone record that shit!
Yes, Rufus. Certeris Paribus. But, I think the humor & subtlety of what I was implying was lost.
I think making excuses about characters is ridiculous. If you are going to hold yourself out as top player, man up play and face the challenges.
Luckily, I am not a top player, nor do I pretend to be. I’d get rolled by the the top players. But, i love this game. And I’ll call out BS if I see it. I see the posturing taking place. No matter what happens, if we buy the character argument, it’s a win-win for Damdai. Not that its Damdai’s stance. But, it’s kinda retarded. There’s so much drama surrounding this game now. It’s killing what’s left of it.
Even something as cool as this challenge is going to be tanted with, “He’s using a over powered character.”
Hence a stupid statement and a stupid solution to a stupid aguement/position.
Im down to do o.sagat or o.guile/wats vs o.guile/me.
I think watts was calling out o.sagats not o.guiles.
Fuck yeah, that’ some shit talk! That shit belongs to Van Damme movie quotes…
Chong Li: "You break my record, now i break you, like i break your friend!"
Tong Po: “You bleed like Mylee, Mylee good fuck”
Damdai, why are you already making excuses for when you lose? Where is the confidence Mr. “I am the best player in the U.S.”??? Lolz…
Don’t you use dhalsim too? Isn’t the sim/boxer match even? Quit making excuses…do you fly to Japan once a year and complain about Balrog there too…lolz
Balrog’s cheap everywhere, but you’re starting to come off as a dick. I don’t know if it’s part of the show or your true feelings, but you should stop talking now so we still have a chance to chill after all’s said and done.
You feel threatened by me? Fine. Start travelling to tournaments like I do and stop me from winning. We all love the game. Relax and enjoy it. Don’t kill the wonderful revival we have going by taking the shit talk too far. If I misinterpreted you as mike did me, my bad
Where is all this drama coming from? The money match is happening during Evo, both sides have already agreed, the rules have been agreed upon as well, what’s there left to argue about?
I think he’s referring to O.Guile/Watson v. O.Sagat/anybody else. Either way, should be highly entertaining to watch, I fucking love that matchup.
My bad…maybe I went too far but we do have a huge money match at evo and we gotta hype it up. I respect you but this is war till it’s all said and done. I will be coming out for blood so be ready…
I hope afro rapes him real real real hard. More shit talk please. This is entertaining.
More pictures please
It’s ok, I respect that! See you at EVO
Everyone else, take it easy with the venom. I haven’t met any of you, but you all seem to be taking this pretty personally when I haven’t said a single thing.
I think others can vouch that I’m pretty chill in person, so don’t make me your enemy before you get a chance to be my friend.
Damdai vs Afro should be epic. I’m glad you guys are coming together to make this happen. You’re both some of the coolest cats I’ve had the pleasure to meet on and offline. Good luck to you both.
Soooooooooo youre the US’s top ST player but also the underdog?
Does not compute…
lol look at the damage done by the fake damdai on stream chat. i wonder who that was. is that you bookah?
damdai, i don’t think people hate you, they are just trying to instigate [S](see your fellow hawk player djbutthole and your fan pasky).[/S] <- deleted this djf mad
it’s ok to talk shit back to afro. afro even said so lol. (need to hype this shit up)
you cannot let afro be the alpha male here.
we need to know who is US #1 and #2.
How are you gonna call others instigators and you’re pushing for damdai to talk shit?
Yes and Yes?
btw damdai is cool in my book. he’s dominating the east coast with low tiers and also helping the scene with sts and supercade.
july cannot come sooner. i think this ft10 needs to be pay-per-view.
Damdai complains that Boxer is top tier but conveniently forgets that Afro also has an absolutely incredible Deejay.
And lest we forget, Damdai has a history of making bitter complains about having to play stronger characters. Remember the infamous “babyzone” incident where he had a tantrum about Zangief being over-powered in HDR?
I think Damdai travels around the country winning tournaments against players with far less experience than he has in order to convince himself that he’s the best player in the US. But who is really willing to step up and bet $$$$ on Damdai over Afro Legends? I rest my case.