Afro Legends vs Damdai Money Match at EVO!

Tiers are subjective though. Some people say hawk is high tier. All he needs is one knockdown.

This MM isn’t character locked, and Damdai has more up his sleeve then just thawk. Damdai plays high level ryu/ken as well so don’t try to discredit Afro by pulling the low tier vs high tier card. Also, the match up chart is all subjective, whos numbers are you going to go by? This isn’t about who uses the better character, this is about who is the better player. The only reason anyone wouldn’t think this isn’t a fair match is if they think one player is weaker then the other. I got my money on Afro, but I think they are both on even grounds. Both players are among the best in the US and it could be anyone’s game.

Matchup charts aren’t completely subjective, more like a mix. Ironically, matchup numbers are said to be matter mostly at high level play. Let’s be real, is cammy really going to beat o. sag at high level play?

Hawk only needs one knockdown but it has to be near the corner but even then it depends on the character/meter.

O. Ken vs. Boxer might be closer, but really I was referring to a different money match challenge from earlier in the thread.

Wait, so if matchup is subjective, what if Damdai picks Akuma?

I would expect nothing less from the old west. What’s more surprising to me though is how rabid his dingle berries are getting about it. Best case scenario for them is boxer wins, which he is supposed to do anyway, big surprise. Worst case, he loses with the best character in the game in matchups that he is heavily favored to win anyway, and everyone loses money that I suspect they can’t afford. Worst case for me is a small dent in my pride and a reinforced disgust of an overpowered character. I’m clearly the underdog here, but not because of skill. If you’re truly interested in finding out who is the better player, you don’t use the best character, and you certainly don’t use Balrog. But it is what it is, and I’m looking forward to it. For those that were unsure, I accepted the challenge the second I received it, I just don’t know how much I’m going in for yet. Boxer just too much of a random variable regardless of who’s behind the wheel. It will be at least a few hundred though.

Pasky, good shit! But I retired the whites over a year ago. And I’m gonna retire afro come July.

holy shit lolololol niiiiiice

The game starts on the player select screen though. Dhalsim is usually considered to have a slightly more than even matchup against boxer. Just set additional terms if need be publicly or privately and see if you both agree.

I think a lot of this uppityness would disappear if there’s an ETA on when the match details can be finalized. If folks need someone to handle funds upfront, I’m willing to do so and I’m pretty sure DGV and papasi are as well.

From an audience perspective, who really cares about purposeful counterpick/alts? I want to see iterations of O. Ken/Hawk vs. Dee Jay/Boxer!

Subjective means depending who you ask, you are going to get a different number. So Akuma vs rog right? I might tell you its a 7-3 match up, Afro might say 8-2, Damdai might say its 5-5. Who is the absolute authority that dictates which numbers to use? Earlier you purposed that the money should be paid out according to the match up numbers right?

And if Damdai picks akuma, I’m sure Afro would switch to keep up as well. Just like how Damdai could just go straight to Sim right from the beginning and start off with the advantage. Like I said earlier, this isn’t about who’s characters are better, its about who the better player is. Pulling the “bad match up” card is a cop out.

Funny part is, rog is one of the few chars that probably has a good matchup versus Akuma.

The authority should be the players entering the money match. If they have to agree upon conditions like number of matches and character lock, why not compromise on some odds?

But in some cases, the player is tied so closely to the character. If anyone ever challenged me to a money match, they would know that I was going to pick N. Guile, and N. Guile only. And if that person was a Sim main, come on. 7-3, 8-2, the actual numbers might be subjective, but any honest answer is going to be heavily one-sided. Bad matchup card is not a cop out any more than ‘purely player skills’ is legit.


Yeah, this shit is reaching Pacquiao vs Mayweather levels of hype. I’m liking it.

man, i honestly didnt want to believe damdai was that cocky and came off as such a dick. is that really you talking nonsense on our streams from super arcade bro? if so, sorry for chat banning you here and there, obviously thought it was a troll. but from the looks of things it might really be you. just a bit of friendly advice, talk shit about the game all you want, but if you get out of line outside the game, be ready to face consequences away from your keyboard. enough of that, lets talk SF.

so how is balrog a random factor? you do know ryu and o.sagat vs rog isnt bad right? this game is all about match up knowledge and being as your currently one of the top players i would expect you not to be one to cry about it… and also being as you just mastered a “one trick pony” technique you would also be the last one to complain. dont get it twisted, it takes skill to do this, but cmon… shits cheesy as hell.

and on a final note, whoever thinks its fun to bet with odds in regards to so called flowchart or matchup #'s. whats the odds for o.sagat vs o.guile? thats my favorite match and im down to bet on that vs people if they want to head to super arcade :slight_smile: fuck it, i dont even want odds, ill play that match straight up for even money. come see me.

lol Still waiting for the hawk win message !

What? O.ken counters Dee Jay and goes even against boxer. I don’t know how you can complain about Boxer when O.ken’s DP is the same autowin shit.

Have you read this thread, watson? I’m out shit talked 20-1. That was my first and probably last post about it ;p It’s all good, don’t turn it into something that’s not.
You know it’s not me on the stream as DGV and Kuroppi have told you.

That’s solves it… No crybaby bullshit about tiers, characters, etc…

Carbus Parabis

Ryu V. Ryu

Better player wins. :stuck_out_tongue:

Id be honored to play you at evo sir :slight_smile: