Afro Legends vs Damdai Money Match at EVO!

respect for ganelon dngr damdai and afro you guys are not afraid of the game like many many many players.

DGV doesn’t look like a poor china mainlander, so I trust he won’t spend the money.

Lower that number fam… he is a kid in college. A hundred and I will see what is what and back him on that bet (if he is going…).

Don’t forget to record those challenges !

I’ve played and been murdered by both. I’m leaning towards Afro but wouldn’t be surprised if Damdai pulls it out. This MM and the 25th anniversary TOL is gonna be great.

I wouldn’t be surprised if damdai somehow pulls it out either. But I wouldn’t put my money on him… I think afro’s much more likely to win.

so everyone is wondering why the fuck is damdai so quiet lol.

Rumors are as follows lo0l:

  1. You scared nigga

  2. you aint got the money

  3. still wondering if you can beat afro

  4. to busy posting vids of yourself beating tokido

  5. thinking of a way to back out

  6. you scared nigga lo0l

dear damdai,


will thou be so kind as to informeth us of thou’s plans pleae =)

Why blame damdai? I’d be scared to money match afro as well.

How much? I got you. Look for me.

Same deal.

I’m going to bring about $500 with me, if you guys seriously want to bet against Afro, I can cover up to that much. Times is rough these days, if you guy can help me pay for my EVO trip, I’d really appreciate it.

What happen to this post D-Deli? Are you still on for that $50?

D-Deli said:
was riding the train yesterday----after a day of work-------started to nod off----but then the sun lit up my eyes-------I saw things—a prophecy--------------------------Damdai’s hawk ear raping Afrolegends’ boxer–brain mush everywhere--------------match my $50-

my bets on damdai !!

Just an idea…maybe winner takes difference in games x 100. So if it’s 10-8 fro, fro will get two hundred. 10-5 winner takes 500. 10-0 loser loses a g.

Pasky: lol that pic is too good.

nah you gotta risk it to win it!!!


I must admit that thread is kind of epic lol, and I’m really looking forward to this challenge. Though, from my point of view, Money match is silly. I personnally won’t do that ever, even (more) if the opponent would be weaker. If I lose, it’s a fucking pain to give my money. If I win, I’d feel like a total scrub for taking that money from a guy just for a fucking video game. Only stuff I would bet on would be good food ; at least you can share something rather than take something. Just my opinion.

Well that’s just like, your opinion, man.

Money matches are super commonplace here in the States. Even kids playing Smash money match eachother. A lot of people view it as a real test of skill because you play differently when something that serious is on the line, it’s basically a way to get legit matches outside of a tourney. Plus, we just like to gamble.

Of course, no money match will ever live up to the hype of Neo vs. clockw0rk.

It’s a little absurd for a higher tier specialist to challenge a mid/lower tier specialist to a money match. Especially when the matchup is heavily skewed in a particular matchup’s favor. I think matchup numbers should really taken into consideration like as odds or something if this is the case. So if you are in an 8-2 matchup for example, you should have to put up 8 dollars to the other guy’s 2 dollars.