Afro Legends vs Damdai Money Match at EVO!

Exploding Godfinger ftw.

Let me fix that list.
Problem is choi and valle
don’t play as much as ganelon etc

  1. Afro
  2. Damdai
  3. Rizone
  4. Ganelon
  5. BoB
  6. Marsgattai
  7. DGV
  8. Sabin
  9. RealDecoy
  10. Muffin Man
  11. Kuroppi
  12. SteveTren

List goes on can’t remember everyones names

thats not a fix, its a joke

Uh, I’m pretty sure Valle plays more than Ganelon. I see him playing in every damn ST tourney and don’t ever hear anything about Ganelon. Also, other than the first 2 players on the list the order makes zero sense.

I’m going with afro on this one. Whipped me like 27-5 about a month ago. My butt still hurts.

I respect both these guys, it would be awesome to watch no matter the outcome…

Can Mars beat dhalsim players?

At the last King of GGPO tourny, I think Mars did beat Yito. Which is considered as a top sim player in north america. So yeah, Mars can beat sims.

Yes. yes he can. at SB, NEC and WB he has. Any that he has lost has be pixel losses nothing dominate.

Ganelon plays where comp will be and usually the first to request a tourney along with krost…

Valle plays at all tourneys but will admit verbally he is a step behind

Decoy is a family man now and when we last spoke coming out to regional tournies is hard so i dont know where he stands…

Steve should be higher on that list

Again I am just stating from offline tournys cause its a HUGE difference from online. no disrespect just i know settings are completely different.

Either way at EVO should show a good standing regardless… hope everyone is trying to make it out to these tournies… if not prepping for the ggpo tourny

Fix it? lol… so you’re the ultimate word about everything? lol, what a joke.

no way… embrace reality, i told you in the past and i’m telling you now, again, your guile is amazing.

so amazing that after the sever beat down phil received, he went home and started a family.

Papercut, how do you fare against Afro? I heard you were one of the best hawks in the nation.

I do alright, on a good day probably 50/50. But I’m no where near being best hawk in the nation. That title belongs to damdai.

Sorry to hijack thread a bit, but I wouldn’t mind playing Mars first to 10, $500 at Evo. I’ve played a lot of good guiles in the past (watson, choi, jabari) and I didn’t have many problems against them. I’m rusty and probably lost my mojo, but I love beating down Guile players.

Why does everyone have something to prove against mars? Dude gets respect and it’s like people can’t handle that someone is godlike with guile.

I’m interested in a $100 money match. FT10 or FT5 and will this be char lock? And when do you want to send money over to the middle man? I trust DGV to hold on to the money.

I prefer ft5, although if you want more matches, up to ft7 is fine with me. I won’t accept fewer matches than ft5 though. I don’t mind character switching but if you want a character lock, that works too as long as you indicate your character beforehand. In character locked matches, I’ll always pick claw.

If you decide to take this match, then once I get another $100 worth of confirmed matches, I’ll let you know about sending money. DGV is a reliable middleman choice and I’ll confirm with them to make sure. The payment deadline will likely be 1-2 weeks for everyone involved from the moment I have at least $200 in matches accounted for.

If I don’t reach the $200 threshold, then we won’t be bound by any agreement. If I don’t reach $200 but still make it to Evo, then I’m fine with either setting up an impromptu money match or sending our deposits beforehand. Just let me which game rules work best for you and if you accept these terms.

FT5 sounds good. Character locked, I’m not sure if I want to use new or old hawk yet. Let me know when you reach your 200 mark.

you don’t trust me :arazz: I’ll side bet on ganelon anyway haha